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Milo Yiannopoulos's UC Berkeley speech cancelled due to protests, campus on lockdown

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The solution is to give them as little attention as possible. If you can't ban them, don't give them any more attention. They've managed to weasel their way into this society and there's no easy way to get rid of them. Remind you of any other extremist groups?

The amount of news vans and helicopters I saw here around noon was sick. They were hoping for something like this and the protestors played right into their hands.

They don't go away. You're naive to think they'll just give up given on who we have in office right now.


Will someone please think of the neo-nazis that just want to be free to show slides and dox local transgender students??

The Kree

The solution is to give them as little attention as possible. If you can't ban them, don't give them any more attention. They've managed to weasel their way into this society and there's no easy way to get rid of them. Remind you of any other extremist groups?

The amount of news vans and helicopters I saw here around noon was sick. They were hoping for something like this and the protestors played right into their hands.

Wrong. The solution is to place your boot on their throats until they can't speak at all. That's how we did it in 1942. We know it works. The reason they're getting so bold is because they've forgotten what it feels like to be scared to talk this shit. We're gonna remind them though.


Ugg, with Trump I fucking hate to defend a total worthless showboating asshole like Milo.

The guy has zero redeeming qualities I've seen.

But, shit. Incitement of violence is a very narrow charge. Milo doesn't cross it from what I've seen on youtube.It's the shitty side of fighting for other people's speech you find disgusting to protect your own.I'm there. This guy is a fucking trashbag.

I applaud the protesters, but it should have been allowed to happen.


there were enough students at the university that wanted him to speak and he should have been allowed to speak regardless if people are offended.

if you continue down this road when will it stop? anyone can be offended, therefore everyone can be denied to speak if enough people are "bothered" by it.

this wasn't just protest, this was violent protesting enough to get someone canceled. this sends a terrible message.

This little tussle is barely violent. If you want violence, normalize this hate speech shit.


there were enough students at the university that wanted him to speak and he should have been allowed to speak regardless if people are offended.

if you continue down this road when will it stop? anyone can be offended, therefore everyone can be denied to speak if enough people are "bothered" by it.

this wasn't just protest, this was violent protesting enough to get someone canceled. this sends a terrible message.

Not to the people who need to know that their identity matters on campus, that someone is fighting for them, and that they are safe. Milo's brand of racist, transphobic, neo-nazi trash is not "an opposing idea" and it shouldn't be treated as such. He has many platforms from which to speak, he does not need more. These slippery slope arguments and hate speech defense forces tho.


Fucker's just so goddamn hateful. Doesn't matter where you fall on religious freedom or FroSp, dude just tries to be an asshole. Don't wish anything on him, but fuck if he doesn't deserve what he gets.

What did he get? More coverage.

Seems the ones getting hurt are people who wanted to hear him speak, and possibly security and police. I'll never understand the justification of violence by some on the left. Protest him of course, that's free speech. Seeing some of posts in here are kind of alarming to me. I never heard of this guy until recently and now I want to a hear what he says to see if he actually is a Nazi. People throw this word around so much lately it's losing is meaning.


Ugg, with Trump I fucking hate to defend a total worthless showboating asshole like Milo.

The guy has zero redeeming qualities I've seen.

But, shit. Incitement of violence is a very narrow charge. Milo doesn't cross it from what I've seen on youtube.It's the shitty side of fighting for other people's speech you find disgusting to protect your own.I'm there. This guy is a fucking trashbag.

I applaud the protesters, but it should have been allowed to happen.

it blows my mind. all of this.

they're fueling this guys popularity. if people just allowed him to speak it would be half of what it is now. now it's a big headline for the guy. he's growing in popularity, he is growing in power. the irony of it all.
The solution is to give them as little attention as possible. If you can't ban them, don't give them any more attention. They've managed to weasel their way into this society and there's no easy way to get rid of them. Remind you of any other extremist groups?

The amount of news vans and helicopters I saw here around noon was sick. They were hoping for something like this and the protestors played right into their hands.

Precisely. Every time one of his events is protested and/or cancelled, he gets 50 times as much attention as when he does one with no incidents.

