It's amazing how hard it is to get one raw capture frame to be uploaded.
It really is, especially in this day and age.
I would rather the devs be upfront about the resolution difference - provided there is a difference - than choose to remain mute on the subject. I know why they do it, obviously it has to do with wanting to sell both versions as well as they can.
At the moment, I own a PS4 and I will get an Xbox One down the line. It looks like the PS4 will be my go-to machine for multiplats, just like the X360 was last generation.
Also, for those of you who keep claiming you 'dont see' the difference between a resolution below 1080p and native 1080p: I really wish I were you. Unfortunately I immediately saw a huge difference when I played my first 900p game (Watch Dogs). I wouldn't go so far as to say I won't play 1080p games anymore, but it has become a big factor for me when deciding to buy a game or leave it there.
I guess I am a graphics whore after all, even though I only own a low/medium end PC and a PS4.