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Minecraft |OT|

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Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Bootaaay said:
No, the texture pack shown in the screenshots isn't included - the only things included are the SimpleMap mini-map, the Ambient Occlusion mod and some mod that improves the chat functionality. Also, the patcher lets you pick and choose which of the mods to install.

You keep getting more awesome with every post. Thanks again.


Um... What is this supposed to be? EDIT: That thing in the window on the bottom picture. I didn't realize all three images were actually in one place.


It looks creepy as hell.


Pinko Marx said:
Ugh, having trouble installing the ambient occlusion on mac.
It's broken. The guy says the next version will fix it for Mac users. It looks in the wrong place right now.


Irish said:
Um... What is this supposed to be? EDIT: That thing in the window on the bottom picture. I didn't realize all three images were actually in one place.


It looks creepy as hell.

That's just what the creepers are skinned as in the JohnSmith texture pack.

Confused the heck out me the first time I saw one. Needless to say, the confusion was quickly cleared up when the thing blew up in my face.


Any texture packs out yet that are compatible with the Halloween pack and don't have a ton of problems?? Everything I've seen has a lot of issues, like Hell being covered in water textures and all assortment of crap. :( Doku doesn't seem to be working on updating his RPG pack and some guy updated it but the added textures are crappy.


What's the deal with the Nether?
I made a portal, was like "fuck this mang", went back, was now in the woods.
Why would I want to use portals?
Pulka said:
What's the deal with the Nether?
I made a portal, was like "fuck this mang", went back, was now in the woods.
Why would I want to use portals?
1 step there is 8 in the normal world or something, so you can travel a lot faster.


Horsebite said:
Any texture packs out yet that are compatible with the Halloween pack and don't have a ton of problems?? Everything I've seen has a lot of issues, like Hell being covered in water textures and all assortment of crap. :( Doku doesn't seem to be working on updating his RPG pack and some guy updated it but the added textures are crappy.

I've been alternating between JohnSmith's pack and Misa's Realistic pack. The only issue I've found with either so far is that the Realistic pack doesn't seem to have the watch done yet, as it's invisible.

What's the deal with the Nether?
I made a portal, was like "fuck this mang", went back, was now in the woods.
Why would I want to use portals?

It's a bug right now. Basically, the running theory is that when creating the initial overworld portal, the game tries to find a safe place to put the equivalent Nether portal. If it can't find one, it places it in the next closest place. Problem is, when re-entering the Nether portal, the game puts you in the equivalent Overworld location for the Nether portal, and since the game moved the position of the Nether portal, you end up in the wrong place in the Overworld.

I imagine that a good fix for this would be to alter the Nether around a portal location so that any Nether location can be considered "safe". Teleporting into a solid wall? Carve a decent-sized hemisphere out of it, Terminator-style. Teleporting into thin air in the middle of a huge cavern? Create a platform under the portal.
Vlad said:
I imagine that a good fix for this would be to alter the Nether around a portal location so that any Nether location can be considered "safe". Teleporting into a solid wall? Carve a decent-sized hemisphere out of it, Terminator-style. Teleporting into thin air in the middle of a huge cavern? Create a platform under the portal.

Nah, that kinda sucks. There is a -lot- of open air in the Nether. I just want the portals that the game constructs to record the otherworld coordinates that they came from, so when sending you back, it'll either send you to a portal there, or construct one.


wrong thread :D

(oh well, i'll just waste this post to say i love ambient occlusion and it should be in every game :p)

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Unconfirmed Member
eso76 said:
ok, i might have a thing for cats but i'm loving this.

if i didn't feel that turning on a console to pet a virtual cat sounds weird and a little sad i would declare this my killer app.

(were his pants like when the streaming started or did he have an accident while playing ? :D )

I don't know what you're talking about, but I could go for a Minecraft pet. I won't pee my pants, though.


Great news about official texture pack support!

Vlad said:

The source block can also sit on the lava. The only source/non-source issue you have to worry about is for the lava. Source lava blocks create obsidian, flow lava blocks create cobblestone. As long as it's a source lava block, it'll turn into obsidian if it touches any water, source or no.

The thing you want to be careful of is putting water IN the lava, for lack of a better way of saying it. When I make my molds, I make the dirt layer for the lava and then I put another layer on top of that. It's easier to put the water in if you can just aim for the inside of the layer above the lava. If you've only got the mold built up to the current lava layer, then you've got to worry about water spilling over the side if you don't re-bucket it fast enough, ruining nearby torches, tracks, etc.
That's what I meant. :)

GDJustin said:
No, the source block can't sit on the lava source block.

