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Microsoft Announces Windows 10

I think a big problem with Metro's aesthetic is the icons are very inconsistent and ugly as fuck half of the time. Sometimes for the sake of being different it just ends up being inconsistent you get some shit like this:


There are a million custom minimalist iOS themes that are have more consistency in their icons than Metro. Inconsistency also makes it look busier and messier when you port it to platforms like mobile and X1.

That's a pre-beta screenshot from Windows 8. Some of the icons have changed. But what bothered me a lot more since Windows 8, after coming from Windows Phone at that time, were the different colored tiles in combination with the purple background.

Google has the flat design nailed down, imo, and I was hoping we'd get a significant refresh of Metro with Windows 10 on PC and phones.

It never looked or felt right to me, compared to Windows Phone.


I think a big problem with Metro's aesthetic is the icons are very inconsistent and ugly as fuck half of the time. Sometimes for the sake of being different it just ends up being inconsistent you get some shit like this:

There are a million custom minimalist iOS themes that are have more consistency in their icons than Metro. Inconsistency also makes it look busier and messier when you port it to platforms like mobile and X1.

What you posted is pretty consistent and good looking. However, the problem arises when you add other programs: desktop or metro (BTW is there a good alternative to the term? "windows store apps" sounds kind of weird) that don't have minimalistic white icons on single-colored backgrounds.


What you posted is pretty consistent and good looking. However, the problem arises when you add other programs: desktop or metro (BTW is there a good alternative to the term? "windows store apps" sounds kind of weird) that don't have minimalistic white icons on single-colored backgrounds.

"Modern" is the term MS uses I think.
Getting apps/updates from local network Pcs and being able to move installed apps between storage devices (even desktop apps) are two little great features discovered in 1036.


having several PCs in the same network just dl updates once.. Install windows on a new device and connect it to local network and now don't need to wait for windows update! if it works like that it's so great. I have like 5 PCs at home now...
Soooo.... no new build today, and we won't receive 1036 (figured as much when dLMN8R talked about his experience with it)

But no word on whether the build we will be getting will be newer or when will we receive it.

it just never happens for me, been like this for the last few builds now... I'm also on build 9926 btw

The start menu in 9926 was a first release version of the start menu being an universal app, so hopefully by now they have a more stable and feature rich version of it.


Soooo.... no new build today, and we won't receive 1036 (figured as much when dLMN8R talked about his experience with it)

But no word on whether the build we will be getting will be newer or when will we receive it.

The start menu in 9926 was a first release version of the start menu being an universal app, so hopefully by now they have a more stable and feature rich version of it.

Microsoft flat-out said in their Windows 10 Update Frequency blog post that the company avoids putting updates out on Mondays and Fridays.


Are they really going to stick with the current look for the foreseeable future? Those brightly coloured tiles on a purple background is why I just refuse to use Windows as my home or laptop OS, and why the company I work for is on 7, Are they not getting feedback that tons of customers are turned off by the visuals of the OS? Could they not find something (anything) more attractive? I really don't understand it. It looked like clown vomit when they unveiled 8, now I have tons of experience with 8 and it still looks like clown vomit to me. Frustrating, as I'd love to be happy to use the latest Windows OS.

I moved two family members to Windows 8 and it was nightmarish for them (and thus also for me as I helped them out). I really do hope this one is better but I'm not seeing it.

Can't wait for flat design to die a death. Wanted to cry when I updated my Apple stuff to their flat OS.
If it helps, your background doesn't HAVE to be purple.

I dunno if OlbyTile still works but you can change your tiles to other things with that.


That's a pre-beta screenshot from Windows 8. Some of the icons have changed. But what bothered me a lot more since Windows 8, after coming from Windows Phone at that time, were the different colored tiles in combination with the purple background.

Google has the flat design nailed down, imo, and I was hoping we'd get a significant refresh of Metro with Windows 10 on PC and phones.

It never looked or felt right to me, compared to Windows Phone.

Google has the worst UI design in the world on PC, I can never find wtf I want in the settings of any of their sites.


How will the upgrade work? I have Win 7, but if I want to do a clean install can I? What if I want to do a reinstall (e.g. new SSD) after the 1-year upgrade window?


Junior Member
Google has the flat design nailed down, imo, and I was hoping we'd get a significant refresh of Metro with Windows 10 on PC and phones.

It never looked or felt right to me, compared to Windows Phone.

They do? Material Design isn't "flat".
Microsoft flat-out said in their Windows 10 Update Frequency blog post that the company avoids putting updates out on Mondays and Fridays.

They did? I think I missed that part then, it would have saved me from the whole day anxiety, lol

Well, there's always tomorrow :p


Does cortana on the taskbar have to take so much space, just the circle icon would do then bring up a search box once clicked


I'm wondering if that includes service pack updates. It usually take until service pack 1 for them to get the OS working properly.

All updates are free for the "lifetime of the device".

The current desktop look as seen in the Hello/Passport announcement video.


That looks pretty nice, but it still looks a little strange with a mix of wire frame icons with regular colour ones. That will always be a problem with 3rd party apps, but I wonder if all MS default ones will eventually get the wire frame treatment. Similar to this leaked concept (that is if it was even real):

I'm wondering if that includes service pack updates. It usually take until service pack 1 for them to get the OS working properly.
Windows has always included service pack updates to all users, can't imagine that would change particularly in their more focused push with Win 10 to get everyone on the latest OS.

That said, it looks like they are taking a more regular updating process to Win 10 than service packs (although there will be a service pack-like option for enterprise if they don't want to update as frequently).
Hoping they go full wireframe, it's a much nicer look. I don't hate the revealed icons as much as some seem to, though. The folders are pretty bad, but I like the rest.


Jesus Christ they are fucking awful it's as if we are "de-evolving" and going back to something as simplistic as GEM-DOS. I really hate this "simplistic" design. If Win10 does end up looking like that I can see Win7 having a verrrrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyy long lifespan.

Fuck Windows 7, 8.1 is GOAT.

No way I'm upgrading to this garbage if they don't fix the icons, simple as that.

Why is someone getting paid to make an icon of a floppy disk in 2015?


I'm surprised how annoyed people are at icons. Do people actually have their desktop on view, not a browser page or whatever?
I'm surprised how annoyed people are at icons. Do people actually have their desktop on view, not a browser page or whatever?

Don't you ever use windows explorer or in any way browse/search for files on your disk? I try to keep a clean desktop, but more often than not I'm forced to go search/browse my PC for files, which means I have to look at icons.

Anyway, I don't like the interface but the truth is that since Windows XP I've always been using the Windows 98 interface, heh. I'm one of those. My opinion doesn't count :p
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