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Microsoft teases ultrapowerful next-gen Xbox — and maybe a handheld




Gold Member
whatever they do im almost guaranteed to go the handheld route. I doubt they'll have anything close to what PC offers.
Sarah said largest leap ever in terms of perf.

Xbone to Series X, in sheer FP32 numbers is 9.2X, despite being different architectures and RDNA2 has a massive gains over Polaris/GCN.

Just to get the message across to the layman, it's at least 9.2X or more, let's round it off at 10X.

120 TFLOPS ZEN5 + RDNA5, with architectural gains and efficiency, and this sounds like a pipe dream on an alien planet if the target for this console is $500. @HeisenbergFX4 please tell me my math is wrong and I can go back to sleep. 💀
They are gunna use Nvidia math, WATCH. "with our bespoke AI upscaling, we are able to get better than native 4k image quality at 4 times the framerate they series x could produce at 1440p" or something like that. Plus probably some other lofty AI stuff built in
This is peak something or other. So weird.
If you don't understand what I am talking about, you proved my point.
You are not going to be willing to pay for an Xbox that is designed to be sold at a profit. Nintendo is doing that only because they use old hardware components. If MS sell Xboxes at a profit they would be priced like prebuilt PCs.

Basically the value proposition of a console goes out the window if it needs to be sold at a profit AND be cutting edge. And all it does is to shrink the install base further, which means even less people to sell Gamepass to.

No, your purchase price for the console does not cover its research, development, manufacture and transport costs. Or at least it would be so low that it is not worth spending money to make it. Even if it is $999 dollars. The decreased install base is not going to justify the production line. The fact that Xbox customers stopped buying games just worsens this further.


Fafracer forever
Let’s say ps1 to ps2 jump was 400% more polygons per second. So you would think the next gen Xbox would need to push more than 400% more polys per recond.
PS1 to PS2 polygon jump was anywhere from 1800% to 20000% though. Basically that's never happening again, even if they slot in NVidia's topline GPU at launch and run the console at 2000Watts.

You're right that they could get away on technicality of using absolute numbers - but using that method every single console launch has been the largest jump ever, as those numbers are only going up - obviously.


Gold Member
So, the layoffs are going to continue. 1900 will be nothing compared to what is coming if companies are just going to use A.I. to produce games.
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