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Microsoft Announces Windows 10



Don't forget the Windows 8 twins.

They look so lonely in that picture...it looks like they are hoping someone will ask them out to go on a date but everyone is too busy or with someone.


10, eh?

Whatever works for Microsoft I guess.

Doesn't look too bad so far.

Let's just hope it doesn't end up like Vista. (Or insert other shitty Windows OS here.)
Is it me or do the new icons suck? They look rudimentary and dated[file explorer icon,etc] Nice to see the start menu back and i hope compatibility is really good with Windows 10.

What new icons? I still see Vista icons everywhere. Re-doing all of Windows' icons should be one of MS' top UI priorities.
They look so lonely in that picture...it looks like they are hoping someone will ask them out to go on a date but everyone is too busy or with someone.
..Now that you mention it that photo does kind of give off a lonely feel. Should have picked the photo of them building the computer. Anyhow, I do hope that Windows 10 gets a good personification, especially since they have been pumping out good character designs for awhile now.


That's pretty cool that Xbone will be getting a new OS, too. That's a huge opportunity to optimize and better the thing, it'll be awesome.
Seriously? People are griping over the numbering? They fell off the rails with naming at 95/NT/Me IMO.

The only thing I care about is that they seem to have listened to the biggest issues with 8 and made a 7-8 hybrid start bar. Does it justify a whole number jump? Maybe not, but at least it clears the pallet. 10 feels fresher than 9.


Say you want to "run autobat.exe" from a browser window talking about the cmd/command prompt.

You start->run->cmd (or start->cmd now a days)

Command Prompt shows up.

You've CTRL+C/X (copy/cut) to CTRL+V (paste) into the cmd window.

BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT: Windows 8<- won't let you do that. Because of stupid reasons despite this being able to be done in OS X and *NIX for a while.

Now with Windows 9--er--"10" you'll be able to CTRL+V directly instead of having to "right-click->paste" context menu.

As much as I'm a big command line/unix/shell guy, I'm not sure what is the big deal about CTRL-V. I'm usually selecting text with the mouse and then when I move to select the command prompt, I just do right-mouse click which is paste. It would be different if the command prompt had some sort of emacs mode that you have in bash.

I just want them to get rid of those fucking Vista icons.

What are the Vista icons that people don't like?
Seriously? People are griping over the numbering? They fell off the rails with naming at 95/NT/Me IMO.

The only thing I care about is that they seem to have listened to the biggest issues with 8 and made a 7-8 hybrid start bar. Does it justify a whole number jump? Maybe not, but at least it clears the pallet. 10 feels fresher than 9.

9 has prestige man, PRESTIGE. 7 does not eat 9, 9 is too gewd.
Anyone wanna bet that they skip 13 because it's considered an unlucky number and this was inception to forestall any criticism that they're being superstitious since non-consecutive numbering had a history with skipping 9 and "is normal".



I was just talking to someone that knows marketing really well. They said the right thing: "if Microsoft named it Windows 9, we wouldn't be talking about it right now. They did that to create more discussion, so people would talk about it more." Enthusiasts like us would probably still talk about its features, but other people are still talking about it mostly because of the name that drew attention.


I was just talking to someone that knows marketing really well. They said the right thing: "if Microsoft named it Windows 9, we wouldn't be talking about it right now. They did that to create more discussion, so people would talk about it more." Enthusiasts like us would probably still talk about its features, but other people are still talking about it mostly because of the name that drew attention.

They needed to do something to draw people's attention to their new Windows after all the negativity around Windows 8 as well, so it's not a bad naming choice.


Anyone wanna bet that they skip 13 because it's considered an unlucky number and this was inception to forestall any criticism that they're being superstitious since non-consecutive numbering had a history with skipping 9 and "is normal".


Somehow I doubt there will be a Windows 11 and 12 and they will be called something else. Once it gets to double figure the number loses its magic...just look at Firefox.

Oh and wouldn't it be funny for Valve to announce Half Life 4 now.


I decided to watch the entire A First Look at Windows 10 thing and nothing was shown. How far along is the OS anyway? :\
Everything starts from zero, and as long as Windows remains it can become 100, and that is why I am taking it upon myself to upgrade zero, back to 10.

So no one gets the free upgrade Microsoft promised to 8 owners, right? they said we would get 9 for free, not windows 10...


Junior Member
Windows 10 huh? If they were going to go and innovate the name like that, they should've went and gone all the way, name it WINDOWS 100.

Edit: damn beaten.
Windows 10 huh? If they were going to go and innovate the name like that, they should've went and gone all the way, name it WINDOWS 100.

Edit: damn beaten.

But then that would pace the way to Windows 1000 and that would eventually lead into Windows 2000? God damnit it Microsoft, your product naming is abysmal.
I think they've dug themself into a hole with Win 8 - now the market is forcing them back to Win 7 paradigms - so it's a design based on compromise after compromise between the two. This isn't a confidant new vision - it's an iterative retreat.