He was at Cal Polytech last night.
UNM on the 27th.
UColorado, CS on the 26th.
UColorado, Boulder on the 25th.

No media coverage at all. I bet no one in This thread even knew about this.

He *wants* the chaos. Let him speak his pathetic little ideas to the College Republican frat boys with zero media attention, and he'll fade away sooner than you think.


Unfortunately this seems to be the case. Milo's visit to UCLA got cancelled too and the campus club put out this letter...

Gross. Why are all these Republicans pieces of shit?

I mean, why can't they as a group of fiscally conservative folks with more traditional values, say fuck off to this hateful man. They admire him?!

Republicans continue to confirm it's the entire party and all that support them that has gone rotten. I'm sorry for the 1 in 100 that are decent people like those that speak out on Trump on GAF.
there were enough students at the university that wanted him to speak and he should have been allowed to speak regardless if people are offended.

if you continue down this road when will it stop? anyone can be offended, therefore everyone can be denied to speak if enough people are "bothered" by it.

this wasn't just protest, this was violent protesting enough to get someone canceled. this sends a terrible message.

He encouraged targeted harassment of a student at one of his last speeches.

These protests are from feelings of offense this is self-defense


I find it funny there are some who think ignoring hate will make it go away but won't take their own advice when it comes to people who know this ish isn't s fairytale.

Give the protestors media. Hope more want to join against allowing hate to fester.


The solution is to give them as little attention as possible. If you can't ban them, don't give them any more attention. They've managed to weasel their way into this society and there's no easy way to get rid of them. Remind you of any other extremist groups?

The amount of news vans and helicopters I saw here around noon was sick. They were hoping for something like this and the protestors played right into their hands.

That doesn't work. It doesn't work because even on the most basic level it doesn't work. Look at things like school bullying. People say to a child, ignore the bully and they'll stop, that they'll get bored. But they don't. They see that you ignore them and escalate the harassment. I know that from experience.

I don't know where this nonsense of "ignore them" comes from because it never works, ever. You ignore them or sit on your hands and the most marginalized get harassed or worse.
Hate speech is free speech.

Eugene Volokh:


A pretty good list of supreme Court cases:


It looks like there was a serious danger to public safety so the campus definitely had the right to cancel the speech tonight, but no one can seriously make the argument he has no right to even be scheduled at a taxpayer funded university in good faith.

Are you just going to conveniently forget the times Milo has made students at places he's spoken to as targets of harassment? Pretty sure that goes past free speech.



Huh people are still pretending hateful rhetoric has no effect on anything even though we just had a mass murderer inspired by the far right movements?

I mean I get that a lot of you are deeply in denial and are terrified of anything that might throw your comforts a little out of whack, but come on lol
Not a fan of Milo but I feel this will weigh in his favor after the media coverage. I believe he does Q&A at some point, or at least in a couple videos I've seen of his speeches so why not try and shut him down in a debate versus throwing fireworks and such?

probably because ignoring him and debating him hasn't worked and he and his ilk have only grown in power behind the scenes. Now they're validated and empowered with Trump's win, the targets of his kind of rhetoric are now seeing that they're in control of the country will naturally lash out as they feel their human rights are in jeopardy, the fact that it's gotten to this point really isn't that surprising.


But this is a bunch of Europeans? Is it really the case that Berkeley students are... what? On Swedish listservs?

It's not the students. There are other anarchist groups that tend to join protests and escalate them. In general most of the student protests are much more peaceful than you see portrayed in media.


it's absolutely an actual thing; it's a movement opposed to fascism that dates back to, well, the conception of fascism



It's a split movement of people with many aims. Most of them absurd. Anarchists are below libertarians in the dumbfuckery of politics.

I loved the SSpencer punch, but the movement as a whole is a joke. Upper middle class kids who want to treat down the system in one of 10 different ways.


Precisely. Every time one of his events is protested and/or cancelled, he gets 50 times as much attention as when he does one with no incidents.

He was at Cal Polytech last night.
UNM on the 27th.
UColorado, CS on the 26th.
UColorado, Boulder on the 25th.

No media coverage at all.

He *wants* the chaos. Let him speak his pathetic little ideas to the College Republican frat boys with zero media attention, and he'll fade away sooner than you think.

