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Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor |OT| One Title to rule them all


oh ok, thats why. I dont even have branding yet. Is there a reason why the dead warchief wont go away and a captain takes his spot though?

I think they need to be a body guard/2nd level in the chain and lvl 15 to get promoted from in-game/random event or if they kill you.
Pretty easy with death threat ability, everyone and their moms will get promoted to WC.


So I've been travelling the last two weeks and haven't been keeping up with the game. My flight home will be landing early on Sunday morning, is the game worth picking up?

I need something to keep me awake until Sunday night to help beat the jet lag :p
So I've been travelling the last two weeks and haven't been keeping up with the game. My flight home will be landing early on Sunday morning, is the game worth picking up?

I need something to keep me awake until Sunday night to help beat the jet lag :p

Yes, it's def worth picking up IMO.


Anyone having issues with thier PS4 disc? Me and a number of others on twitter have an issue where it spins the disc up and down and the just errors and spits the disc out. Shadow of Mordor is the only game to do this!

Yes. I have the same issue. After inspecting the disk, I can see what (I think) the issue is. A small section of the disk is slightly warped. I'm just going to get it replaced today after work.
On the story:

The stealth encounter with the Tower and then the quick time event with the Black Hand were easier than almost everything else in the game. Maybe because I'm a complete stealth player and don't like open combat, but I had a harder time with the Hammer than I did with either of the other black captains.

Also, that cliffhanger was a thing for sure. Not really annoyed as I would've expected to be because it still works with returning to clean up Mordor and allows for a sequel (which I'm already looking forward to).

I find it odd though. It feels like the first area alone could've been its own game. Maybe they developed it this way--create points to cut off at in case they don't get everything done. Maybe there's even a third area they didn't even get to finish? There are three black captains and two of them are lumped together, and one of those lumped together is just a qte...

With regards to the ending,
yeah it was disappointing. I'm pretty sure a whole area was cut because Monolith showed a design doc in their twitch stream that mentioned Barad-dûr / Gorgoroth which is pretty much THE iconic Mordor location alongside Cirith Ungol / Shelob's Lair.

The Black Hand encounter was definitely rushed and disappointing because they take it out of the player's hands. It appears as if they wanted to have each boss fight exemplify one type of encounter: The Fortress for melee, The Tower for stealth and presumably The Black Hand for ranged.

The game definitely has flaws (we're going to see more and more backlash from less invested players after all the rave reviews and positive buzz) but for me personally, the Nemesis system and combat flow just trump everything.

Yes, it does copy Assassin's Creed and Batman Arkham but the thing is, both those franchises have compromised their own core strengths (AC with its poor stealth and rigid assassination missions and Arkham Origins with its jacked up combat and overpowered electrified gloves.) At the moment, Shadow of Mordor just does these things better than the games that inspired it.
Those freeing the slave missions are kind of tedious, I have done 6 of the 24 so I need to steamroll through the rest tomorrow so I can get them out of the way.


I'm saying it here, as I did in the PC performance thread, but this game really needs better optimizations, driver and dev wise.

second area
for instance (despite it's
) should really not shit on my GTX Titan, literally losing 5-10 fps (depending on the area).

I'm starting to enjoy the game more (after my rendezvous with that damn elite captain who shit on me), once I learned the little nuances of the game. Having a blast; can't wait for more content.


Met this guy during a test of power.


He was immune to combat, stealth and ranged. But he was also afraid of treachery, caragors, fire and meeting Talion.

What a coward. :D
Here's a little thing I appreciate: this game has a laptop battery indicator built into the HUD.

I'm probably one of the few crazies who plays this on an unplugged gaming laptop but it's nice that the developers took this into account.



I was trying to take down a Warchief, had never met his body guards he had 3 of them. I didn't bother to scout or otherwise prepare for them because the chief himself was weak to fire so I figure I would just exploit that and easily brand him. Turns out, of his 3 bodyguards, 2 of them were afraid of their rival.. I don't even know which was their rival (each other? The third?) but they both started running off, then I got the chief near the fire and got him scared too. Branded him way more easily than I thought

Also, have a poisoning spear-chucking nemesis that I've traded blows with a couple times. In the most recent encounter I was the near death auto-brand prompt (not sure what triggers that) but so now he's branded and like level 19 and I might try to turn him into the last warchief (since the current one has no weakness). Interesting change of dynamic between me and Thrak Beastmaster


I'm not far into the game, haven't done the 2nd story mission, and I was doing a side mission in one of the keeps. An enemy alerted the guards, 2 Captains came with a bunch of enemies. I killed them all. >:)

Was so fucking epic.


Junior Member
Okay, is there any counter to the archers, because I keep getting my fucking ass handed to me by the same Orc and it's pissing me off.


