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Milo Yiannopoulos's UC Berkeley speech cancelled due to protests, campus on lockdown

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Yeah, great, now I had to take time out of my busy Overwatch schedule to explain Neo-Nazis and you can't believe everything you see on Fox News to my parents... That was a fun talk.

Or you know... We could protest without burning stuff... Peacefully.
Like Gandhi or MLK Jr...

Are you serious.

You're bitching at protestors who are out there fighting the good fight for making you have to stop playing a fucking video game and talk to your right wing mom.

Lol MLK invocation... hey GAF did I win protest thread bingo?
I'm not blaming the protestors, I'm blaming people who got violent and started large fires and got this media attention.

And good luck stopping people watching Fox News.
This is the deep south.
Old people subsist off Fox News and Rush Limbaugh.

Nothing I'm going to say is going to change that.

You can change that, but I don't think you want to because it is a lot of hard work.


Glad it shut down, but it is a bitter sweet victory. People seem to love cheering the Nazi getting punched, I wonder if people would feel the same for Milo? Or if someone shot him, it makes you think.

I'll try to care about that sometime after they jail the asshole Milo fan that ACTUALLY shot a guy in Washington. FOH.


Yeah, great, now I had to take time out of my busy Overwatch schedule to explain Neo-Nazis and you can't believe everything you see on Fox News to my parents... That was a fun talk.

Or you know... We could protest without burning stuff... Peacefully.
Like Gandhi or MLK Jr...


Don't know if joking or...
Good. That piece of shit should be absolutely concerned for his safety. This is the correct way of dealing with Nazis


I don't necessarily believe that should be the case.

But I also don't particularly feel it's worth dealing with from a conversational standpoint. It's a police matter that will be handled privately. My hand-wringing over it is largely useless.

To use the normal parlance I hear: by worrying about Nazi punching so much, you'll make more people want to punch Nazis.

Hand-wringing over that feels somewhat off when the proponents of things Milo says are in government power and using that power to enact the Muslim ban, wide-reaching pushes for "religious freedom", changes to a government organization to focus only on Islamic extremism, an expensive Border Wall, and repeal of the ACA.

In fact, speaking of speech, there's a move to criminalize protest in various states.

Which is to say, you can care about what you want to care about, but a focus on this particular issues over the more far-reaching others I've mentioned there, again all within the bounds of things Milo himself has spoken about and at the behest of his former boss, seems... off to me.
Yeah, wow, that seems like a real tragedy that happened to you. How will you ever cope?
He'll be fine. He took a break from "Busy Overwatch Schedule" and saw his mom yelling about bullshit while watching Fox News, which was showing SCARY burning thangs in background and VIOLENT THUG PROTESTORS protesting stuff. He did a quick reply on neogaf and is back to his schedule.
Yeah, great, now I had to take time out of my busy Overwatch schedule to explain Neo-Nazis and you can't believe everything you see on Fox News to my parents... That was a fun talk.

Or you know... We could protest without burning stuff... Peacefully.
Like Gandhi or MLK Jr...
I don't know if you're trolling or just being ignorant...


I'll try to care about that sometime after they jail the asshole Milo fan that ACTUALLY shot a guy in Washington. FOH.

Because someone tried to "punch the Nazi" and gave him a chance LEGALLY to retaliate....you dont see where this is going?


Busy Overwatch schedule lol.

You think people considered MLK Jr peaceful? People in the majority hated his disruptive protests. HATED.

I do like to inject some levity into my posts... Yes.
My Overwatch playing isn't actually on a schedule... I just happened to be playing when I got the phone call...

The point I was attempting to make is that by getting this larger attention than it needed, it got Yiannopoulos thr attention he craves.


The idea that if we just ignore them they'll go away is absurd. We have a serious problem with young radicalized white men. Do you think Dylan Roof came out of nowhere? Do you think that what radicalized him was "paying too much attention"?

"Don't read the comments" has lead us (or at least, well-meaning white people) to believe the nasty things on the internet are only on the internet, but this shit has been brewing for years.

Thank you! We're watching young white men being radicalized and the solution is a shoulder shrug and lecture to ignore. It doesn't work.

Minorities, myself included are telling people that ignoring hate speech leads to more hate speech and more violence but people too caught up in their own sense of morality refuse to suspend their belief system to look at the real world and listen to us.

We aren't advocating violent protest (surprise, I know!) but at this point, anyone saying ignore them is victim blaming and is saying that we're responsible for being harassed because we dare to exist.