I find that it's almost always the people that don't have to deal with the discrimination thrown their way that say these things.

If you're Black, just ignore that man that said all n*ggers should hang
if you are Jew just ignore that man that says Hitler did nothing wrong.
If you are a woman just ignore that man that says the woman's place is in the kitchen.
If you are gay, just ignore that man that says you should die and deserve to burn in hell.

It's so easy! Like I don't let anything bother me at all ever. I just wish you poor dears would learn to ignore these hateful words like I do.


If you're a free speech advocate, then that means you support protests shutting down the feasibility for a person to espouse their views, because opposition to certain messages is also free speech.

If you think these protests are wrong, then you are not a free speech advocate. You're an advocate for the propagation of hate speech.
Well said.
This accomplished nothing but a brand boost for Milo. Do you not realize this?
It only boosts the brand to the people that are already racist POSs. Ignoring him will also not do anything as there is a sizeable audience for his abhorrent views. And we should not let his views become normalized in our society.

If you're a free speech advocate, then that means you support protests shutting down the feasibility for a person to espouse their views, because opposition to certain messages is also free speech.

If you think these protests are wrong, then you are not a free speech advocate. You're an advocate for the propagation of hate speech.
Perfectly stated.


never left the stone age
Hate speech defense force: ASSEMBLE.

Is this the kind of shit you let fester when your politicians are too fucking weakwilled to employ some actual laws against hate speech?
I find that it's almost always the people that don't have to deal with the discrimination thrown their way that say these things.

If you're Black, just ignore that man that said all n*ggers should hang
if you are Jew just ignore that man that says Hitler did nothing wrong.
If you are a woman just ignore that man that says the woman's place is in the kitchen.
If you are gay, just ignore that man that says you should die and deserve to burn in hell.

It's so easy! Like I don't let anything bother me at all ever. I just wish you poor dears would learn to ignore these hateful words like I do.

I'm a white man and quite frankly all these minorities just need to grow a thicker skin! /s
Come on, now you're just being dishonest. The Boston Tea Party incident was an act of oppression by the then greatest empire known to man. To say this is even comparable is just silly.

look at who's running the greatest empire right now


shit's not different

there were enough students at the university that wanted him to speak and he should have been allowed to speak regardless if people are offended.

Nobody's fucking stopping Milo from speaking, he had the protection of the first amendment to continue if he wanted.

if you continue down this road when will it stop? anyone can be offended, therefore everyone can be denied to speak if enough people are "bothered" by it.

Protesting's been happening since this country was founded, if you don't like it then go move somewhere nicer like Canada or the UK.

this wasn't just protest, this was violent protesting enough to get someone canceled. this sends a terrible message.

And the Boston Tea Party was violent protesting enough to start a revolutionary war. It sends a good message for opposing groups to see why their messages are hurtful.
It keeps him and his agenda in the spotlight, emboldens his support and fanbase all while it paints the left in the way that it's been shown as right now on the news. Right now, his message is reaching more eyes and ears as people are looking up and talking about "this Milo guy who everyones protesting".

His agenda is already in the spotlight. Do you feel if he was ignored by those on the left, he'd disappear? I find this line thought to be entirely unconvincing as an argument.

Again, he is already visible. The mere act of protesting him is not a negative.

Don't know who the guy is, just typed antifa into the search bar.

Is this one left wing enough for you? https://twitter.com/juliacarriew

How about a video of someone being hit in the head with a pole? https://twitter.com/LukasMikelionis/status/826995732997619712

If that is the case, both sides I guess? If a Milo supporter shoots someone, then all Milo supporters are wrong. If you are able to seperate this fellow from others like him, then find it in yourself to do the same for other protesters in other situations.

Hate speech is free speech.

Eugene Volokh:


A pretty good list of supreme Court cases:


It looks like there was a serious danger to public safety so the campus definitely had the right to cancel the speech tonight, but no one can seriously make the argument he has no right to even be scheduled at a taxpayer funded university in good faith.

Protest is also free speech. And once the protest moved into anything near a threat to public safety, the police were called in.

The system working as intended.

