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Minecraft |OT|

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stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Slimes aren't really that dangerous, FYI. Or maybe they are now in the new patch. Over the weekend though, I found them to be mostly harmless. Borderline benign. I was mining last night and kept feeling like my character was moving oddly. I eventually turn around and was face to face with a slime. He had been jumping into me, harmlessly, for at least 3 minutes. :lol

I hardly buy games these days, except for the occasional Valve release, but this thread had me intruiged and I just couldn't resist... it all seems very fresh.

Do they know when Minecraft's multiplayer will go beta?


perryfarrell said:

I hardly buy games these days, except for the occasional Valve release, but this thread had me intruiged and I just couldn't resist... it all seems very fresh.

Do they know when Minecraft's multiplayer will go beta?

Week, or two.


My latest project:





Took a ton of smelting and freezing to restore the surface to what it looked like before I started building. Planning on expanding downwards from here.
Damn, I hate those slimes. They killed me 3 times already in this cave


And I lost my iron pickaxe and my diamond pickaxe because of them, fuck it.
On top of this there are creepers, skeletons and zombies as well.

@justin: SLIMES ARE DANGEROUS! but only the big ones! But they are very dangerous!
Caesar III said:
Damn, I hate those slimes. They killed me 3 times already in this cave


And I lost my iron pickaxe and my diamond pickaxe because of them, fuck it.
On top of this there are creepers, skeletons and zombies as well.

@justin: SLIMES ARE DANGEROUS! but only the big ones! But they are very dangerous!

What makes them worse is sometimes they go invulnerable and you can't hit them... that and if one of the big ones manage to fit themselves in a small tunnel they can jump at you and insta-gib you before you can get out of the green screen that is their fat body, I've died to slimes more than anything else and they were just added!
I managed to kill a lot of those fuckers as well as 6 zombies, 2 skeletons, 2 spiders and 2 creepers so far. The splatting sound doesn't stop though.

And if I look up

then I'm scared what's waiting for me up there :D


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Huh... I wonder if slimes are glitched for me then because they've only ever done a few hearts worth of damage.

Rapstah - that's cool. At first I was like "that doesn't seem that neat" and then I saw it was under ice and was like "ooooh" :D


Did not ask for this tag
Acosta said:
Osaka, your Yggdrassil is looking awesome, can you widen the base?

Thanks. Yeah, that's prolly my next project once I get the outer walls built up. Widen the base, round up the sides, and build some roots that run along the base. Maybe I'll get some water closer to it as well.

Gonna need to shovel up a lot of dirt and mine some more rock.


Funky Functionality said:
Wouldn't really be possible... the game just keeps expanding on forever on a flat plane, and gravity is constant in one direction. You could definitely build a giant "ring world"... but it wouldn't function as you'd want it to.

If you included a hidden doorway in the outer-most curve, you could switch to the backside of the ring world and continue up it - but not without changing sides, no.
GDJustin said:
Huh... I wonder if slimes are glitched for me then because they've only ever done a few hearts worth of damage.
When there are 4 huge slimes in a small room where you cannot go back you are fucked. and if you are heading back there to get your stuff back you are fucked again :D

Especially because they fit in 1 block wide areas right now which is a bug actually.
Rolled a snowy level, so i'm attempting to build a huge wall with castles like the one in A Song of Ice & Fire (although I don't think i'll build all 19 castles :lol);


View from the top;


View from ground level;




|ync said:
On the left you can make out one of my signal towers and a small outpost on the shoreline. My favourite things so far has been the feeling of isolation (the constant snowfall helps immensely) and exploration. At one point I thought it would be a good idea to do a quick lap of the island, not realizing that the terrain will just continuously grow (My save grew from something like 200 KB to 53 MB)

After 6 days and nights of running along the shore (Don't ask how long that is in real time) I realized my error and started constructing my first outpost. Unbeknownst to me I happened to be building right next to a large cave filled with monsters. Half way through the night a creeper blew down my wall and while running from the skeletons I was taken out by another creeper.

Arriving back at my spawn I failed to learn my lesson and the next night ran wildly away from more monsters and got thoroughly lost, then more lost trying to find my way back in the morning. Eventually I hit the ocean again and finally smartened up. I built an outpost, a big signal tower on the shore, and stocked up on supplies. When I was ready I set out in the direction I thought was home, this time making small waypoints every so often so that my route back to the outpost was always visible.