You can't do whatever you want when you fail and take bad gambles. It's a reality that other limited platforms can't be impeded by the changes made to how Windows looked and functioned out of the box. One of the main points to was affect or kill off x, y, z. Things like the iPad and Chrome books started treading water or declining for reasons that had little to do with W8 because it and most of the devices that ran it flopped for roughly 2 years. So, why not deemphasize things in light of new information.
Can someone explain to me why it took so long for us to be able to crtl-V into command prompt anyway?

The process that runs the consoles, csrss.exe, actually runs at a very elevated security level (it's an equivalent of winlogon.exe). So I'm guessing there were some sort of security implications or an abstraction that they didn't want to break. That's what the reason for these weird limitations tends to be.

My second guess is it was just carried over from the days when the console was command.com, which was a DOS process being run in an entirely different virtual machine, which therefore didn't even have access to the clipboard.

Edit: Looks like Raymond Chen has written about this. He doesn't mention Ctrl+V explicitly but I think the rationale applies to it as well.



Huh? What did I say? Did I screw up again? :(
I just read the The Verge's "10sion" article. The article literally reads like a typical Windows 8 GAF thread. It had no insight or critical thought. I was literally copy-paste twitter one-liners with the article acting like the band to the procession of ignorance. I feel dumb for having given them clicks.
I just read the The Verge's "10sion" article. The article literally reads like a typical Windows 8 GAF thread. It had no insight or critical thought. I was literally copy-paste twitter one-liners with the article acting like the band to the procession of ignorance. I feel dumb for having given them clicks.

Posted that article in the other thread, and yeah, The Verge is a joke.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
You can't do whatever you want when you fail and take bad gambles. It's a reality that other limited platforms can't be impeded by the changes made to how Windows looked and functioned out of the box. One of the main points to was affect or kill off x, y, z. Things like the iPad and Chrome books started treading water or declining for reasons that had little to do with W8 because it and most of the devices that ran it flopped for roughly 2 years. So, why not deemphasize things in light of new information.

It actually is a good point that maybe this "all tablet future" is not as sure as it was a few years ago.

But I'm just miffed that instead of getting a fresh vision of Windows... we've getting some in-between compromise with the best ideas of 1995 (which is not really a compliment!) and the worst ideas of 2011.

Microsoft is actually unable to make a Windows that is fresh... they have to please their millions of old-school users, and they also have to shoe-horn in the failed pieces of Win 8 (you've got an app store to continue and you've got tablet users of Windows now).

I might save the money for a Mac for my next laptop... they have to please their old users too, but they can make their big new operating system focused on a fresh coat of paint and a handful of awesome features. That's what I want from an OS right now... not the massaging of two old ideas into something that still looks ugly.

Red Comet

It's to make people with Windows 7 or 8 feel like they have really outdated software. Same thing with NVIDIA going from the GTX 700 series to the 900 series.

That's my theory anyway.


Maybe "ten" is Japanese for nine or something. They should let the American subsidiary announce this stuff.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
It's to make people with Windows 7 or 8 feel like they have really outdated software. Same thing with NVIDIA going from the GTX 700 series to the 900 series.

That's my theory anyway.

That's not a bad point. I'm sure at least someone in the marketing department had that thought. They really want to get people off the 7 teet.
Things like the iPad and Chrome books started treading water or declining for reasons that had little to do with W8

It actually is a good point that maybe this "all tablet future" is not as sure as it was a few years ago.

I think the iPad is starting a decline for three reasons.

1. Competition from Android tablets
2. Phones are getting bigger, and are crowding out the niche that tablets occupy.
3. And yes, people are starting to get disillusioned at the lofty promises Apple made about our glorious tablet future.

I don't really see an indication that Chromebooks are in decline. They started out very slow but they seem to be really picking up now. You can argue that they will follow a similar trajectory, but I'm not seeing the evidence yet.


They look so lonely in that picture...it looks like they are hoping someone will ask them out to go on a date but everyone is too busy or with someone.

Maybe if they didn't insist on hanging out together all the time, people wouldn't be scared off. A lot of people aren't ready for dating twins.


Can you have desktops in the cloud with files? So you can have things like work or personal files just the way you want them wherever?


All I do with Windows is browse the net, watch movies and video clips, play games, write documents and do some graphics/video/audio stuff. Rather basic stuff.

So, what I've wanted from each new major version since Windows XP is for Microsoft to keep the desktop mouse+keyboard UI intact, since it's pretty much perfect, but make each new version faster yet less resource-hungry for programs and games.

I've read that Windows 8.1 is indeed faster than Windows 7 SP1 and hope that the trend continues with Windows 10. Don't know if it's lighter, though. It'd be awesome if WinTen would have a file system built from the ground up for SSDs and things like that.
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