Moving water touching unmoving lava = obsidian. And that's it - other combinations don't do it. If you were to dump a bucket of water directly on top of lava, that specific block of lava would not be turned to obsidian, because both blocks are unmoving.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Vlad said:
I imagine that a good fix for this would be to alter the Nether around a portal location so that any Nether location can be considered "safe". Teleporting into a solid wall? Carve a decent-sized hemisphere out of it, Terminator-style. Teleporting into thin air in the middle of a huge cavern? Create a platform under the portal.

A better idea would be to correctly "link" different portals. Rather than forcing the 8:1 relationship, each time a portal is created, each portal location holds a data value representing the (X,Y,Z) location of the opposite portal.
Horsebite said:
You're just gonna come in here and post that with no explanation?

Looks like the ambient occlusion mod with the 3D Dot Game Heroes texture pack. No idea about the water. Oh and the better grass mod too.


I want a tag give me a tag
aww :(

I'm at uni working hard on 3 assignments due today and I can't get browser minecraft to work. Don't have network access or something.. bugger. back to reading gaf!
Lol, on a thread in the minecraft forums some people have been experimenting with editing the texture file for what the player sees when wearing the pumpkin mask and I grabbed this one;


Metalic Sand said:
Can the ambient occlusion mod mess anything up? Where do i DL it.

Nah, it shouldn't mess anything up and is fairly easy to install (unless you're on mac, the patcher currently doesn't work on macs);

I really wish there was a "dowsing rod" you could make. Like a compass that pointed to water. When I'm underground and I can hear the water sound it would be really cool if I had a dowsing rod and could know what direction that water is in.

Actually it would be even better if all it did was glow when you got close. However it would glow blue for water and red for lava (purple means both). Then you could search for water and lava underground, or at least know.
Fusebox said:
Are people actually playing with that HUD? :lol

Heh, doubt it, it's just a novelty - but I did see a bunch of other HUD's, Call of Duty, Halo, Rogue Squadron, etc and some of the people on the forums were experimenting with changing the colour tint of the mask so you'd be better able to see in the dark, which could be quite useful.
Jasoco said:
I can't wait until he fixes the Mac version. That map should be part of the stock program. Does it work in caves though? Does it show where you are when underground or will it only show the topmost level.

Nah, it'll only show the top-most level, unfortunately - also, it doesn't yet work in the Nether.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Pinko Marx said:
Looks like the ambient occlusion mod with the 3D Dot Game Heroes texture pack. No idea about the water. Oh and the better grass mod too.

Something about that screenshot stinks. There's also depth of field?

No, something is going on there besides the Ambient Occlusion mod. Looks shopped to me.


I hope Notch fixes the portal misfire soon.

In my world I create Portal A. I enter it, it takes me to Portal 1 in the Nether. Then I come back out and it takes me to a new Portal B about a hundred meters from Portal A. So I destroy B and go through A again and come back. Now I have Portal C RIGHT NEXT TO Portal B. So I go back into A and come back out and now I have Portal D even CLOSER to B than C was. So for the fuck of it I have now created Portal's E, F, G and H. And I can't stop! Every time I destroy one, another one is created giving me 14 more Obsidian for free without having to touch any Lava. It's addictive! If only it didn't take so fucking long to mine a single block of Obsidian. Ugh.. 16 seconds feels like forever! :lol

Okay this has been bugging me for a really long time:

Why is it that the creators of every minecraft mapping program have conspired to make it so that in minecraft world the sun sets in the south? It messes with my head and stuff!


I hope notch fixes the 'bug' where you use the item in your hand if you open a door or a chest. Too many times I've eaten ham or shot an arrow when I just want to open a door. I've even read stories about people setting fire to their home, because they had a bucket of lava selected when opening a door... :lol


Just want to say how much I love the AO mod. It should really be folded into the true game. It's not a major change, but it gives the world a greater feeling of depth. No one should be playing without it.


SToRM said:
I've even read stories about people setting fire to their home, because they had a bucket of lava selected when opening a door... :lol
Yes, you "read" about it... just like I "read" about it :) Really, you only do it once :)
SToRM said:
I hope notch fixes the 'bug' where you use the item in your hand if you open a door or a chest. Too many times I've eaten ham or shot an arrow when I just want to open a door. I've even read stories about people setting fire to their home, because they had a bucket of lava selected when opening a door... :lol

Yeah, its pretty shit. I'll have food in my hand and eat it when going to use a chest or a furnace. Hugely annoying.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Yeah. That plus the tree leaves not going away are major annoyances. This is why people shouldn't pressure notch for updates! Let him go at his own pace. When he gets pressured, bugs are introduced.


GDJustin said:
Yeah. That plus the tree leaves not going away are major annoyances. This is why people shouldn't pressure notch for updates! Let him go at his own pace. When he gets pressured, bugs are introduced.
Now if only we didn't pressure people, so it could be like Valve, and they'd still introduce amusing bugs with every other update. :lol
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