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Minecraft |OT|

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Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Twig said:
It must be a trend in this thread. Talking to people makes them angry.

Meanwhile, I laugh!

Yeah, buddy. There is a trend. You, acting like an annoying twit and everybody else calling you out on it. You are officially either an expert troll, or very, very dumb. Anybody else would have figured out, "Gee, everybody is telling me that I'm being annoying. Maybe I should reevaluate what I'm doing." Nope, not you. Clearly, everybody else is at fault, right, bud?

I won't respond to anything else you write that isn't about Minecraft, so feel free to unload if that will make you feel better. You clearly need the release. Cheers.


I've lost total track of what the hell was happening in this thread, so I'll just say - I vary in my interests between building at my leisure, just to see what I can come up with, and playing on worlds that specifically exist for the sole purpose of making the game hard. On my building worlds, I have it set on Peaceful; on everything else, Peaceful would be boring as hell.

Just depends on my mood.


Everything is moe to me
argh. i replaced the stairway with glass and sandwhiched the stream between two layers so there's a current irregardless of your perspective, i just finished it but now im seeing phantom block water in reallife. think i need a break.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
thespot84 said:
I play MP, I always make sure it's daytime (!time ftw) I spawn/dupe all my mats and I build shit. And I like it.

Take that!

I think many would argue that you should play Minecraft classic if that's what you enjoyed. =P


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Pandaman said:
argh. i replaced the stairway with glass and sandwhiched the stream between two layers so there's a current irregardless of your perspective, i just finished it but now im seeing phantom block water in reallife. think i need a break.

I'm trying to build a pyramid of glass with a maze in the middle and a lava stream on one side and a waterfall on the other. I'm on day 3. Greatness takes time.


WanderingWind said:
Yeah, buddy. There is a trend. You, acting like an annoying twit and everybody else calling you out on it.
If me describing how you feel about the game is annoying, even though you yourself gave the same description, then so be it.

Maybe one day you'll realize not everyone hates you because you exist. I certainly don't, anyway! I hope it's soon. It must be sad think you're all alone in the world. ):


Twig said:
If me describing how you feel about the game is annoying, even though you yourself gave the same description, then so be it.

Maybe one day you'll realize not everyone hates you because you exist. I certainly don't, anyway! I hope it's soon. It must be sad think you're all alone in the world. ):

The only person that likes you is your roommate, deal with it.


ZealousD said:
I think many would argue that you should play Minecraft classic if that's what you enjoyed. =P

Solid point, but i like the peeps on touch's server. And I play a little SP on the side...


Twig said:
I dare you to find one post in this thread where I told anyone that they're playing the game wrong.

Well, you told one guy that he doesn't 'get' minecraft. You told another guy he 'should' play on peaceful. You also told a guy that if he doesn't care about anything except for the building elements, he would be better suited playing Lego.

As well as that, a few other asshole quotes:

"Stop crying and figure out how to craft a weapon."
"Then you should really know better, and the fact that you don't is kind of sad."

Sure, none of this is specifically you saying they're playing it 'wrong'. But fuck man, you're amazingly defensive about something in this thread and through searching the past 4 pages I can't really work out what it's about.

Nobody fucking disagrees that you have an opinion on the different types of people who play this game. At that, nobody really cares that there are different types of people who play this game. There are different types of people who eat god damn hamburgers but nobody feels compelled to go up to them and say "you like sauce on your burger but I think that having sauce ruins the taste!". Granted there's probably some thread on the internet with that topic, but oh well.

Point is, stop being a crazy person.


Kritz said:
Well, you told one guy that he doesn't 'get' minecraft. You told another guy he 'should' play on peaceful. You also told a guy that if he doesn't care about anything except for the building elements, he would be better suited playing Lego.
Way to take all of those out of context. Props to you for creativity!

"Stop crying and figure out how to craft a weapon."
This was a joke. U:
"Then you should really know better, and the fact that you don't is kind of sad."
This was not. U:

Seriously, the guy is a software developer, but acts like he doesn't know what the alpha phase of development actually means. I stand by what I said.

