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Microsoft Announces Windows 10


Huh, interesting. Well I'll see what it offers and what the deal is with 8 getting any upgrades. I'm excited for DirectX12 mainly.


So they canceled the update for Windows 8 that they promised would have brought a start menu by now in favor of the next version of Windows. And now we're finding out the next version of Windows doesn't drop until late next year. Good job reeling me in to install Windows 8 with the bait and switch, guys.

Also, I love the explanation that they're calling it 10 because "it's so different from 8." Clearly that's not the real reason seeing as this looks exactly like Windows 8 with Start8 and ModernMix installed. Oh, and you get a clone of Exposé, Ctrl+V works on the command line (something that should've been done ages ago), and multiple desktops. So the UI is pretty much the same, functionality gets some minor additions, but for the most part it just addresses the glaring issues in 8.

Wow, what a total game changer.

I don't know if you followed the whole event, but its focus was completely on Enterprise. We won't get more details until January for the Consumer version. Then we'll have more details on UI, deals and more. If you have some time, google the UI that was on the first Windows 8 preview. It was exactly the same of Windows 7. Yes, including the Start Menu.


This defies my logic on so many levels...

Now I have to actually decide whether to stick with 7 forever or go to 8.1

If your problem is desktop usability, they've clearly stated that's a primary goal of windows 10. Plus 8.1 has fixed most of the problems 8 had for desktop users, though some still require fiddling with options, like booting to desktop.

Ugh...Really Microsoft!?

You are putting in Internet Search Results inside an internal search bar???
WTF, the whole point of the search bar is to find stuff on your computer and not useless crap on the internet.

I'm sure you can disable it and that it's secondary to local search, just like the sort of not quite version of this that Windows 8.1 has


Ugh...Really Microsoft!?

You are putting in Internet Search Results inside an internal search bar???
WTF, the whole point of the search bar is to find stuff on your computer and not useless crap on the internet.


looking great!

Ugh...Really Microsoft!?

You are putting in Internet Search Results inside an internal search bar???
WTF, the whole point of the search bar is to find stuff on your computer and not useless crap on the internet.

You can disable it, hopefully


WTF is up with Microsoft now knowing how to number things.

Xbox -> Xbox 360 -> Xbox One
They're just attempting to reinvent the number system. Humanity just needs to follow. How are we supposed to evolve if we still think 3 comes after 2? Even GabeN stops at 2 when counting and thinks about what the fuck is going on with our corrupt number system. This is why they're struggling with Half Life "3".
Best operating system demo I ever saw was that Ubuntu one that worked across phone, tablet, and desktop seamlessly.

I don't think it ever got finished, but it looked really slick and actually very functional.
Can't wait for the commercials, I wonder what random ass pop song they'll use this time.

They should go german, or better yet Japanese! Or even better, get a Japnaese singer to remake "Honestly, I wanna see you be brave!"

Complete with dancing girl scouts for some reason and breakdancing UPS men.


Holy fuck, 4 snaps at once, and MULTIPLE DESKTOPS.

This is awesome. I'm finally gonna upgrade from 7...

These are great features, but I'd still wait and see what else is going on before jumping into it as a certainty. Those features you listed along with others they showed today like universal search have been a staple of many linux distros for a long time and macs to varying degrees too. Would be great to see their touted improvements on the consumer side and if they are more genuine steps forward than what is already out there


Not bitter, just unsweetened
They're just attempting to reinvent the number system. Humanity just needs to follow. How are we supposed to evolve if we still think 3 comes after 2? Even GabeN stops at 2 when counting and thinks about what the fuck is going on with our corrupt number system. This is why they're struggling with Half Life "3".

Gabe used to work for MS
What's up with Microsoft's naming conventions lately? First Xbox One (D'oh!) and now Windows 10. How about Windows 1000, since 1000>10? But then, I guess that would mean Windows 2000 is better than Windows 1000


I really, really like what I'm seeing so far.

The one thing about Windows 8 that I liked the sound of was a platform which could run a single application across a phone, tablet, laptop, and desktop. It was ultimately the opposite of what I wanted, then; I wanted a unified platform with different interfaces for each type of hardware, but instead I got different platforms with a unified interface.

This is much better. Not only am I excited for Windows 10 now, but I may honestly consider Windows mobile hardware in the future if this platform is successful. I'll wait just to make sure, but it's off to a much better start with me than 8 was.


After watching the introductory video, I feel Windows 10 is marginally different than Windows 7.

Windows 7 is excellent. I don't know what much more can be done, probably little things, but I just don't see anything drastic in Windows 10.

Windows 10 is a very ambitious name and I don't think there ready for it. They should've kept it at Windows 9.
I really hope they finish up the homogenisation of the menus. Right now it's a bit of a horrible Frankenstein of redundant menus in some cases, often with different but overlapping features. Similarly, I hope they go back to the Win7 way of handling folder permissions, as well as the old over-write dialogue. Those are the things that make me feel all cosy when I go back to Win 7.


I really, really like what I'm seeing so far.

The one thing about Windows 8 that I liked the sound of was a platform which could run a single application across a phone, tablet, laptop, and desktop. It was ultimately the opposite of what I wanted, then; I wanted a unified platform with different interfaces for each type of hardware, but instead I got different platforms with a unified interface.

This is much better. Not only am I excited for Windows 10 now, but I may honestly consider Windows mobile hardware in the future if this platform is successful. I'll wait just to make sure, but it's off to a much better start with me than 8 was.

The UI on the Surface Pro 3 is great. However, the windows store is missing a lot of apps--not remotely a problem on the SP3 because it's a real PC, but I can see it being a problem on phones. Though for all I know there's phone-only apps. If Google apps were on Windows/phone I'd feel a lot better about jumping in on it. Emulators and twitter aside, most things I use on my Nexus 5 are direct from Google.
The video is awesome.

"Hi...I'm Joe Belforie with the Windows Team <what feels like the longest awkward pause EVER> we're happy to have you join in—"


Ugh...Really Microsoft!?

You are putting in Internet Search Results inside an internal search bar???
WTF, the whole point of the search bar is to find stuff on your computer and not useless crap on the internet.

You can pick where and what it searches. The Internet is just an option.
After watching the introductory video, I feel Windows 10 is marginally different than Windows 7.

Windows 7 is excellent. I don't know what much more can be done, probably little things, but I just don't see anything drastic in Windows 10.

The whole point of Windows 10 is to allow the Windows desktop experience to be more like the desktop experience that people are used to.

But then you can also use all your stuff in the context of new mobile user experiences.


Having apps work across every device is cool. How does the Xbox One play in to this? is the console itself getting Windows 10 or is it just gonna be a UI face lift?


Why doesn't Microsoft just buy Stardock?

All Microsoft seems to do is wait for Stardock to implement a feature then pretend they had a great idea 7 months later.


We won't get anything official on that until early next year.

On the Windows blog they have an image with devices the far right has a kinect with Forza Horizon 2 and Ori on the screen so there's hope.


"Windows 10 will run across an incredibly broad set of devices – from the Internet of Things, to servers in enterprise datacenters worldwide. Some of these devices have 4 inch screens – some have 80 inch screens – and some don’t have screens at all. Some of these devices you hold in your hand, others are ten feet away. Some of these devices you primarily use touch/pen, others mouse/keyboard, others controller/gesture – and some devices can switch between input types.

We’re not talking about one UI to rule them all – we’re talking about one product family, with a tailored experience for each device."

This passage seems to ensure us that it is going to be more than just a UI update. Looking forward to 2015 more than ever now.
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