That fire will go out. We will still have Nazis tomorrow.

Easy to stay when those pussies aren't the ones paying for the property damage. It's easy to act like manbabies out there breaking shit every night rather than having a discussion like an adult.

Keep calling every Trump supporter every name you can think of. Been working out great so far huh
I do like to inject some levity into my posts... Yes.
My Overwatch playing isn't actually on a schedule... I just happened to be playing when I got the phone call...

The point I was attempting to make is that by getting this larger attention than it needed, it got Yiannopoulos thr attention he craves.

As others have pointed out, he already had this attention.


Let us focus on the topic, not Nephtes' Overwatch habits.
I do like to inject some levity into my posts... Yes.
My Overwatch playing isn't actually on a schedule... I just happened to be playing when I got the phone call...

The point I was attempting to make is that by getting this larger attention than it needed, it got Yiannopoulos thr attention he craves.

Levity? What levity? It just made you sound like a fool.
The point is that individual acts of criminal activity within a crowd of people are attributed to the entire crowd rather than the few criminals within them.
'Tis unfortunate.

Personally tho I could give two shits what they do. I'm happy they shut this fucker up.


Because someone tried to "punch the Nazi" and gave him a chance LEGALLY to retaliate....you dont see where this is going?

Huge difference between getting punched in the face and fucking shot. No way that should be legal in 2017 but here we are. To answer your absurd question I would probably feel pretty good if Milo got stomped badly enough to make him really consider what he's doing (because I don't believe for a moment he believes any of it) but not put his life in danger and certainly not for him to get shot.


Good. This Shit does not fly and when more of these monsters spewing hate realize people are not going to take their shit lying down they will crawl right back to the holes of the internet where they belong.

Really don't care how some may feel about it. It's sickening that anyone would tolerate any of these nasty things as something debatable or just a "disagreement" they are awful awful people and frankly this is exactly how people will continue to react when they feel their whole right to exist being threatened by people like milo.


Easy to stay when those pussies aren't the ones paying for the property damage. It's easy to act like manbabies out there breaking shit every night rather than having a discussion like an adult.

Keep calling every Trump supporter every name you can think of. Been working out great so far huh


And I am calling actual Nazis, well Nazis. I never said Trump supporters. I have other names for them. Slow your roll.


Easy to stay when those pussies aren't the ones paying for the property damage. It's easy to act like manbabies out there breaking shit every night rather than having a discussion like an adult.

Keep calling every Trump supporter every name you can think of. Been working out great so far huh
What is there to discuss with a Nazi other than they're a piece of a shit for being a Nazi?

Not every Trump supporter is a Nazi, but all of them were either ignorant of the racist supporters or willfully looked away from them.
Violence against these idiots will only incite and breed more followers.

The Left/Liberals are characterized as being compassionate and considerate but in the media are protrayed as the ones committing acts of violence during protests. Trump supporters will only grow stronger.
Violence against these idiots will only incite and breed more followers.

The Left/Liberals are characterized as being compassionate and considerate but in the media are protrayed as the ones committing acts of violence during protests. Trump supporters will only grow stronger.

Yeah because them being characterized as compassionate and considerate totally worked in last year's election!


I'm not blaming the protestors, I'm blaming people who got violent and started large fires and got this media attention.

And good luck stopping people here watching Fox News.
This is the deep south.
Old people here subsist off Fox News and Rush Limbaugh.

Nothing I'm going to say is going to change that.

Oh god, large fires. Why won't someone think of the white supremacists feelings and my precious fucking Overwatch time.


As others have pointed out, he already had this attention.

I know know about Yiannopoulos and his ilk.
You know about him.
Others on GAF know about him.

My parents though? They were previously blissfully ignorant.
And their first introduction to him was by their favorite news network telling them that "mean protestors wouldnt let Yiannopoulos give a speech at a university, a place where free speech originated."

They put a lot of stock into something like that.
They're not bad people. So they watch some Fox News...
What do you expect them to watch? They're Democrats who went Republican with Reagan... And Fox news worships Reagan like the second coming of Christ...So of course they're going to drink the Kool-aid.

So when they frame some asshat as getting his speech taken away by violent protest, it's hard to refute it.

You can argue all day long that you should punch these guys out... But that's what they want. They get stronger on exposure.
Easy to stay when those pussies aren't the ones paying for the property damage. It's easy to act like manbabies out there breaking shit every night rather than having a discussion like an adult.
You mean a discussion about how giving higher education to muslim students is wrong cuz Trump illegally enacted executive order banning them?


