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Mike Pence attends Colts game in order to be seen walking out in protest of protest

These protests aren't against Trump they're against racism. Making it all about him in many ways achieves exactly what he wants.
Even worse, he and lots of Right wing media have skewed it and made it about "country and flag" it was about police brutality...

But it should be about him as well, he's a piece of shit. It's not hard to categorize him next to racist cops. His face might as well represent that group... maybe a photo of him in police uniform?


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
well they think the actual reason is bullshit, too. like, my parents basically just said that "racial injustice" doesn't even exist and it's certainly not something that would impact any black millionaires, so who do they think they are by protesting.

Do they also complain about athletes wearing pink for breast cancer awareness?

These athletes have a platform where they can have a voice for those whose voices, cries, protests goes unheard.

Jesus Christ, I can't believe ppl actually think like this in 2017.
Anyone worked out how much this stunt cost yet?, I mean didn't he arrive/leave in Air force 2? - they had to have wasted a heck of a lot of tax payers money on this shit.

250k minimum

CNN reporter Kevin Liptak tweeted Sunday that the aircraft Pence takes can cost over $42,000 an hour to operate, meaning that Pence’s trip could cost upwards of $250,000.


You now belong to FMT.
This is trumps way of looking out for the police and taking the protest away from them and putting it on the armed forces.... people need to get in front of the camera and say this is about bad cops and racial inequality.


This is trumps way of looking out for the police and taking the protest away from them and putting it on the armed forces.... people need to get in front of the camera and say this is about bad cops and racial inequality.

If anything, to me, it points out how militarized our police force has gotten that they seem to be edging more and more under the whole umbrella of it being "unpatriotic" to say anything negative about "the troops."

Pretty soon it's going to be unpatriotic to criticize "authority," and then that's pretty much the ballgame when indoctrination hits that peak.
"keep politics out of football" lol

Especially in restaurants if they're not pro-Trump!

The owners of a University of Arizona-area restaurant announced Friday they will no longer show broadcasts of NFL games.

The announcement came at the end of a lengthy, politically charged Facebook post from Cup It Up American Grill, 760 N. Tyndall Ave., that the owners defined as their “statement.”

The post listed what the restaurant’s owners believe in — “OUR President Donald J. Trump,” “Always standing for the National Anthem” — and what they do not believe in — “Kneeling for the National Anthem,” “Political correctness.”

Oh wait, didn't expect a backlash.

After toying with the idea of closing indefinitely, the University of Arizona area restaurant Cup It Up American Grill will open on Saturday afternoon after facing widespread condemnation for a politically-charged Facebook post Friday afternoon.

Owner Christopher Smith said they would open at 1 p.m., two hours after their posted opening time. Hours earlier, he said they would close in the wake of widespread calls to boycott the restaurant after he and co-owner Jay Warren announced on Facebook that they would not broadcast NFL games to protest players kneeling during the National Anthem. The post also outlined where they stood on political issues that included supporting President Donald Trump.

"It’s hate feedback and it's for one reason only and it’s that we showed our support for Donald Trump," Smith said Saturday morning. "There was nothing that we put in the post that was absolutely wrong and terrible in that we supported our president and our troops.”

"Our intentions were never to do harm to anybody or rile anybody up," he said. "But everybody calling us racists, supremacists and Nazis — that's absurd and out of line.”

"There was a lot of hurtful things that people said to us," he added. "All they know is that we supported Donald Trump. They don’t know me or my family."


Did he leave the match during the national anthem? Because that would be far more "disrespectful" than some dudes kneeling.


Shocking that wealthy old white guys simply don't grasp this...

(I'm a almost middle age not wealthy white dude)

I think they do grasp it, and are trying to distort the issue they are protesting, because they are on the opposite side of what they are protesting. They know what they're doing; it's all to support the status quo for minorities.


These protests aren't against Trump they're against racism. Making it all about him in many ways achieves exactly what he wants.
You’re right, but at the same time Trump embodies that racism and is emblematic of it. You can’t really protest one without protesting the other.


This is exactly what the GOP is all about. Taking an issue they can't comprehend, or know deep down they are wrong to be fighting against, but find a way to make it more about themselves or twist it away from what the issue is really about just so they can validate themselves.


Especially in restaurants if they're not pro-Trump!

The owners of a University of Arizona-area restaurant announced Friday they will no longer show broadcasts of NFL games.

The announcement came at the end of a lengthy, politically charged Facebook post from Cup It Up American Grill, 760 N. Tyndall Ave., that the owners defined as their “statement.”

The post listed what the restaurant’s owners believe in — “OUR President Donald J. Trump,” “Always standing for the National Anthem” — and what they do not believe in — “Kneeling for the National Anthem,” “Political correctness.”

Oh wait, didn't expect a backlash.

After toying with the idea of closing indefinitely, the University of Arizona area restaurant Cup It Up American Grill will open on Saturday afternoon after facing widespread condemnation for a politically-charged Facebook post Friday afternoon.

Owner Christopher Smith said they would open at 1 p.m., two hours after their posted opening time. Hours earlier, he said they would close in the wake of widespread calls to boycott the restaurant after he and co-owner Jay Warren announced on Facebook that they would not broadcast NFL games to protest players kneeling during the National Anthem. The post also outlined where they stood on political issues that included supporting President Donald Trump.

"It’s hate feedback and it's for one reason only and it’s that we showed our support for Donald Trump," Smith said Saturday morning. "There was nothing that we put in the post that was absolutely wrong and terrible in that we supported our president and our troops.”

"Our intentions were never to do harm to anybody or rile anybody up," he said. "But everybody calling us racists, supremacists and Nazis — that's absurd and out of line.”

"There was a lot of hurtful things that people said to us," he added. "All they know is that we supported Donald Trump. They don’t know me or my family."

Fellow white people: stop trying to make yourselves the victim.
This is trumps way of looking out for the police and taking the protest away from them and putting it on the armed forces.... people need to get in front of the camera and say this is about bad cops and racial inequality.

I'm reminded of Trump's inauguration speech where he emphasized order.

If anything, to me, it points out how militarized our police force has gotten that they seem to be edging more and more under the whole umbrella of it being "unpatriotic" to say anything negative about "the troops."

Pretty soon it's going to be unpatriotic to criticize "authority," and then that's pretty much the ballgame when indoctrination hits that peak.

True. If Trump can't handle criticism personally, it could have real-world consequences for the country.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
A petty tax-payer-funded stunt from your leaders, guys. Because a few black men had the nerve to exercise their 1st amendment right by quietly kneeling instead of standing up. To call this pathetic would be an insult to patheticness.

What happened to you, America? You used to be cool.
When was that?
I almost guarantee this dumbass told them to keep the engine running, using government planes to go on dumb fuck political stunts. Anyone who thinks Pence is one iota better than Trump is delusional.


Fellow white people: stop trying to make yourselves the victim.

Is against "political correctness" but takes issue with people calling them names.

I just want to say what I want about minorities but they better damn well not say shit to me!
You’re right, but at the same time Trump embodies that racism and is emblematic of it. You can’t really protest one without protesting the other.

I agree to a point. I just think it muddies the message and allows the republicans to change what this protest is all about. They're fighting against institutional racism particularly in regards to the police force. Trump is the ultimate example of that. However making the protest specifically about him is a mistake IMO. This is a larger problem that was around before and will be long after Trump has gone.


For all their complaining of others politicizing a sport, these people sure do love politicizing a sport.
Especially in restaurants if they're not pro-Trump!

The owners of a University of Arizona-area restaurant announced Friday they will no longer show broadcasts of NFL games.

The announcement came at the end of a lengthy, politically charged Facebook post from Cup It Up American Grill, 760 N. Tyndall Ave., that the owners defined as their “statement.”

The post listed what the restaurant’s owners believe in — “OUR President Donald J. Trump,” “Always standing for the National Anthem” — and what they do not believe in — “Kneeling for the National Anthem,” “Political correctness.”

Oh wait, didn't expect a backlash.

After toying with the idea of closing indefinitely, the University of Arizona area restaurant Cup It Up American Grill will open on Saturday afternoon after facing widespread condemnation for a politically-charged Facebook post Friday afternoon.

Owner Christopher Smith said they would open at 1 p.m., two hours after their posted opening time. Hours earlier, he said they would close in the wake of widespread calls to boycott the restaurant after he and co-owner Jay Warren announced on Facebook that they would not broadcast NFL games to protest players kneeling during the National Anthem. The post also outlined where they stood on political issues that included supporting President Donald Trump.

"It’s hate feedback and it's for one reason only and it’s that we showed our support for Donald Trump," Smith said Saturday morning. "There was nothing that we put in the post that was absolutely wrong and terrible in that we supported our president and our troops.”

"Our intentions were never to do harm to anybody or rile anybody up," he said. "But everybody calling us racists, supremacists and Nazis — that's absurd and out of line.”

"There was a lot of hurtful things that people said to us," he added. "All they know is that we supported Donald Trump. They don’t know me or my family."

"Wa...wait...I'm responsible for what I do and say? Nobody told me this." Motherfucker knew exactly what he was saying and now wants to play innocent. He's on some George Costanza shit, "Was that wrong? Should I not have done that?"
I'm mainly curious why they wanted to keep this story in the headlines for another week? Is it good for fundraising? Is there a big story coming they want to distract from? Do they want to keep eyes off their shitty tax plan?
I'm mainly curious why they wanted to keep this story in the headlines for another week? Is it good for fundraising? Is there a big story coming they want to distract from? Do they want to keep eyes off their shitty tax plan?

Trump has been using it to ask for money in his fundraising emails since it all started


"There was a lot of hurtful things that people said to us," he added. "All they know is that we supported Donald Trump. They don’t know me or my family."

haha, it's like come on. you did this. (not you shadow puppetry)

Cup It Up's Facebook post went up just before noon Friday and was immediately met with backlash. In addition to nixing NFL broadcasts, the owners outlined where they stood on political issues that included supporting President Donald Trump, the repeal of Obamacare and drug screening for welfare recipients and opposing global warming, fake news and political correctness.
Especially in restaurants if they're not pro-Trump!

The owners of a University of Arizona-area restaurant announced Friday they will no longer show broadcasts of NFL games.

The announcement came at the end of a lengthy, politically charged Facebook post from Cup It Up American Grill, 760 N. Tyndall Ave., that the owners defined as their “statement.”

The post listed what the restaurant’s owners believe in — “OUR President Donald J. Trump,” “Always standing for the National Anthem” — and what they do not believe in — “Kneeling for the National Anthem,” “Political correctness.”

Oh wait, didn't expect a backlash.

After toying with the idea of closing indefinitely, the University of Arizona area restaurant Cup It Up American Grill will open on Saturday afternoon after facing widespread condemnation for a politically-charged Facebook post Friday afternoon.

Owner Christopher Smith said they would open at 1 p.m., two hours after their posted opening time. Hours earlier, he said they would close in the wake of widespread calls to boycott the restaurant after he and co-owner Jay Warren announced on Facebook that they would not broadcast NFL games to protest players kneeling during the National Anthem. The post also outlined where they stood on political issues that included supporting President Donald Trump.

"It’s hate feedback and it's for one reason only and it’s that we showed our support for Donald Trump," Smith said Saturday morning. "There was nothing that we put in the post that was absolutely wrong and terrible in that we supported our president and our troops.”

"Our intentions were never to do harm to anybody or rile anybody up," he said. "But everybody calling us racists, supremacists and Nazis — that's absurd and out of line.”

"There was a lot of hurtful things that people said to us," he added. "All they know is that we supported Donald Trump. They don’t know me or my family."
Hahaha, "We tried to boycott the NFL but now people are boycotting us! This is unfair!"




"Stop politicizing our our national anthem" says politician before politicizing the national anthem.

Pence is an asshole.


Walking out during the national anthem? Wow, that's pretty disrespectful to the people who died defending your flag...
The Pima County Republican Party on Saturday morning took to Facebook to encourage people to support Cup It Up. The party invited people to the restaurant from 5 to 7 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 7.

"Those who hate and disparage freedom that was fought for by many in behalf of ALL and represented by our United States Flag must not be heard louder than you," Ana Henderson, first vice chairman of the Pima GOP, wrote. "Those who 'take a knee' and lash out in our community at our freedom must witness our strength and our voice in our community. Do not surrender to enslavement. Stand together now — stand with me!"

Maybe calling Black folk who kneel slaves is not a good idea.... Jesus fucking Christ these racist GOPers


I think this shows just how powerful Kaepernick's actions have been and the difference one individual can make. This is only the beginning.


I’m sure they will make up an excuse for the wasted tax dollars. “Oh he went to a soup kitchen right after to feed the homeless then visited a Christian family planning center and engaged in prayer for unborn babies.”
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