listen to the mad man
New PC arriving over the next few days. Install windows 10 or wait on Win8 for a while?
New PC arriving over the next few days. Install windows 10 or wait on Win8 for a while?
I say go for it. I've used it as my only OS for almost 2 months now and it works fine.New PC arriving over the next few days. Install windows 10 or wait on Win8 for a while?
New PC arriving over the next few days. Install windows 10 or wait on Win8 for a while?
I'd stay on 8, and just wait for RTM to upgrade
Does Windows 10 have a release date yet?
AMD CEO said late July. Take it with a pinch of salt.
Change to fast ring?
edit: I didn't mean to be impolite. Just an honest suggestion, I did it and installed 10061 just fine.
Update wont download, any way to force it?
Fast or slow ring?
On another note, I'm very worried about onedrive on win10. Everything else has been coming along lately, and yet nothing for Onedrive since they removed some features...
I mean, what we have now can't be the RTM experience for windows 10, right? It would be very bad if all they did was remove features (like smartfiles, syncing in connected standby, or even the metro app, that in the very least provided an way to upload download files from non synced folders, both when in connected standby and resume support, both features that are lacking on win10), and at the same time didn't included any new of the top requested ones, like syncing shared folders as well.
On another note, I'm very worried about onedrive on win10. Everything else has been coming along lately, and yet nothing for Onedrive since they removed some features...
I mean, what we have now can't be the RTM experience for windows 10, right? It would be very bad if all they did was remove features (like smartfiles, syncing in connected standby, or even the metro app, that in the very least provided an way to upload download files from non synced folders, both when in connected standby and resume support, both features that are lacking on win10), and at the same time didn't included any new of the top requested ones, like syncing shared folders as well.
Try this.
1) open admin-elevated command prompt (right-click cmd / run as admin)
2) net stop wuauserv
3) Delete everything under c:\windows\softwaredistribution
4) net start wuauserv
My Windows Update froze on some of the newer updates, so I had to restart the service on the last build.
Follow dLMN8R's instructions.
Yup. If they keep OneDrive like it is now on Win10, they can kiss my Office365 sub goodbye. I can't go back to syncing everything or choosing what to sync now.
I think they are supposed to be talking about it in BUILD, considering it is now integrated to the system and not an app.
I'm hopping too, but Build is more a developer conference, dunno if they will announce consumer facing features like that.
I looked earlier at the Build sessions Ms posted on Channel 9, and they also seem very bleak for onedrive. just a single talk, for developers to integrate onedrive support directly in their apps... Not very promising so far.
New PC arriving over the next few days. Install windows 10 or wait on Win8 for a while?
Indeed. Let's hope themBut the main presentation will be about Windows 10. Last year, they unveiled the new Start Menu. Back then, it was supposed to be for Windows 8.2.
What? They removed the smart files from 10? That sucks big time. I am using OneDrive to archive gigs of unedited cam footage and I just tell it to make them online-only when I'm done using them for editing. Per-folder sync will make this far more annoying.
Also, having to use the browser or the OneDrive app to manage the files is infinitely slower than using the File Explorer. MS should, at the very least, embed a mouse-friendly OneDrive client into Explorer when browsing the OneDrive folder.
I tried and gave up earlier. Took a long time and didn't get nowhere.So i've wanted to try Windows 10, and finally decided to give it a go.
But, it feels like it's stuck here
Does this just take an eternity? Feels like that thing hasn't moved for the last hour.
if you're coming from 8.1 it's best to just leave it overnight
Biggest problem with smart files was that even the placeholders took up a shitload of space, especially on devices with a small amount of storage (~32GB or less)
Hard to reconcile advertising unlimited OneDrive storage to put your photos when the placeholders / thumbnails for those placeholders could take up hundreds of megabytes or even gigabytes if you have enough.
The other major issue was the fact that placeholder files were unique to 8.1 and required a completely distinct sync engine to what every other platform used (Win7, Win8, OS X, and others). Now OneDrive uses the same sync engine everywhere in Windows 10.
It definitely sucks and makes some things more difficult to do, but the OneDrive team has said that they're making improvements for RTM that still aren't in public builds yet. I'm not sure what exactly they're talking about, but hopefully it improves things substantially from where they are today.
Alright, i'll do that. Thanks!
Indeed. Let's hope them
They claim the implementation was poor, and that having multiple sync engines was a bad approach, so now they are moving towards a single engine, on all platforms, and that works for both consumer and enterprise users. Because that way they can add features once and have them available everywhere.
It's a valid reason, because onedrive really had some nasty details about it, but so far they neither have solved them, nor added any new features, they just removed all the features they added in 8 and 8.1...
I understand, and I'm completely ok with them taking a few steps back to clear the house and come with a better implementation. But they did so on the promise of faster features and updates coming, and so far we haven't even seen the promised benefits of the single engine, for instance the long file name, or getting rid of the 10GB limit...Biggest problem with smart files was that even the placeholders took up a shitload of space, especially on devices with a small amount of storage (~32GB or less)
Hard to reconcile advertising unlimited OneDrive storage to put your photos when the placeholders / thumbnails for those placeholders could take up hundreds of megabytes or even gigabytes if you have enough.
The other major issue was the fact that placeholder files were unique to 8.1 and required a completely distinct sync engine to what every other platform used (Win7, Win8, OS X, and others). Now OneDrive uses the same sync engine everywhere in Windows 10.
It definitely sucks and makes some things more difficult to do, but the OneDrive team has said that they're making improvements for RTM that still aren't in public builds yet. I'm not sure what exactly they're talking about, but hopefully it improves things substantially from where they are today.
I really like the smart sync feature in 8.1... when it works. But once you run into a sync bug, god damn it's tough to fix. Never happened for me in Windows 7.
We'll probably get an official dev build tomorrow.
People pulled 10074 from Windows Update today, so I assume that build is going out tomorrow (and probably an ISO).
That was fast, we usually wait a few weeks per buildPeople pulled 10074 from Windows Update today, so I assume that build is going out tomorrow (and probably an ISO).
That was fast, we usually wait a few weeks per build
Considering that they already confirmed that the RTM will be free for all Windows 7 and 8 users, pirated or not, it's really not that hard to fathom at all.
Something really weird and unusual is being told on the interwebs.
Namely, Microsoft might let the people who are using the Technical Preview simply upgrade to the RTM (release to manufacturing) build once it's done. And then let them keep it for reals, activated and all.
Sounds too good to be true.
Lots on improvements on Cortana )it's still not good, but at least doesn't look terribad), and finally animations come to live tiles on windows!
Edit, and on video: