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Mike Pence attends Colts game in order to be seen walking out in protest of protest


This reads like a tweet. Only missing the

. . .


Is against "political correctness" but takes issue with people calling them names.

I just want to say what I want about minorities but they better damn well not say shit to me!

Is against political correctness while being tediously politically correct over the national flag and anthem.

The Cowboy

There is so much irony in that statement it actually hurts my head, they wasted tax payers money and they disrespected the anthem/country by themselves using it as a political statement/or stunt.

Bloody clowns (and by clowns I actually mean racists).


I hope everyone gives them shit for this. Pro-kneel or not, this is wasting taxpayer money for a publicity stunt.
Yeah, how much of the money I give them have they used for golfing and stunts? I mean goddamn, does fucking everything about this administration have to be this way? Every goddamn day?


The amount of shit the NFL players must be receiving.
A condemnation from the president himself for taking a stand against racial injustice.

Has to be in the history books one day. Although white washed it will be.


time to take my meds
So what happens when players kneel for the cowboys now?

They dont play?

And then youll have mass protests for sure.

The amount of shit the NFL players must be receiving.
A condemnation from the president himself for taking a stand against racial injustice.

Has to be in the history books one day. Although white washed it will be.
I dont think i'll forget what has already happened. This is really history in the making.

And its sad people still want to be on the wrong side of history.


The amount of shit the NFL players must be receiving.
A condemnation from the president himself for taking a stand against racial injustice.

Has to be in the history books one day. Although white washed it will be.

Yes, it will be in the history books, and the winner writes the history, so we will see how it goes.


The amount of shit the NFL players must be receiving.
A condemnation from the president himself for taking a stand against racial injustice.

Has to be in the history books one day. Although white washed it will be.

It's going to be harder to White wash this, simply because it's tied to Trump. History is not going to be kind to Trump, and since he's spearheading this as President, I just don't see how it can be presented any differently.


Has anybody made a thread yet about how ya'll president thinks he invented the term 'fake'?

Because I feel that should be a thing.

Anyway, what a weird situation. This weird PR stunt and the whole national anthem thing. Plenty of football players (soccer) don't sing our lame as fuck national anthem here in the UK. Isn't a big deal.


One guy just wanted to bring awareness to the unjust killing of blacks in America and how their killers face no consequences. That was enough for half of the country to embrace shit like this.
I feel that by saying you support Donald Trump or the GOP, then I know enough about you and what you stand for.
Even more than that, they went on record against global warming, repealing Obamacare and quite a few things. You can't fall behind the "You don't know me" defense after you put out what you believe on display and didn't expect the pushback you got. These people are children.
For a stunt, it looks embarrassing like he’s running away and can’t be a bigger man standing by his fellow Americans. Read a headline describing him as fragile which is very apt and looks bad for top admins.


Motherfucker could have made a statement that he wouldn’t go to a game, donated to a veteran charity and been done with it. He’d have made headlines that way too. But, no, he was so enraged at black players protesting oppression he decided to spend over a quarter million dollars and waste the secret service and local police to make a statement about how much he hates black people.

This administration has no decency st all.
Motherfucker could have made a statement that he wouldn’t go to a game, donated to a veteran charity and been done with it. He’d have made headlines that way too. But, no, he was so enraged at black players protesting oppression he decided to spend over a quarter million dollars and waste the secret service and local police to make a statement about how much he hates black people.

This administration has no decency st all.

This might be worse than Trump's Charlottesville comments in terms of being out there in the open with their white supremacist values. Turning his back on Americans exercising their right to protest for a just cause, peacefully at that, is an abhorrent act of racism and a premeditated stunt meant to make headlines. This is a clear attack on black people, right out there in the open from the Trump administration. They're just putting it out there, they don't give a shit.


Motherfucker could have made a statement that he wouldn’t go to a game, donated to a veteran charity and been done with it. He’d have made headlines that way too. But, no, he was so enraged at black players protesting oppression he decided to spend over a quarter million dollars and waste the secret service and local police to make a statement about how much he hates black people.

This administration has no decency st all.

Yup, this basically.


Didn't he walked out of Hamilton? Lol

Hamilton thing was bad in a different way. It was after the show and Leslie Odom Jr made some prepared remarks that were honestly pretty reasonable and tasteful. Pence stopped and listened before leaving.

Trump and the far right turned it into a circus after the fact and the base ate it up without ever reading or hearing the original context.


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
Kept saying the days, weeks after Trump won to folks saying get over it, Hillary lost...

It wasn't about Hillary losing that many were upset about. It's the type of person who won that had ppl going.. wtf.

I just pray it doesn't get worse.


I absolutely cannot contain my anger for this. Just had my aunt try and say it was his right to leave or stay just like you or I. When I pointed out the taxpayer money she just said she's upset with ALL our representatives for wasting our money.

This country is a mess.
Pence doesn't do this without trump telling him to. And trump doesn't tell him to do it without talking to Jerry Jones first. And Jones doesn't make that statement without talking to Goodell first.


Pence doesn't do this without trump telling him to. And trump doesn't tell him to do it without talking to Jerry Jones first. And Jones doesn't make that statement without talking to Goodell first.

And if the NFL doesn't tell the VP/POTUS to get fucked then I'm done with them.


He really does just believe he can manufacture a narrative he likes out of thin air. "He is receiving great praise"...from who? Just about every single news story about this has called it out as the cheap political stunt it is.
If the pres and vice pres are so concerned about the military and veterans, why don't they, like, you know...use their position of influence to try and improve veterans affairs? These protests aren't disrespectful to our military and vets. What's disrespectful is the shoddy care that our wounded or traumatized vets receive when they return home from service.


And if the NFL doesn't tell the VP/POTUS to get fucked then I'm done with them.

It's already happening, I'm afraid (the NFL caving into Trumps demands). Yesterday, the Miami Dolphins told their players either you stand for the anthem or you stay in the locker room until it is over.


If the pres and vice pres are so concerned about the military and veterans, why don't they, like, you know...use their position of influence to try and improve veterans affairs? These protests aren't disrespectful to our military and vets. What's disrespectful is the shoddy care that our wounded or traumatized vets receive when they return home from service.

Because the Republican party doesn't give two shits about veteran affairs. As soon as we're (I served in the Air Force for 12 years, got out this past summer and while financially it's been hard as shit, getting out was one of the best things that's ever happened to me) done being useful to them (aka fighting their bullshit wars), they toss us off to the side and act like we don't matter.

We're nothing more then pawns to them.

Fuck the GOP, Fuck Mike Pence, Fuck Donald Trump and Fuck any of their bullshit supporters who peddle their crap and use vets to push their own agenda.


So.. Has the secret service very been bankrupt before? Were in this case bankrupt means going waaay over their budget.


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
If the pres and vice pres are so concerned about the military and veterans, why don't they, like, you know...use their position of influence to try and improve veterans affairs? These protests aren't disrespectful to our military and vets. What's disrespectful is the shoddy care that our wounded or traumatized vets receive when they return home from service.
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