Several days and 31 waypoints later I ended up back on the coast and decided to build another outpost and restock my supplies. While digging for coal I broke through the top of a hill and suddenly found myself looking at a familiar landmark.

http://lh4.ggpht.com/_9xmR8agfkL8/T...VenFI/s800/light at the end of the tunnel.jpg

Seeing that floating island again was one of the most amazing feelings I've ever had while playing a game (right up there with Ico
when you think you've escaped the castle and then yorda gets pulled back as the bridge collapses. To this day I'm not sure if the next part where you leap back towards yorda but can't quite make the jump is a cut scene or not because that's exactly what I was doing with the controller *single tear*
). It turns out through animal instinct and a lot of luck I'd found my way right into my backyard without even knowing it. The outpost and signal tower you see in that night shot were constructed before I even realized where I was :) (obviously this all happened before I made the Mother tree and giant aqueduct)

Since then I have returned to finish my first abandoned outpost and mark a proper route, though I am still not clear where it lies in relation to base, somewhere far to the north west I believe (I originally set out to the south east but know I looped around because I encounter the path to my second outpost along the way). Eventually I plan to go back and clear out that monster filled cave, maybe it even leads to a dungeon! (haven't found one yet)

Long story short: this game is amazing, I can't wait for multiplayer.

Cool story!
Yeah they do a few hearts of damage, but if your mine is filled with them it can get very hard to survive. This happened to me when I tried to return to the surface. I tried my best to preserve my health and kill them, but their sheer number eventually killed me. I'm talking so fucking many of them that their spawn setting must be bugged. I couldn't even get near to my all my lost stuff because there were so many of them. This frustrated me so much that I deleted that world.
Friggin love this game already! Only 30 mins into it.

Something about it... really unlike anything else I've played.

I hope it becomes a big hit.

I keep dying though. And I can't see shit. Funny how it's uncompromising.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Easy_D said:
Any use for the pieces of slime that slimes drop?

No, none yet. Probably very likely that it will be used in cloth dyes, down the line.

Incidentally, colored wool and sponges are the only two features from the old "creative mode" Minecraft that haven't work their way back into the alpha, since brick and bookshelves made it in last week.

For dyes, my guess is slime will provide the greens, red and yellow flowers the reds and yellows. Purples and blues... will probably have to be something new.

Actually, maybe the slime won't be dye. It wouldn't make sense for all the dyes but green come from flowers/plants. There will probably be a way to make flowers farmable, and more colors of them. Combine with water to make dye, then apply to cloth.

So as for slime... who knows? Maybe apply it to Cobblestone to turn into mossy cobblestone? Maybe apply it to a sword to make it a poison-tip sword that does dmg over time to enemies or slows them?
is there a way to kill yourself in this game? I'm stuck in the dark, I think it's light out but I can't get there.

Edit: NVM I respawned and had some creatures kill me


never left the stone age
Dammit, I died, I was carrying a nice supply of awesome stuff, like gold and diamonds, I return to the place to finish the pesky slimes off and all my stuff had gone :(. If only I had gotten there faster. Luckily, the cave they were inhabiting had a wide assortment of things, like ore, gold, red ore and two lava sources :D


MvmntInGrn said:
Are you finding caves? Coal is everywhere, but I find the majority of my iron in caves.

I haven't found any caves yet, despite mining down to bedrock. I've found a decent amount of redstone, and one diamond, but not much iron.
Funky Functionality said:
Just so you know, that wasn't done in the Alpha, and it's not at all functional.

That's cool, this game looks amazing even so. Is there any object or goal like we traditionally see in games, like mine enough X to win or something? Any quests? Even just as a big tool set for building, it looks crazy awesome.


Loves Robotech S1
Metalic Sand said:
Guy who was building the huge underwater city got his save corrupted. Spawned massive blocks in the city.

I was looking forward to seeing it get flooded today. :(
Caesar III said:
Has anyone tried with buttons, red stone and iron doors so far? I don't get it to work :(
Are you using redstone the same way you'd use a tool (equipping it in your hand) to paint the blocks in a complete circuit from the switch to the door?
I cannot attach it to walls, is this correct? And when I press the switch (right next to the door without red stone) the door closes and reopens again right after :(


Quixzlizx said:
I haven't found any caves yet, despite mining down to bedrock. I've found a decent amount of redstone, and one diamond, but not much iron.

Wrong way to find caves! Search for them on the surface!


Caesar III said:
I cannot attach it to walls, is this correct? And when I press the switch (right next to the door without red stone) the door closes and reopens again right after :(
Redstone dust cannot travel vertically, you can make it go pseudo-vertically with Redstone Torches.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...

