Today's adventures:
So, decided to make an advanced place by the respawn, so I wouldn't be completely screwed if I died again, which happens a lot. After I completed the project (and ultimately died), since I'm already quite familiar from going to the spawn area to my main house, I decided to go exploring.
In the back of my advanced house (by the respawn) there's a stone wall (that I used to make the house). Since i'm bored (and tired of dieing to monsters) I do some background excavation, using some cylindrical pattern i created on the fly. Boom, Red Ore is found, and a buncha coal.
So i keep digging, i finally find the bottom of the map (indestructible bedrock). I'm already digging for an hour, so I keep digging at the bottom of the map, in a straight line. I get bored and i start to dig up (real smart). Nothing really bad happen, and I come out in a awesome frozen lake.
Now comes the nice part: I have NO FUCKING IDEA where I am, so I use a small little trick i learned: Make something, whatever, a Cross, a Square, whatever, on a frozen lake and it'll show up on the overhead map like a sore thumb:
A is my main house, B is my "house by the respawn point", C is the cross shape I drew to find out where the hell am I.
"Oh, i'm not far from home at all, guess I'll just head there". But oh wait, it's starting to get dark and i'm running out of Life and Torches. What's that back there? A cave by the lake?
So I get cozy waiting for the night to go by and, while exploring, I find this massive underground tunnel system, filled with Iron Ore all over the place (finally). What was supposed to be a place I'd stay for a while became the next 2 hour exploring fun.
Amongst Copper, Iron, Monsters and Underground Water rivers, I finally found something different: one small Gold vein, that yielded only 3 Gold.. things.
"Ok, that's it. I'll just dig the hell up from where I am and leave". Which i did, which went wonderfully, until I took a little detour to finish this last goal quicker and... nooooooooo, I fell to my death. Red Ore, Gold, Lots of Iron... all down the drain.
Since I know where shit is (thanks to Cartographer), I sprint back to the place I died (near the surface), manage to recover EVERYTHING I lost (except my Iron Breastplate), find three different water veins under the rock (which i had to follow, since my stuff fell into them and got dragged down), manage to come back up, tidy up the place as a third base, with actual ground so I don't fall every three steps and Iron and Coal (and monsters) easily accessible. FINALLY, it's time to go home, where I have my storage chest and everything is safe.
Indeed, this is an amazing game with endless possibilities. I'm really glad I bought it, but what I described was pretty much an ENTIRE DAY of gameplay.
I can't imagine what will happen when more stuff is added/multiplayer is a reality, but I'll take a break from it, because I didn't do anything today because of it. :lol
Carry on with this awesome game.