People are allowed to protest in a civil manner and work to elide views that could be counted as hate speech.

To use your own link:

Indeed, people have a First Amendment right to call for speech restrictions, just as they have a First Amendment right to call for gun bans or bans on Islam or government-imposed race discrimination or anything else that current constitutional law forbids.


it blows my mind. all of this.

they're fueling this guys popularity. if people just allowed him to speak it would be half of what it is now. now it's a big headline for the guy. he's growing in popularity, he is growing in power. the irony of it all.

He does publicise the shit out of things like this, and he's happy to exaggerate. He writes for Breitbart, so honesty is the last thing on his list of priorities. He doesn't give a fuck.

I know many people outside of the US disagree, but I think expressing these horrific beliefs leads people to realize they're real and how important fighting back is.


Look at someone like Dylan Roof. His friend "ignored" signs that the dude was ready and willing to kill Black people, and guess what he did?

You have people being turned into extremists by this type of rhetoric and the solution to this problem is to ignore? You've got to be kidding me.
Then what's the goal of violent protesting? I'm confused on what the end game is here.

If you let him speak: His brand gets a boost
If you don't let him speak: His brand gets a boost


This was a protest that turned to property damage. That is a problem.

Prior to that, there is no problem.

Speech is speech and protest counts as speech. You can decry the eventual violence. You lack any room to decry the protest itself. If a civil protest leads to his speaking engagement being cancelled, that's speech working as intended.


Then what's the goal of violent protesting? I'm confused on what the end game is here.

If you let him speak: His brand gets a boost
If you don't let him speak: His brand gets a boost


Tell everyone how to protest the right way. You seem to hold all the answers.


The solution is to give them as little attention as possible. If you can't ban them, don't give them any more attention. They've managed to weasel their way into this society and there's no easy way to get rid of them. Remind you of any other extremist groups?

The amount of news vans and helicopters I saw here around noon was sick. They were hoping for something like this and the protestors played right into their hands.
Yeah, if we all just shut our eyes and stick our fingers in our ears, surely Nazis and their ideology will go *poof*

Brilliant. This thread is embarrassing as always.
We let these assholes speak for years after Obama was elected. We were told to practice tolerance and everyone deserves a chance to speak. We were told that the act of speaking hate would be its own demise.

Well, that was bullshit. Look where we are.

Nazi Punks Fuck Off

We should let them continue to speak now? lol

"Hey guys, we really should let this Adolph Hitler guy have his say or else we are the bad guys!"



Good job people who set stuff on fire and got this speech canceled.
Now Yiannopolis was given air time on Fox News.

My mom watches Fox News.
She didn't know who this douche was before tonight.
Now she does, and because it was someplace friendly to Yiannopolis like Fox, now she thinks he's a "nice boy who just wants to talk and those mean protesters are stifling the first ammendment."

Good fucking job. You just gave the jackhole a bigger microphone for his message.
If you just would have let him give his little speech and protest without burning the fucking place down, he would have spoken to a room of like minded individuals and wouldn't have made it on a giant news network to expand his hate speech.

Good job.
Fucking great.
Keep burning stuff down.
It's really helping ... Really.
Good job people who set stuff on fire and got this speech canceled.
Now Yiannopolis was given air time on Fox News.

My mom watches Fox News.
She didn't know who this douche was before tonight.
Now she does, and because it was someplace friendly to Yiannopolis like Fox, now she thinks he's a "nice boy who just wants to talk and those mean protesters are stifling the first ammendment."

Good fucking job. You just gave the jackhole a bigger microphone for his message.
If you just would have let him give his little speech and protest without burning the fucking place down, he would have spoken to a room of like minded individuals and wouldn't have made it on a giant news network.

Good job.
Fucking great.
Keep burning stuff down.
It's really helping ... Really.

Yiannopolis has been on Fox News multiple times.
Then what's the goal of violent protesting? I'm confused on what the end game is here.

If you let him speak: His brand gets a boost
If you don't let him speak: His brand gets a boost


This is not a zero sum game. People protested, some got carried away. That did not invalidate the protest. If a Nazi cockroach like Milo gets to speak, expect a really strong reaction from people.
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