If they would, sure but they haven’t really shown that they are doing that.
It seems they have been taking preparations all gen long.
It's mostly the fact that they removed exclusivity for their first party titles, GamePass, full cross-platform play, shift towards xCloud and now reports of (possible) xCloud exclusive games.
If you really take a second to stop and think about it, it's basically phased preparations.
I mean sure Xbox One sales were weak in comparison to the PS4(not so much to the WiiU that died an unfortunate death) but it sold decently overall. PS4 was just a crazy success that shattered the ceiling and deservingly so.
You need to remember that we came from a neck-on-neck race last-gen, but MS had already dropped the ball during the second half of last-gen.
Add to that the original Xbox One plans, MS reducing half of the EU to Tier 2 countries and the rest of the world Tier 3, Phil Spencer who was supposed to 'save' the XOne but ultimately barely did anything and the world outside of US and UK basically saying FU to MS.
MS will have a really tough battle going into next-gen and xCloud isn't really showing MS' confidence in Scarlett.
I honestly believe the two consoles won’t be so lopsided, Sony will still sell more unless they somehow fuck it up but I think Scarlett will do better than the Xbox One.
(Aye that’s fine, though mods might yell at us lol)
Guess we'll find out next-gen, but I wouldn't get my hopes as a xbox fan.
Phil Spencer and his fans flip flop more than John Kerry. So much for his "not buying exclusives". More like 3rd parties knows its not worth losing sales on PS4 over whatever MS is paying. MS are now back to their roots.
Lol true.
They should just call it quits and become the next EA/Activision after next-gen.