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Microsoft Announces Windows 10

Skype (metro) is kinda crashy, will disappear at random. Also keeps asking if mic and webcam are allowed at startup, which can be hidden under other windows or displayed on the wrong monitor.

I'll probably switch back to the desktop version anyway seeing as I only used the metro version for the snap.

Hopefully these duplicated apps disappear in favor of single, universal apps, that are just as capable as the desktop versions, and adapt their interface based on input. If they don't go that route I'll be extremely disappointed in Win10...


Hopefully these duplicated apps disappear in favor of single, universal apps, that are just as capable as the desktop versions, and adapt their interface based on input. If they don't go that route I'll be extremely disappointed in Win10...

On the other hand, I'll be super pissed if I can't use Metro IE on my SP3 with a taskbar.That and having to set IE to default to even use it are my only real complaints with it.
Hopefully these duplicated apps disappear in favor of single, universal apps, that are just as capable as the desktop versions, and adapt their interface based on input. If they don't go that route I'll be extremely disappointed in Win10...
they're so pointless, just get rid of em and keep improving real programs/apps to make it seamless, none of this pseudo apps/programs shit they're pulling that makes absolutely no sense.


I hope they add some transitions and gestures like we see in OSX. 4-finger swiping to move between desktops is the best thing ever.

Maybe not quite what you're looking for, but if you have a touch screen or touchpad then swiping in from the left edge will activate Task view, allowing you to quickly switch between apps or desktops.


lol can't believe they fixed the command prompt paste thing, that was really annoying.

- Click on the command prompt window icon (top left)
- Click on "Defaults"
- Go to "Options"
- Check "QuickEdit Mode"

This way you can copy by simply highlighting and paste by pressing the right mouse button.


- Click on the command prompt window icon (top left)
- Click on "Defaults"
- Go to "Options"
- Check "QuickEdit Mode"

This way you can copy by simply highlighting and paste by pressing the right mouse button.

I had that enabled in powershell (which everyone should be using instead of cmd, IMO).

I then have powershell linked to a shortcut in my main user folder (e.g. C:\Users\YourName\) called bash

I hit the windows key, type in bash, and then hit enter


Wait, so does Windows 10 now have workspaces like most Linux desktops do? (not sure what it's called on Mac)


There's currently no animation to it.

The taskbar is shared between workspaces so if you want to open a second instance of an app you'll have to right click on the icon (long hold on touch) to get the option to do it. Otherwise clicking on an app will quickly flip you to the workspace that has the app running on it.



There's currently no animation to it.

The taskbar is shared between workspaces so if you want to open a second instance of an app you'll have to right click on the icon (long hold on touch) to get the option to do it. Otherwise clicking on an app will quickly flip you to the workspace that has the app running on it.

Sweet, that's a feature I've wanted for a long time in Windows. I use it all the time in Ubuntu.



There's currently no animation to it.

The taskbar is shared between workspaces so if you want to open a second instance of an app you'll have to right click on the icon (long hold on touch) to get the option to do it. Otherwise clicking on an app will quickly flip you to the workspace that has the app running on it.

Shift + left click doesn't work?


never left the stone age
Worth it to upgrade to the preview version? I ran the Windows 8 preview for a couple of months with no issue, it's up on Dreamspark now and I'm curious.


Worth it to upgrade to the preview version? I ran the Windows 8 preview for a couple of months with no issue, it's up on Dreamspark now and I'm curious.

I had some fairly funky issues due in part to a second windows install on the same system (search wound find items on the other windows install, including programs that didn't work). I'm not sure I can recommend it if the problems I had are commonplace. It definitely had some "beta" oddities here and there but is very nice overall.


I kinda missed the charms bar, and the quick way to manage brightness and volume on my laptop - but this is probably a muscle memory thing.
Worth it to upgrade to the preview version? I ran the Windows 8 preview for a couple of months with no issue, it's up on Dreamspark now and I'm curious.

I'm enjoying it. I've only had minor issues, which is impressive for an OS which is a bit under a year out. As long as you accept there will be bugs, and are tech literate, I would recommend it. Plus, its nice being able to give them feedback early on when they can still change things.


As Joe B said on Twitter, just because the build might be stable for you now, don't assume it'll stay the same or get better. Things could easily become less stable as newer features are introduced, before the final version is out.

Same rule stands now as before: If you are asking "should I install the Windows 10 preview?", the answer is almost always going to be "no".


As Joe B said on Twitter, just because the build might be stable for you now, don't assume it'll stay the same or get better. Things could easily become less stable as newer features are introduced, before the final version is out.

Same rule stands now as before: If you are asking "should I install the Windows 10 preview?", the answer is almost always going to be "no".
Thanks Debbie Downer.


I kinda missed the charms bar, and the quick way to manage brightness and volume on my laptop - but this is probably a muscle memory thing.

I think they said charms bar is still there for touch. I'd certainly miss it on my SP3, but not at all on my desktop


As Joe B said on Twitter, just because the build might be stable for you now, don't assume it'll stay the same or get better. Things could easily become less stable as newer features are introduced, before the final version is out.

Same rule stands now as before: If you are asking "should I install the Windows 10 preview?", the answer is almost always going to be "no".

So we should be saying, "I want to install it."



I'm keeping it installed on my home gaming desktop and my Surface Pro 3 (my primary work machine), just with the knowledge that things could go badly, so all my stuff is backed up. I also have an image backup so I can go back to 8.1 if necessary.

I'm keeping it installed on my home gaming desktop and my Surface Pro 3 (my primary work machine), just with the knowledge that things could go badly, so all my stuff is backed up. I also have an image backup so I can go back to 8.1 if necessary.

Why not just dual boot?


has calmed down a bit.
Man, this thing is pretty great. It's gonna be huge, so many normals hate the start screen on 8. I don't, but my wife and a lot of other people do.


The parents test has been passed with flying colors. They hated the live tiles on the Win 8 start screen. On the start menu they love them.

Now let's wait and see what the new build that's supposedly coming up will break.
The tech preview is really solid so far. I've yet to get any sort of crash or issues. Something weird i've noticed though is that win + shift + arrow key used to move the selected window to another monitor, but it doesn't do this any more. Is there a different shortcut now to switch which monitor a window is displaying on?


New build?

Any minute now.

@GabeAul: Wait for it...wait for it... #Windows10 #WindowsInsiders
Nice! Go go gadget update!

Animations are in there now for virtual desktops. Woot!

They also have a new option in the builds to toggle between "Fast" and "Slow" updates. Fast means that you get the new updates the day they come out, and slow means it will take a bit more time. Personally I'm leaving my desktop on Slow, but my laptop will be on the Fast train.


I hope this new build fixes the massive memory leak in Application Frame Host and notifications not working for the Mail app.


Unconfirmed Member
Had to change my boot order to get past the "Loading operating system..." screen after the initial install, not sure why that was a problem but hey.

Edit: Had to manually start the Steam service otherwise it refused to login.

The Cowboy

Man that took ages, i swear the OS installed faster than this preview update. Hate the fact that moderns apps top bar have gone back to being black, they no longer matches your desktop colour theme.


My computer has been booting almost as quickly as waking from sleep since I put 10 on it. I have UEFI+SSD, but it does feel faster than Win 8 did on the same hardware.

will MS please kill windows media player? I hate unsupported apps.
Don't you touch WMP! (Unless it's an update)
LAV Filters makes it my player of choice.

IIRC, I noticed MKV files were associated to WMP before I installed anything else. Older versions of Windows didn't natively recognize the format. I wonder if this means native MKV support is coming like on the XB1. (And thus an update to WMP)


My computer has been booting almost as quickly as waking from sleep since I put 10 on it. I have UEFI+SSD, but it does feel faster than Win 8 did on the same hardware.

Don't you touch WMP! (Unless it's an update)
LAV Filters makes it my player of choice.

IIRC, I noticed MKV files were associated to WMP before I installed anything else. Older versions of Windows didn't natively recognize the format. I wonder if this means native MKV support is coming like on the XB1. (And thus an update to WMP)

Why on earth would you still be using Windows Media Player when alternatives like Media Player Classic HC and Media Player Classic BE (Black Edition) are out there?

They even have the LAV Filters built in.
Do these updates work on compatibility or is it for bugs only? Never used a preview and this is my first time so i was wondering. I like that the network icon on the bottom right now brings it up in a window vs the side panel.
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