Goddammit. the exit was simply too small. Well I cant complain really as I was mining my ass of for iron and coal :) And now have quite a good amount. Geez. Good to see daylight again :D


I didn't want to go through the trouble of actually making an underwater home inside the ocean, so I made a giant glass bucket with house inside of it, filled with water.




I love texture packs! Specifically this Zelda one a guy made on MCForums. I made couple comparison shots for you all. This is also a great opportunity to show you how little I've made progress on my "town on the ocean". :lol

Zelda Outdoors

Normal Outdoors

Zelda Indoors

Normal Indoors

Pretty cool, huh? :D


MrMister said:
I love texture packs! Specifically this Zelda one a guy made on MCForums. I made couple comparison shots for you all. This is also a great opportunity to show you how little I've made progress on my "town on the ocean". :lol

Pretty cool, huh? :D

Finally a texture pack that i think is cooler than original, got a link?


Ferrio said:
Finally a texture pack that i think is cooler than original, got a link?
Here ya go!

Find Minecraft.jar somehow, usually under C:/Users/[Yourname]/AppData/Roaming/.minecraft for Vista users like myself.
Right click -> Open with... -> WinRAR
Proceed to replace all contents needed, such as terrain.png, and enjoy!

(And don't forget to make a backup.)


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
MrMister said:
I love texture packs! Specifically this Zelda one a guy made on MCForums. I made couple comparison shots for you all. This is also a great opportunity to show you how little I've made progress on my "town on the ocean". :lol

Pretty cool, huh? :D

Any others youd recommend? I am looking for a TP myself right now.


MrMister said:
Here ya go!

Find Minecraft.jar somehow, usually under C:/Users/[Yourname]/AppData/Roaming/.minecraft for Vista users like myself.
Right click -> Open with... -> WinRAR
Proceed to replace all contents needed, such as terrain.png, and enjoy!

(And don't forget to make a backup.)

WOW! I haven't really liked any of the textures replacements that I've seen so far but that is godlike.
I would bother with changing textures but I think this get's renewed every day when a new patch is loading and I don't want to do this every day again :(

notch should exclude the textures imho.

I don't get it to work with this damn door. The left one works just fine but the right one is not working at all, not with red stone, not with a button. it's altered. The door is open all the time and closes when I press the button to instantly open again :lol
Caesar III said:
Has anyone tried with buttons, red stone and iron doors so far? I don't get it to work :(

I made this video if it helps. It's kind of strange how you link things with wire it's very particular on positioning. Especially when you you try to link red light torches around. Knowing a bit about circuitry helps with understanding how the wire logic works.


I just managed to canalize the water of a cascade to go thorough my mine with several conducts, until I managed to make it collide with the bags of lava I'm seeing. I just wanted to know if I could and if something happened but it seems not only I was able to do it, I managed to create "Obsidian" a kind of highly resistant black stone. Too bad I can't mine it yet (need a diamond pick for that), but the process to canalize the water through my mine was awesome, really loved being able to crate several cascades to bring the water so deep inside.


Toma said:
Any others youd recommend? I am looking for a TP myself right now.
I'm actually looking through a bunch right now, and so far only the Zelda one has caught my eye as well.

This 0000 - Simplism pack looks promising, as does this one which gives me a Silent Hill vibe for some reason.

...oh, and CAVE STORY!

@Caesar III
Personally I think Notch should give support to texture packs like he does skins where you can upload them in the preferences section of his site.

EDIT: I didn't think this would work in MC well at first, but wow.
RadicalRad said:
I made this video if it helps. It's kind of strange how you link things with wire it's very particular on positioning. Especially when you you try to link red light torches around. Knowing a bit about circuitry helps with understanding how the wire logic works.
I'm familiar with circuits and all this stuff but I cannot get it to work in the game :) I just wanted to open my double iron doors by pressing a button right next to them. It seems this is not possible right now (in the little space I want it to happen), so I'm sticking with my wooden doors.

@MrMister: no, the textures are used for the browser version as well aren't they? Those textures would eat up space. He could just exclude the textures.png from the minecraft.jar
Just put it in "ressources\textures" and everything is fine. :)

The only thing I would change is the glass texture and remove the 3-dots lines in the middle so it's really transparent.

edit: @ metalic sand: he did this just today because of his fucked savegame. Yesterday he did not cheat at all. He did not have unlimited diamond tools either.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Ah, super lame the streamer has hacked items. He's using an unlimited diamond pickaxe now too. Tempted to try streaming myself :lol Is it processor intensive?
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