Question to everyone here. In its current form, how is Windows 10?
I'm a Developer and kind of want to start upgrading my apps to the new Windows 10 UAP. I was planning on waiting until it officially came out but for the past few days I have been debating just throwing my machine on the Insider Program which I signed up for back in January but never actually installed.
My questions. Do we know how the upgrade process will go for individuals currently on the Insider version of 10 to the full retail version of Windows 10? I'm assuming it will be as simple as just inputting my Windows 8.1 CD Key and it will turn Genuine?
How stable is the current build? This would be going on my Main PC, and while I dont mind reformatting if stuff goes wrong and tend to actually do that every now and then just to keep the machine running optimal, are there any major problems I may run into?
How does Unity or Android Studio run, does it work?
There are still some minor (e.g. graphical glitches with tiles on menu start) and few major (black screen after waking up on some machines) bugs here and there, but those aren't universal bugs, meaning not every Preview user have them.
When it comes to applications and drivers, I haven't run into any issues yet. Everything that worked on Windows 8.1 works on W10 too.