Yeah I just uninstalled those apps and reinstalled them from the store.
Problem solved. Thanks.
Yeah I just uninstalled those apps and reinstalled them from the store.
I skipped all of them so far.
Time for Surface phone.
x86 (ultra low power) Lumia, 5" screen, small keyboard attachment.
A phone with desktop mode. Could be pretty great actually. I'm unsure whether or not the ultra low end intel stuff is viable yet though.
Microsoft finally fixed the Surface Pro 2 battery issues!
Are you installing by USB? I had the same with my laptop but not PC or server, for some reason using a USB stick with the NTFS file system doesn't install it correctly, using FAT32 worked.So I am trying to install the preview on my Surface Pro 1. It downloads, reboots, goes through the whole install, reboots (seemingly done) but then Windows 8 comes back up with no errors or anything.
What gives?
Are you installing by USB? I had the same with my laptop but not PC or server, for some reason using a USB stick with the NTFS file system doesn't install it correctly, using FAT32 worked.
If you used the Microsoft USB creation tool, copy all of the files to a folder somewhere on your PC, reformat the drive to FAT32, then just add them back, causes no issues with boot.
Paul Thurrott is often difficult to listen to but his comments on this weeks Windows Weekly were pretty stupid. He brushed off everyone's complaints with the current preview build with basically "I've been using Windows for a long time so I can tell you for sure it's better and they don't know what they're talking about" and when people in the stream commented on how the touch experience on their tablets was really bad with the current build his response was "well I have to question why people are using Windows on a tablet in the first place". Uh, thanks Paul, very helpful.
So I am trying to install the preview on my Surface Pro 1. It downloads, reboots, goes through the whole install, reboots (seemingly done) but then Windows 8 comes back up with no errors or anything.
What gives?
MS already has full windows running on 7 inch tablets with only 1GB of RAM. 2GB less than my phone.
Surely a 6 inch phablet with even a "mobile tailored" version of W10 that can connect to a monitor and run "universal office" and such is next on the table.
Techradar said:If you appreciate the ability to run full Win32 apps on a tablet form factor smaller than 8 inches, you should pick up any one of the existing 7-inch tablet models before Windows 10 officially launches. According to Microsoft Operating Systems Group corporate vice president Joe Belfiore, new Windows 10 hardware with displays smaller than 8 inches will not ship with the classic desktop environment and cannot run legacy apps.
Haven't listened to the new one yet, but yeah sometimes he can be hard to listen to, sometimes he is on point though.
Does anybody else have issues playing youtube videos with chrome on windows 10?
That's not what I'm talking about though.
Microsoft finally fixed the Surface Pro 2 battery issues!
Build 9933 showing up for me now. Let's see if I can download it this time.
YouTube is always fucked up on PC chrome. I tried watching a Doctor Who mini episode and it wouldn't advance. It played fine on my phone though.
Have they said if we'll be able to disable the new start menu and revert back to 8.1's Start Screen?
No and i doubt it. The new start screen is far from perfect, but we are still 6 months or so from release so there will be a lot of tweaking and adjusting coming. I'm looking forward to the transparent start screen.
No and i doubt it. The new start screen is far from perfect, but we are still 6 months or so from release so there will be a lot of tweaking and adjusting coming. I'm looking forward to the transparent start screen.
Have they said if we'll be able to disable the new start menu and revert back to 8.1's Start Screen?
So is it known that the charms bar is gone forever never to turn not even in consumer builds?
Is there a list of shit that's bad about the Start screen? Conceptually, it seemed like a perfect mix of what everyone wanted, but all I hear are complaints now.
Guys, the start screen you're looking at now in the January Tech Preview is extremely early. It's not at all representative of functionality that will be there by the time Windows 10 ships.
That's good to know but it doesn't hurt to give our feedback now while it's still early, in case these issues weren't already clear to the team.
Is there a list of shit that's bad about the Start screen? Conceptually, it seemed like a perfect mix of what everyone wanted, but all I hear are complaints now.
So Chrome has had abysmal performance for me for a while, but now it seems even worse on Windows 10. Is anyone else seeing this?
I'll be browsing and open a new tab in the background, and Chrome will just die for 20-30 seconds while it's loading that tab.
This is on a Core i5 Surface Pro 3, not a sluggish device. What the heck is going on? IE and Firefox don't have problems anything like this.
It gets even worse with a page with gifs on it, but even without it it's terrible.
So Chrome has had abysmal performance for me for a while, but now it seems even worse on Windows 10. Is anyone else seeing this?
I'll be browsing and open a new tab in the background, and Chrome will just die for 20-30 seconds while it's loading that tab.
This is on a Core i5 Surface Pro 3, not a sluggish device. What the heck is going on? IE and Firefox don't have problems anything like this.
It gets even worse with a page with gifs on it, but even without it it's terrible.
So Chrome has had abysmal performance for me for a while, but now it seems even worse on Windows 10. Is anyone else seeing this?
I'll be browsing and open a new tab in the background, and Chrome will just die for 20-30 seconds while it's loading that tab.
Is anyone can test the beta version of Windows 10 ? i really want to give it a shot ...
The current preview build just on its own with anything running makes my sp3 very hot, which I believe turns the throttling every time and makes the overall experience very poor.So Chrome has had abysmal performance for me for a while, but now it seems even worse on Windows 10. Is anyone else seeing this?
I'll be browsing and open a new tab in the background, and Chrome will just die for 20-30 seconds while it's loading that tab.
This is on a Core i5 Surface Pro 3, not a sluggish device. What the heck is going on? IE and Firefox don't have problems anything like this.
It gets even worse with a page with gifs on it, but even without it it's terrible.
I had that problem a few months ago but it hasn't re-occurred since I disabled hardware acceleration. Whether that's relevant to a SP3, I'm not sure.
The current preview build just on its own with anything running makes my sp3 very hot, which I believe turns the throttling every time and makes the overall experience very poor.
Yesterday I was editing a excel worksheet, and performance was pretty terrible, like locking for seconds when scroll the sheet, sometimes even blacking out the screen for a while. Granted it was full of formulas but an i5 shouldn't have that much issue with that.
On chrome I can't even watch a video without some heavy stuttering, where before I could have some simultaneous streams that wouldn't stutter like that.