I love how the captains react to the things you do. I unlocked that instant tame ability so I tried it out in one of their fortresses that has the pit where they have Caragors fight with each other. I did a quick tame of both of the ones in the pit and the Beastmaster captain comes out, calmly climbs down the ladder into the pit and starts talking shit about how I tamed his creatures.


Unconfirmed Member
Okay, is there any counter to the archers, because I keep getting my fucking ass handed to me by the same Orc and it's pissing me off.

Stun them and go to town. If you can use combat executions, get that hit counter up and use that.


This game is awesome so far. Been playing for a couple of hours now and I can't put it down. Combat isn't very hard at all- haven't been killed yet, and I've already killed three captains.

Right now I'm struggling to take out a group of three captains. Next to impossible. I keep having to run away. Two of them are poison archers which makes it worse.


I keep reading random reviews and they all keep praising the Nemesis system, yet the main reason they do so is because they seem to be quite awful at action games. Almost all of them talk endlessly about that one orc that they died to repeatedly. Seriously? We are now living in an age where dying repeatedly because you aren't any good makes a feature seem better than it really is?

The game was fun, I enjoyed it for the most part. I just do not understand the hype around this game's only original feature.


After mostly running around doing random crap for a few days, I focused on the main campaign tonight and just met
and only did his first mission. I'm thinking he will enter the pantheon of all time great game characters, such as Garrus from Mass Effect and Lamar from GTAV, when all is said and done. So I'm now pretty much running
a political campaign for an orc?
. This is amazing. The last time I felt like this in a game was when I met this guy for the first time:
i guess that's the joke, but it might also make it a very rare weakness. I guess that with all three of those strengths they had to give him ridiculous weakness so one could grab him.

I guess they had to put it in the system because of the bonus Gravewalker Rune.

This game is great, I'll always remember my very first steps in Mordor: I jump off the tower, at the very beginning, to see an Uruk maimed by a Graug. All of a sudden, the Graug grabs a stone and tosses it at me: one-shot after like 2 minutes into the game lol


(Late game boss)
The Tower
was ridiculously easy :/

It felt like they ran out of time with the game or something, because the last two "fights" are
WTF is this shit? moments. WHY did I grab all of these upgrades and WHY did use subterfuge and guile to get here when it's all so utterly unnecessary?

I really hope they make a sequel to this and improve upon all of the aspects that desperately need it. There's a lot to like about this game, but there's a whole lot more they can do with it in the next iteration.


I love this game. The nemesis system is awesome and all the captains, warchiefs and whatnot are superbly made. I really get the feeling they're out to murder me. The only small thing I'm having a problem with are pressing X and square at the same time to do the 'ground blast', but I'm learning!

I love the adrenaline when realizing there are 4 warchiefs or captains in one fight.


It felt like they ran out of time with the game or something, because the last two "fights" are
WTF is this shit? moments. WHY did I grab all of these upgrades and WHY did use subterfuge and guile to get here when it's all so utterly unnecessary?

I really hope they make a sequel to this and improve upon all of the aspects that desperately need it. There's a lot to like about this game, but there's a whole lot more they can do with it in the next iteration.

Yeah, it seems like (penultimate mission)
Branding the 5 warchiefs
is basically the final test of the game.
What just happened, I've done 3 story missions total and it's been 5 hours.

Killing Uruks and Orks is hella fun. I've put Horizon 2 on the backburner since starting this last night.

DS4 isn't as big a problem as I thought it would be, the control system is basically 1:1 with the Arkham games and I played all of those on the PS3 and 360 last gen...


I just wish there was a hard mode for this. I'm loving the game, but I rarely die on it.

A hard mode as DLC would have been cool, too.


Hopes and dreams crushed. How will I live on knowing the X1 version is 900p?

Oh death, take me now for I have nothing left to live for. Embrace me with your cold clammy hands, take me into your cold, bony bosom.

In case you missed it that was tongue in cheek. ;)
The Xbox One looks good enough already.


Have you turned off button prompts and character outlines?

I actually had character outlines off from the very start, because I assumed from watching the preview videos that it removed the circles from around the feet of ALL orcs, not just your target. Yet in the release, it only applied those circles to an elite. I was getting really annoyed with having to guess which orc I was targeting when trying to do stealth brands or kills, so I turned on target option back on and it wasn't what I expected. Having that off doesn't make the combat any easier, it just makes the stealth portions much less random (if you were actually Talion, you would know who you were targeting). Without the outlines, you have to guess when there's a group. I spent three-fourths of the game with outlines off. I do not recommend it. The only benefit from them being off is that you don't see enemies through walls without Detective Mode on. With them on you can see the enemy you distracted or those actively looking for you.

