I love not having the charm bar or the stupid hot corners pop up uninvited.
Seems to be running so smoothly I may even give it the "67 year-old parents" crash test on the weekend. The store is still sad though.
Does anyone know keyboard shortcuts for virtual desktops?
I don't like that moving the cursor in a circle covers up whatever you were doing with a full screen Bing search and an animated Clippy suggesting questionable terms. I'd prefer a button for that.
so theyre launching windows 10 to insiders now but it will be a year later before the consumer version launches... that's a ridiculously long lead time....
Not really, it's about par for the course for most Windows beta releases.so theyre launching windows 10 to insiders now but it will be a year later before the consumer version launches... that's a ridiculously long lead time....
so theyre launching windows 10 to insiders now but it will be a year later before the consumer version launches... that's a ridiculously long lead time....
so theyre launching windows 10 to insiders now but it will be a year later before the consumer version launches... that's a ridiculously long lead time....
We don't know. Still a rumor.
They won't talk about licensing, pricing and SKU's until next year, closer to release.
Anyone using Windows 10 is there any way to enable snap mode?
In 8.1 I snapped an IRC client to the side of the screen and could then maximise windows in the desktop and they won't overlap
Now that you mention it, the charm bar doesn't work on my machine either. Do I have to turn it on or something?
So, how stable is this build so far? I don't have much space to create a new partition, so if I did install it, it would be on my main computer. I know MS suggests that you install it on a secondary computer, but if it's stable enough I wouldn't mind just biting the bullet and using it on my main PC. I also have an Asus T100; would I be able to test it out there instead?
It's only accessible by touch now, IIRC.
getting rid of the ridiculous faux-maxLength for the path names.
that is a file system limitation of ntfs. that would have to change not Windows
dependings what you plan to do honestly. for me it's fine.''
ugh. that sucks. i used it all the time too
you could turn off that fade effect on UAC since Vista I believe.Also UAC no longer flashes the screen black, so I can stand to leave it on.
It’s simply Windows 10, marking a jump from the mixed reception of Windows 8
Anyone using Windows 10 is there any way to enable snap mode?
In 8.1 I snapped an IRC client to the side of the screen and could then maximise windows in the desktop and they won't overlap
It's only accessible by touch now, IIRC.
Oh come on i liked how easy it made it to switch from my main computer monitor to my television or any combination of displays easily
You can still access it, just hit win + c. There's just no mouse gesture for it anymore as far as I can tell.
You can still access it, just hit win + c. There's just no mouse gesture for it anymore as far as I can tell.
I can't even make it work with win + c, even if you enable the start screen instead of start menu it won't work - i think the charms bar is not working correctly at all in the current build.
As per the settings though, it does appear that it can be enabled in all modes (touch and desktop).
I can't even make it work with win + c, even if you enable the start screen instead of start menu it won't work - i think the charms bar is not working correctly at all in the current build.
As per the settings though, it does appear that it can be enabled in all modes (touch and desktop).
Weird, the charm bar is working fine for me. I wonder what's causing it to break for some and work for others
All I want from Windows 10 is tabs for Windows Explorer and getting rid of the ridiculous faux-maxLength for the path names.
did you do a fresh install or kept old stuff? i kept old stuff. idk if that affects it or not.
Hmm, i did a fresh install to and i can't get it to work at all, i haven't restarted the Windows 10 build since last night so I'll have another try.Weird, the charm bar is working fine for me. I wonder what's causing it to break for some and work for others
How anyone can think this font rendering looks good or acceptable is beyond me.
The font rendering seems tuned for hi dpi monitors. It looks really good on my SP3. But yeah, that image is horrendous.
That sounds like what they showed on continuum mode. Once they introduce it, we can vote for options like I want the continuum menu, but for apps to stay windowed, and stuff like that.My one big complaint with the preview is that my Synaptic touchpad's two finger panning doesn't actually do anything inside of windows. Therefore, I need to either click / drag scroll bars or rely on my touch screen to scroll and pan in windows. I don't know if it's a driver or OS issue, though, so I won't blame Microsoft so quickly, but it is the one thing that's making me not want to stay on Windows 10 right now.
Other than that, I'm loving the OS so far. It doesn't feel too different from Windows 8.1 though, which is why I am excited to try the final Windows 10. I'm sure there'll be plenty of little changes that'll appease me (like how Windows 8 added a new file copy window and task manager).
Here are some lesser problems and other things I wish for:
- I don't like how Windows 8 apps I own but don't have installed are showing up in my Start Menu in Windows 10 as something like, "Where's My Water? (Install)". I would rather they didn't show up at all.
- I wish that I could organize all of my Windows 8 apps at the beginning or end of the Start Menu app / program list, just like in Windows 8.
- What I hated about the Win 8 start menu was not the Live Tiles, but instead the organization of all the programs. I would be happy if I could have full screen live tiles just like Windows 8, but with the more traditional start menu on the left side. Or, at the very least I'd love if I could horizontally AND vertically resize the Live Tiles view (not just vertically resize like it is now).