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Minecraft |OT|

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Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
Started trying to build my underground glass city. Just starting with underwater glass domes that i lit up so i can see. Gets real dark real fast down there.

And you can't put torches on glass ¬_¬


Cindres said:
Started trying to build my underground glass city. Just starting with underwater glass domes that i lit up so i can see. Gets real dark real fast down there.

And you can't put torches on glass ¬_¬

Lava! You can embed lava within your glass walls.

MNC said:
Take some screenies!

I have yet to encounter a cave.. Maybe I need to reroll.... BUT I DON'T WANNA

Wait, what! How can you not have seen a single cave; they're all over the place!


Blizzard said:
I don't understand why you people can't just run like five worlds at once. :p Rerolling doesn't mean you lose the original! You should even be able to delete the new ones.
This is true, but I like to keep it to 1 world. Of everything, I'd like to have a main... something. world, in this case. It's my gamer OCD I guess. a second world wouldn't really be my main world, thus I would return to my own main world, even though I can construct whatever I want in the second one.



Boonoo said:
But caves are the greatest source of materials and shiny things. Caves are where it's at!
I <3 spelunking for treasure and adventure.
Oh I know. My first world, Save 1, is stuffed with secret caves and halls far below the surface. That's my greatest pleasure. Crumbling through a wall and discovering great darkness, extremly thrilling. :D

PS! Is there any way to reset ones spawn point?


I would also like to give a huge thumbs up to the crafting system in this game.

The simplicity of it is genius. It's like MS Paint with elements.

Want a sword? Place two ore pieces above a wooden piece.

Want a pickaxe? Place three stones across with two wooden pieces under the middle.

I have drawn my way to two thirds of the items without having to refer to a guide. Brilliant!

I also like the forging aspect where you will have to keep the flames fed, I enjoy it.


----- ------
Man said:
Oh I know. My first world, Save 1, is stuffed with secret caves and halls far below the surface. That's my greatest pleasure. Crumbling through a wall and discovering great darkness, extremly thrilling. :D

PS! Is there any way to reset ones spawn point?



Go to where you want to spawn, save and exit your world. Open in MineEdit, click on environments tab and click the "Set Spawn to Players Pos" button, save and close.


And just like that :lol Right behind my own house, in the sand, I find my first cave. I think a creeper exploded here once.
I made some shots after playing tonight, if anyone is interested :)

This is my newly created field for crops (left) and trees (on the right)

Here you can see the other angle from my tower where my underwater glass room is

From down in my glass room

one level deeper

The path to my spawn to house minecart track

The minecart track

As well as:

My area seen from the mincart track start

There's a ladder down my tower to the bottom of the map

and from bottom to top

down there I have some paths to gather ressources

and inside my cave home


I love this game :)

and this guy streaming is just sick *EEK*


I made a big tower thing ontop of my 2 story dirt house. I was finishing making some room on the top for walking and then a guard rail. I fell off, I died. I thought I'd be invincible in peaceful mode. I give up for a while. I'm really really not creative at all so this sort of sucks for me. I wasn't making anything neat anyways, there was this castle on a mountain and I was going to make a stairway through the mountain up but I didn't know, I'm shit with creativity.
I can see how this game wouldn't appeal to certain types, but otherwise this game is amazing. If you are remotely interested in this game, BUY IT. It may seem dry at first, but once you can makes torches and mining picks, it is really up to you to do whatever the fuck you want.
So here's the project that I spent most of yesterday working on, and a fair share today. It's not complete, but it's as complete as it's getting for a few days.

I built a magical water tower. It's made almost entirely of glass, with torches encased in the middle, and a water streaming down all sides (surrounding the torches).


A shot of it at night, I had hoped it would be brighter, but I guess I'll have to do something to the top of it to make it nice and bright. I have some ideas.


A closeup of the base:


It works as an elevator. It's realllllllllllll slow going to get up to the top, but you can do it. Since there's a "crease" in the water on the edges, you can slide over to breathe, so you don't drown. Here I am swimming up. Screencapping while swimming was a challenge.