Sure, none of this is specifically you saying they're playing it 'wrong'. But fuck man, you're amazingly defensive about something in this thread and through searching the past 4 pages I can't really work out what it's about.
I'm not defensive about anything! Seriously, I have nothing to defend here, except when people accuse me of doing things I'm not doing. That is annoying.
Nobody fucking disagrees that you have an opinion on the different types of people who play this game. At that, nobody really cares that there are different types of people who play this game. There are different types of people who eat god damn hamburgers but nobody feels compelled to go up to them and say "you like sauce on your burger but I think that having sauce ruins the taste!". Granted there's probably some thread on the internet with that topic, but oh well.
I just like discussing why people like the same things for different reasons. Yet, I start doing this and all of a sudden I'm considered an asshole.
Point is, stop being a crazy person.
I ain't no crazy.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
WanderingWind said:
Quick question. What can you do with an egg? I can't eat it. I can't cook it....I don't think?
Nothing, yet. It'll probably be used to cook omelettes in the future.
WanderingWind said:
Yeah, buddy. There is a trend. You, acting like an annoying twit and everybody else calling you out on it. You are officially either an expert troll, or very, very dumb. Anybody else would have figured out, "Gee, everybody is telling me that I'm being annoying. Maybe I should reevaluate what I'm doing." Nope, not you. Clearly, everybody else is at fault, right, bud?

I won't respond to anything else you write that isn't about Minecraft, so feel free to unload if that will make you feel better. You clearly need the release. Cheers.

Twig has been more of a voice of reason than nearly anyone else in this thread for several pages.

I guess with the boom in popularity, the overwhelming sense of joy and positive feelings in the thread were inevitably going to subside. That's the way of things.

Limited torches are a fact. We have no idea how the game will be balanced, as in: how long torches will last, how difficult it will be to make lanterns, etc. This bickering is pointless.
Jasoco said:
You kids need to stop fighting and enjoy the goddamned game or GTFO.

I love mah Minecraft thread been here since the beginning!

OT- I am glad that Notch is giving me bunches of lanterns in place of my now worthless torches. Torches are now probably only going to be useful at the beginning of the game.


The underwater tunnel to my newly founded "Faraday Island" has been completed (at least the main structure of the tunnel)! PHEW! What an undertaking that was. Thanks to Touchmybox for helping me with some TNT amongst other things.

The tunnel is on the mainland underneath my observatory (on the coast, way right of the spawn past the treehouse fort) and will take you onto the middle of Faraday Island which is currently unsettled. Build as you wish! LOST-themed structures are encouraged!

Also, in the tunnel is a great spot for mining/exploring. There is is a sign where the tunnel branches off. I've dubbed it "Mushroom Caverns". Lots of gold and red stone, lava, coal, etc. in there if you need some.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Brazil said:
Nothing, yet. It'll probably be used to cook omelettes in the future.

Ah. Well, that's interesting. I tried making an egg drop soup with mushrooms and a bowl. I was disappointed when nothing happened. :lol
HappyBivouac said:
If it ends up being two iron and one redstone to make 8 lanterns will people shut up?

It doesnt really matter too much if you have enough of all of the materials needed which I do. I am just not sure it really adds anything to the experience but maybe it will. Only time will tell.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
HappyBivouac said:
If it ends up being two iron and one redstone to make 8 lanterns will people shut up?

I think most people are just anxious to see what happens with the lanterns. I mean, it's not like anybody (I don't think) is saying they're going to quit Minecraft over this update.


Twig said:
I just like discussing why people like the same things for different reasons. Yet, I start doing this and all of a sudden I'm considered an asshole.

I don't think people considered you an asshole all of a sudden.

You worked on that over the course of the thread, I'd imagine.


marked forever
WanderingWind said:
I think most people are just anxious to see what happens with the lanterns. I mean, it's not like anybody (I don't think) is saying they're going to quit Minecraft over this update.

I know I'm pretty anxious to see what will happen with this update!

I just want to awaken some nameless horror in the dark...


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
HappyBivouac said:
Redstone is easy as fuck to get. Go anywhere reasonably deep and you'll find tons of it. Break one redstone block and get four.

But it comes a bit too late compared to when you'd want laterns.

That'd also cause a huge inflation in coal.

IMO, Notch moving to laterns is fine if he raises the amount of iron and diamond in the world, and then cuts redstone to compensate.
So I'm trying to play in-browser in OSX at work (I scan things and then photoshop them. lots of free time while things scan.) and I keep getting this when I try to start it up:

Minecraft has crashed!

Minecraft has stopped running because it encountered a problem.

If you wish to report this, please copy this entire text and email it to support@mojang.com.
Please include a description of what you did when the error occured.

