So, I spent like seven hours last night building my castle in my new world I generated post patch. Started from scratch, so I had to mine lots of stone, sand, and coal, then smelted like 8 stacks of cobble to get clean stone, smelted 2 stacks of sand for glass, cut down like 20 trees for logs and wood, finally got the castle finished around 1 AM.
And now, I don't like it!
I love the location, I just don't think the castle looks good there. I think I want a different theme for this base now. I am actually considering tearing it all down and building something more like a collection of buildings or bunkers connected by short tunnels or halls partially sunken in the ground, with a wall surrounding the perimeter to keep the nasties at bay. Think Skywalker Ranch in A New Hope. And I think I'll put small windows in the wall to kill creepers in the morning after the sun kills the rest of the mobs.
Damnit, all of that clean stone and glass is going to be wasted. Wish I could salvage it somehow. Wish I could just let the castle be and get to the mining part of minecraft, but NNNOOOOOOO, I'm going to rip it all down and do it all over again. I'm going to need more sand. And coal...
This game brings out the best and the worst of my gaming side.