Turning off the counter prompt is an artificial way to inflate difficulty. It's not there for you to mash Y, it's there so you know when hitting Y will actually do anything. Even if it looks like they are attacking, there's still a window in which hitting Y does nothing. It's too chaotic when facing 10+ orcs trying to track three on your sides at the same time and knowing when that window is actually open. A higher difficulty mode, or some kind of non generic Captain/Warchief fight would have given a reason to actually care about rune farming. As it stands, there's no compelling reason to chase them.


I see the point about outlines, but I've seen comments from others suggesting you can tell from the animations when it's time to counter so others have found it a valid way of increasing difficulty. If it's more chaotic, that means it's harder. What would the alternative be for you? (genuine question) Increasing the amount of damage enemies can take wouldn't work, as encounters would simply be more drawn out. And having more enemies would make it more chaotic. Tricky one I guess.


I see the point about outlines, but I've seen comments from others suggesting you can tell from the animations when it's time to counter so others have found it a valid way of increasing difficulty. If it's more chaotic, that means it's harder. What would the alternative be for you? (genuine question) Increasing the amount of damage enemies can take wouldn't work, as encounters would simply be more drawn out. And having more enemies would make it more chaotic. Tricky one I guess.

To be honest, I think I actually used the counter move maybe 20% of the time an enemy was able to be countered, if that. About the only time I'd use it is if I was swarmed on all sides, looking for an escape. Most of the time I would just be hopping over (stunning) enemies or wraith stunning on the outskirts to flurry kill or just to get my 5x multiplier to execute the closest defenders (shield guys) and then later combat brand if I really felt like it. During the fights where there were less enemies, you don't even need to bother with countering. Wraith stun will interrupt whatever they are doing anyway.

Also, in case some people didn't know this, you can brand from a distance. Like you're a Sith Lord. It also interrupts everything a normal enemy may be doing. Kind of hard to get off when three enemies are rushing you, but if there's two, you can toggle the brand back and forth to keep stunning them until you gain enough ground for a full branding. It's moderately useful if you don't care about sneaking up behind unaware enemies.
I'm on the mission with the war chiefs and killing them.. 2 are down, but the others have killed me several times now and are really strong (resistant to stealth/range etc).
Any advice? I always get swarmed and die:(


I'm on the mission with the war chiefs and killing them.. 2 are down, but the others have killed me several times now and are really strong (resistant to stealth/range etc).
Any advice? I always get swarmed and die:(

Consider doing some of the side missions and challenges, the upgrades really make you a lot stronger.


Finally had time to start playing today and so far loving it. Barely touched missions, just first with Ratbag (who I rather like although he's going to have to go at some point), but having a blast just roaming around seeing what I encounter.

The lore feels good for something hitched onto existing Tolkein from what I can tell so far and the game just seems designed for fun.

I hope it sells well. And maybe its too early for me to call but the rating seems harsh (18 here in UK) although these days its hard to know if this helps or hinders but I'm assuming its maybe not great for a Middle Earth game but hopefully it doesn't slow sales.

It's gonna be tough when Alien Isolation arrives to split time between these and new Elite Beta (first world gaming problems).


I'm on the mission with the war chiefs and killing them.. 2 are down, but the others have killed me several times now and are really strong (resistant to stealth/range etc).
Any advice? I always get swarmed and die:(

If you're in a stronghold area, use the Caragor meat thing. I assumed those just attracted the Caragors already there, but that's not what those do. They call 2-3 from outside of the area. Also try fighting around grog or campfires and explode them (if you have the upgrade). If the alarm gets sounded, just run away (either out of the area entirely or up high in a spot you can crouch behind where they won't climb and wait for things to calm down.

The most difficult thing about any of the elite fights is when the unlimited swarms start happening. Otherwise they aren't that hard. Just exploit their weaknesses. Even at level 20 they still have a weakness. Before you can brand, just make sure you kill off the bodyguards of the Warchief first (not in that battle, but take them out in a seperate battle so they don't show up when you want to fight the Warchief).

You can sometimes lure the Warchief out of the stronghold area or in an area you cleared pre-battle (you should do this), but if they call in reinforcements with a horn or whatever, one of those will usually try to run off and sound the alarm. That's when the monotony begins and you basically have to reset the momentum.

It also helps to have the double special ability move unlocked, but that's the bottom tier, so I don't know how much of the side missions you've done before that main mission. It turns most fights into Wraith Stun > flurry (critical chains x5) execute, execute unless they are immune to combat finishers, which is one of the rarer resistances.


I'm on the mission with the war chiefs and killing them.. 2 are down, but the others have killed me several times now and are really strong (resistant to stealth/range etc).
Any advice? I always get swarmed and die:(

Getting the sword ultimate (2500 upgrade) makes most of the chiefs a joke. You can just spam 5 combat executes on him in the middle of 10 orcs to kill him. It´s kinda cheap but they don´t play fair either.
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