--- BEGIN ERROR REPORT a1dce528 --------
Generated 10/5/10 4:00 PM

Minecraft: Minecraft Alpha v1.1.2_01
OS: Mac OS X (i386) version 10.5.6
Java: 1.5.0_16, Apple Inc.
VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (mixed mode), Apple Inc.
LWJGL: 2.4.2
[failed to get system properties (java.lang.NullPointerException)]

java.lang.IllegalStateException: From thread Thread[Minecraft main thread,4,http://minecraft.net/game/-threadGroup]: Thread[Minecraft main thread,4,] already has the context current
at org.lwjgl.opengl.Context.checkAccess(Context.java:172)
at org.lwjgl.opengl.Context.makeCurrent(Context.java:177)
at org.lwjgl.opengl.Display.makeCurrent(Display.java:730)
at org.lwjgl.opengl.Display.makeCurrentAndSetSwapInterval(Display.java:896)
at org.lwjgl.opengl.Display.setParent(Display.java:478)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.a(SourceFile:148)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(SourceFile:554)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:613)
--- END ERROR REPORT fd988778 ----------

Any ideas?


I've been playing since the weekend and I haven't found a single block with ingots in them yet.. of any type. Is it just my map maybe? Or am I not looking in the right places?


Kritz said:
I don't think people considered you an asshole all of a sudden.

You worked on that over the course of the thread, I'd imagine.
I wish that were the case, but, sadly, no. Except for that one guy who told me to play Dead Rising instead of Minecraft if I want to kill dudes.

That was laughable, and I responded as such.

Dechaios said:
I've been playing since the weekend and I haven't found a single block with ingots in them yet.. of any type. Is it just my map maybe? Or am I not looking in the right places?
Find a cave, explore!

You'll often find coal above ground, but that's usually it. OCCASIONALLY iron, but it's much easier to find it underground, in natural caves (so you don't have to dig all the stone out of the way).
Dechaios said:
I've been playing since the weekend and I haven't found a single block with ingots in them yet.. of any type. Is it just my map maybe? Or am I not looking in the right places?

You don't get ingots directly from blocks. You get the raw ore, then smelt it in a furnace to make ingots.

If you mean the ores then I don't know what to tell you. When I bought the game back in July, I found iron within an hour of starting, still having little idea what I was doing, and diamond within 2-3 hours of starting.

Twig said:
I wish that were the case, but, sadly, no. Except for that one guy who told me to play Dead Rising instead of Minecraft if I want to kill dudes.

That was laughable, and I responded as such.

Just don't respond to this crap dude.

HappyBivouac said:
So I'm trying to play in-browser in OSX at work (I scan things and then photoshop them. lots of free time while things scan.) and I keep getting this when I try to start it up:

Any ideas?

Got it to work in safari, but this it froze on the options screen. Tried to reload the page and am now getting the same error. This is similar to what happened in firefox. Something in the error report talks about it "already having" something. Is there a way to clear my "java data" somehow? I tried clearing the cache, didn't help.


can you make wells in this game? i tried to cut through the ground and went to the ocean so there'd be a singular square of water inside but


the water just stops
water operates like this: there are source blocks and runoff from source blocks. source blocks can be scooped up in buckets, runoff cant. runoff can go 8 squares from a source horizontally then stops spreading (no limit to how far it can fall). sources never run out. runoff disappears when you remove the source or cut it off with blocks from a source. the ocean is a giant stack of identical source blocks. there is no water pressure-type system to let the water get shoved through the tunnel you dug by the ocean above it. the water at the bottom of the ocean and a single bucketful dropped in the middle of a field will flow out just as far.


marked forever
John said:
can you make wells in this game? i tried to cut through the ground and went to the ocean so there'd be a singular square of water inside but


the water just stops

I wish I had Doom 3 mod for Minecraft! Where'd you get that?


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
fredrancour said:
water operates like this: there are source blocks and runoff from source blocks. source blocks can be scooped up in buckets, runoff cant.

You can scoop up runoff blocks if they're right NEXT to the source blocks. That makes it easy to replicate source blocks and make as much water as you want.


Man...I was playing earlier on Touch's server and the ground wasn't loading or something. I was afraid to step off the one solid piece of land I was on for fear of falling into the void!

Kinda neat looking though to see all the different places Gaf has carved out.



Horsebite said:
Man...I was playing earlier on Touch's server and the ground wasn't loading or something. I was afraid to step off the one solid piece of land I was on for fear of falling into the void!

Kinda neat looking though to see all the different places Gaf has carved out.


I have seen Moria.


I am tempted to get this but with my current OCD for Forging in Halo: Reach, I can see Minecraft taking over my life. :lol


Neo Member
I get that seeing through the environment a bit when I /home from a distance in my friends server. The blocks load up, they just have no textures and are invisible. You can walk around fine.

I went to touchmybox's server and the same thing happened at one stage. I thought it would be fine to move on.


I was wrong.
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