I'm of two minds about those deals. At a glance, I think it's the opposite: I think Microsoft know cloud isn't growing or improving fast enough in those 10 years to meaningfully impact them. 10 years sounds like a long time, but due to the size of the cloud market against its in-built limitations (speed of light problem) it's akin to offering 10 year licenses for COD in the metaverse - the metaverse is more than 10 years away, so the license covering that period isn't really worth as much as one might think. Playing CoD, Diablo IV, Tony Hawk, or Guitar Hero in the cloud in a comparable manner to local compute devices? Not in this decade, as far as I can see. With that said, necessity is the mother of all invention, so my other mind kicks in: if ABK cloud deals are, effectively, free, then some startup might just have the incentive to figure out how to make cloud gaming work in order to get COD on their service - something that wouldn't happen without those deals, thus, spurring innovation and competition. Will it happen though? Who knows.