Minecraft in general is starting to give me the same sort of grindy addictiveness that I told myself I'd never get sucked into again.
And yet the game honestly isn't all that well made. The graphics need work, and by that I don't mean "durr hurr low poly low res durr hurr". The textures are just lazily made and are prone to a lot of aliasing. Combat is totally ineffective and not fun. There's no AI to speak of whatsoever. Creepers are the spawn of Satan. Zombies are pushovers. Mineral balance is terrible. There's not enough Iron or Diamond in the world. There's too much Redstone. Notch's plan to make people relight torches and force people to use lanterns will only exacerbate the problem. Gravel is ASS.
There's lots of lazy programming. Memory limitations are completely transparent to the player (Stacks of 64, You can only build up 64 blocks, you can only dig down 64 blocks). Bedrock is randomly generated, so you can fall through to the void. Each individual block in the world is assigned a memory location in RAM, which is why TouchMyBox's server requires 40 full megs to hold all the data, even though the world isn't that big. It's sort of like the uncompressed loseless AVI of the video game world. With so many instances of identical blocks being next to each other, you'd think he'd come up with some way to compress all the data. Even empty space takes up RAM in this game.
Yes, I know the game is in Alpha. Yes, I know that he'll be adding updates and making changes. But this thing is suppose to go into Beta soon, isn't it? It feels more like it's half done. The game feels more like Pre-Alpha or some sort of prototype rather than being a full game.