Looking down through the water at my base's foundation. I have big plans for the rest of the base still, but it took a back seat for magical water tower:


You can see the moat that I spent so much time on (and what ultimately inspired me to build the water tower), as well as the sandpit which supplied all of my glass for the structure. At one point I caused a sand cave in, and a creeper came out, and you can kind of make out the resulting crater. He didn't get me though!



paranoidfortean said:
It may very well be a bad idea, but I think a chat channel in the game would be a good idea.
There already is one. It's been in there since classic creative mode, and I think it's even listed in your controls (I haven't tried pressing T but it might even work).

Also, that water tower is awesome. You should try placing lava in the center if it's big enough. :D
Blizzard said:
There already is one. It's been in there since classic creative mode, and I think it's even listed in your controls (I haven't tried pressing T but it might even work).

Also, that water tower is awesome. You should try placing lava in the center if it's big enough. :D

What am I? Someone that reads documention!
So once I've picked a spot I've got like 4 deep tunnels which interconnect but now the fuckin cows and sheep seems to be attracted to my torches. I guess it's time to get some leather armor.


Having spent a full Sunday on this game, I still haven't gone too deep into the game (no pun intended). I played on easy, and only found one creature underground. I think I'll go up a level tonight.

I spent several hours making a very long, straight 4 x 4 tunnel at a depth about 4 meters above the lava level. It crosses into five or six large caves and when I finally tunneled up again I came out somewhere I couldn't see my home mountain from. Initially I had my tunnel deeper but several incursions of lava made me rethink that strategy. I'm not even sure I'm on the same island I started the tunnel in - I have to do some exploring to find out. Has anyone tunneled from one island to another?

Do you guys put all your resources - cobblestone, dirt, etc, into crates, or do you throw some away as you go? I was throwing a lot away because I thought I'd never use that many, but upon starting a tall but narrow tower I realised that they you go through blocks pretty quickly.


Neo Member
all right, here's some pictures I took tonight trying to create a completely underwater area.


there's something out in that lake.


oh, there's an entrance.


in you go.


after you come down the water elevator (that's as good a phrase as any), you end up in the basement. I've put my furnace and tool box and whatnot down here for now. I like how ominous the one torch makes it.


other side of the water elevator, this is the only way in and out.


a shot of the main room, the only other one finished aside from the basement. the torches and dirt spots mark where I want to expand. this took far too long to build, it has to be really well planned out if you don't want to constantly die. I had two dirt air pockets around the area I wanted the structure to be in. once it was completed something weird happened with the game where water was leaking in though no hole was open. took some troubleshooting to fix it, wasted a lot of glass. you can see the water running along the sides of the glass.


a shot of the moon from under the water.

the top portion of the glass is probably about 8 or 9 cubes down. this was sort of a pain to put together, but an underwater city project would be a lot of fun with a group of people. it'd be a very team-oriented project. you could have someone in charge of air pockets, someone in charge of cooking pork chops for people to refill their health, people building...
I don't know how he wants this to look like in the end because the water is not going to be more than 2 blocks high, isn't it? I have to recheck what he did tomorrow
Here's a little video showing off my working iron door with a locking switch.

I apologize in advance for the awful quality. My laptop isn't too powerful and I had to record in a very low resolution just to get it to not lag too much.


I realize it's convoluted and that it doesn't take into account that someone could go in and lock my house when I'm not around. (Thinking ahead about multiplayer) But I guess that's a project for another night.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
I'm just gonna leave these images here... they speak for themselves. No full write-up because the wife is already yelling at me for how much time I spent on the computer today thanks to this game. A couple quick notes:

- The entire space has been mined out. 23x13x6... ~1800 blocks.
- Wood floors put in.
- Each bookshelf requires 9 papyrus, and 6 wood planks.
- There are about 194 bookshelves.




Caesar III said:
How does he get up the waterfall or whatever it is that fast? damnit
I tried id myself now, boats are damn fast in going UP the waterfalls! boat lift is the way to go :) Works nice

@justin: wonderful! just wonderful.


Neo Member
looks like the streaming guy isn't taking damage. he did say he used invedit to move a bunch of water for his log flume, he'll probably do the same for his glass city.


Well, I just tried the free browser version and it was going at like 3 FPS, lol. Guess Ill just have to wait till I get my sister's old Mac Book in a couple of months.

Also, holy SHIT at that library. Nice job!


dejay said:
That's fucking insane. Is that coloured wool?
Essentially yes, those blocks aren't in alpha yet. That's from the free old creative mode, and some people who build sprites probably use hacks to fly around so it's easy for them to construct.

I'll have to try the boat waterfall idea. :O

And yes, those blocks are mossy stone. Secret dungeon areas are the only place in the map where you can ever find that kind of block as far as I know, so use it wisely!


Borman said:
Have any of you found this block yet?

Any idea what it does? I found it in a Zombie room

I read somewhere about a mossy cobblestone - I guess that's it. I don't think it's structurally different from normal cobblestone.
GDJustin, or anyone who knows: how do you craft paintings?

RadicalRad said:
Here's a little video showing off my working iron door with a locking switch.

I apologize in advance for the awful quality. My laptop isn't too powerful and I had to record in a very low resolution just to get it to not lag too much.


I realize it's convoluted and that it doesn't take into account that someone could go in and lock my house when I'm not around. (Thinking ahead about multiplayer) But I guess that's a project for another night.
That's pretty awesome circuit-work, I must admit, but if this is your fortification for multiplayer, did it not cross your mind that anyone with a pickaxe could just come right through the wall?


GDJustin said:
I'm just gonna leave these images here... they speak for themselves. No full write-up because the wife is already yelling at me for how much time I spent on the computer today thanks to this game. A couple quick notes:
I thought the bookcases were a waste of time when they were discovered, but putting them together like that is really impressive. I don't think I'll play with them myself until you can remove them, since I have a bad misplacing habit. Wouldn't want to risk all that effort.
Funky Functionality said:
That's pretty awesome circuit-work, I must admit, but if this is your fortification for multiplayer, did it not cross your mind that anyone with a pickaxe could just come right through the wall?

Yea I figured that... mostly just wanted to figure out the circuits. I'm hoping when multiplayer comes along something is implemented that discourages just cutting through walls. (or some kind of invulnerable building material) The same can be said about the door.. iron doors take awhile to break down but it can be done.


I've been playing this for almost a week now and this game has been impressive and keeps on impressing.

My biggest project so far has been building a canal to connect my original camp to my second camp which is closer to the ocean of my world.

Video of riding down the canal. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ceXv9yUcvaA



Then I decided I wanted a volcanic island which unfortunately wasn't what I ended up with but instead a tower of lava.

Video of the tower being constructed http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wsN2xT94udY



After constructing the tower of lava, I ventured off to check out a spot of lava I saw on Cartographer.


I plan to come back here later and begin construction of a castle up above.


The definition of front-butt.
Oyashiro said:
Well, I just tried the free browser version and it was going at like 3 FPS, lol. Guess Ill just have to wait till I get my sister's old Mac Book in a couple of months.

Did you try adjusting the fog settings? My netbook runs slow with low fog but with normal fog its like 50-80 fps. You can also choose fancy or basic graphics.

RadicalRad said:
Yea I figured that... mostly just wanted to figure out the circuits. I'm hoping when multiplayer comes along something is implemented that discourages just cutting through walls. (or some kind of invulnerable building material) The same can be said about the door.. iron doors take awhile to break down but it can be done.

That circuit video was cool. I have 5 red stones, how much wire could I make?

I agree, there should be something to discourage pickaxing someones fortress. Maybe anything a player builds gets a major strength boost against other players who are not identified as friendly.


Has problems recognising girls
Brannon said:

This guy has laid out over 60 hours of time on this. I still just can NOT believe it.
Just.. wow. I said it before but every day brings a new surprise for this game. I cannot believe the imagination of us players is creating such vastly different structures and layouts. Every single player seems to think of an aspect of the game that pushes the envelope that much more.
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