Spent some time with the new build. The icons, people weren't kidding...
Did they seriously spent the past two months just drawing those ugly icons? (No, I don't care about stability updates =P). Nothing has been fixed on the interface.
This shouldn't take more than 1 minute:
Also this:
And it seems Microsoft is still ignoring mouse/keyboard users. With Modern apps, you can't search a list box by typing the word (if you don't know what I mean, open windows+r and type "control international", go to "location", click on the country list and type a country name).
That search separate but integrated with the Start menu is still a mess. Just give me the Windows 7 search back. I don't want to use fucking Bing. And there's still no proper context menu there.
Does Microsoft really intend to release W10 in 2015 at all? I guess they can go for the AAA game release model (ship broken product -> patch hoping to fix it)