What is there to discuss with a Nazi other than they're a piece of a shit for being a Nazi?

Not every Trump supporter is a Nazi, but all of them were either ignorant of the racist supporters or willfully looked away from them.

And let it be noted I was talking about ACTUAL NAZIS. I never said Trump supporters are all Nazis.


Violence against these idiots will only incite and breed more followers.

The Left/Liberals are characterized as being compassionate and considerate but in the media are protrayed as the ones committing acts of violence during protests. Trump supporters will only grow stronger.
"I'm shook and scared of what they might do to me"

Okay good for you but not everyone is a coward who is going to let ignorant pigs walk all over them


Violence against these idiots will only incite and breed more followers.

The Left/Liberals are characterized as being compassionate and considerate but in the media are protrayed as the ones committing acts of violence during protests. Trump supporters will only grow stronger.

It's like this hasn't been answered so many times in this thread.


Easy to stay when those pussies aren't the ones paying for the property damage. It's easy to act like manbabies out there breaking shit every night rather than having a discussion like an adult.

Keep calling every Trump supporter every name you can think of. Been working out great so far huh

The fact that you think a discussion can be had vs people who have no interest in arguing in good faith tells me the only manbaby here is you

And btw republicans have been calling liberals every name they can think of and look how well that worked out for them. They now control the government. I say we follow their example!

The Kree

Because someone tried to "punch the Nazi" and gave him a chance LEGALLY to retaliate....you dont see where this is going?

We had a church shooting last year and a mosque shooting a few days ago that tells us these people don't actually need provocation. They've already been given all the encouragement they need.


Junior Member
You think people considered MLK Jr peaceful? People in the majority hated his disruptive protests. HATED.

MLK Jr. was opposed by racists, but not because he was burning things and not allowing the racists to speak. Actually his philosophy of protest is very different from what I see in this thread.


I hope this keeps up. Don't let him speak anywhere. If universities know he will just attract protests and violence, they'll stop booking him.
I really dont get the thought process behind being peaceful about protesting now.

You guys who say to just stand there and do it nicely realize that we lost, right?

Fascists control the government now.

They fucking won! They arent an idea anymore that you can talk down with rational discussion.

They are the oppressors now.
I know know about Yiannopoulos and his ilk.
You know about him.
Others on GAF know about him.

My parents though? They were previously blissfully ignorant.
And their first introduction to him was by their favorite news network telling them that "mean protestors wouldnt let Yiannopoulos give a speech at a university, a place where free speech originated."

They put a lot of stock into something like that.
They're not bad people. So they watch some Fox News...
What do you expect them to watch? They're Democrats who went Republican with Reagan... And Fox news worships Reagan like the second coming of Christ...So of course they're going to drink the Kool-aid.

So when they frame some asshat as getting his speech taken away by violent protest, it's hard to refute it.

You can argue all day long that you should punch these guys out... But that's what they want. They get stronger on exposure.

Once again, Milo has been on Fox News many, many times. That this time is the one your mother saw him on is almost immaterial.
I really dont get the thought process behind being peaceful about protesting now.

You guys who say to just stand there and do it nicely realize that we lost, right?

Fascists control the government now.

They fucking won! They arent an idea anymore that you can talk down with rational discussion.

They are the oppressors now.

Maybe if we're nice enough the neo-Nazis will stop!

....aaaany minute now....


"Why can't protesters be civilized like Nazis? They comb their hair and talk nicely about several social issues."

Lecture concern police are on fire in this thread! Oh wait, flames are offensive. My bad.
Easy to stay when those pussies aren't the ones paying for the property damage. It's easy to act like manbabies out there breaking shit every night rather than having a discussion like an adult.

Keep calling every Trump supporter every name you can think of. Been working out great so far huh
Minorities pay for it by being shot or incarcerated by the police, women pay for it with rape culture and sexual assault, the sick and the poor pay for it when their healthcare, education, and housing are taken away by the rich.

Your chief mistake is that assuming this violence is totally unprovoked.

Madame M

Violence against these idiots will only incite and breed more followers.

The Left/Liberals are characterized as being compassionate and considerate but in the media are protrayed as the ones committing acts of violence during protests. Trump supporters will only grow stronger.

Left wing reaction is inherently violent, I don't see why people find this confusing.

And liberals are a different thing, definitely not synonymous with the left.
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