For the mods on the survival server.
First up:
The major mods on the server are LWC (Lightweight Chest Protection) and Craftbook. We are also running "CreeperNerf", which disables terrain damage (99% of the time) but not player damage from creeper explosions. Monster Hunt which is currently not updated is also a part of the server, and will be returning shortly. We will also be adding achievements shortly (Hopefully) which will act just as stupid WoW-esque achievements, minus the rewards.
We are also adding H Spleef, for those familiar with the game. Looking for an Arena Builder to help us =D
The main commands you need to know are located in the list you get from typing /help.
They include:
/lwc is a very useful command and allows a varity of different things with chests and furnaces. Typeing /lwc by itself will pull a help list of all the various functions, but here are the three most common:
/lwc -c Private allows for individual use of a chest or furnace, locking it from other players completely.
/lwc -c Public allows for public use of chests or furnaces, registering them to a user.
/lwc -c Private (Yourname) (Someone elses name) Allows for locking of chest while still allowing access to specific people
/msg (NAME) is a simple but effective tool to send private messages to players.
/compass Tells you which direction you are facing.
/who Tells you who is currently logged in to the server.
Craftbook is an incredibly useful and powerful server mod, and most of the details can be found
Here at the craftbook Wiki, but lets cover a few basic and important features:
Gates are by far the most commonly used Craftbook addition. Gates are created by fencing a door or archway and making a sign with the word [Gate] on the second line. Gates can be hooked up to redstone and its various switches.
Minecart transportation is overhauled with Craftbook. Gold blocks are boosters, soul sand for brakes. Also allows use of dispensers, collectors, and various useful utilities. In depth information for this is on the wiki.
Bookshelves & Apples
Craftbook allows bookshelves to be read by right clicking them, as well as be reclaimed if they are destroyed. Leaves that are destroyed have a small percentage to drop an apple, an otherwise unobtainable object (Other than dungeons)
IC's are a huge topic that cannot be covered in this post. Different numbers placed on signs make custom logic gates and programs that cannot be made any other way. An example would be the MC1230, which triggers power if it is day. This, combined with gates, could trigger a gate that shuts at night and opens during the daytime.
Elevators work the same way as gates. Second line of a sign type [Lift up] and then [Lift down] directly above it and you'll make an elevator. Right click the sign to go up or down.
Another useful bit if your going to play on the Survival server is to know your way around.
The Trains are very useful ways of getting around quickly, and the two main stations can be found near spawn by heading north towards the colored buildings.
Once your in the station, you'll be presented with a layout like this:
All of the stations have somewhat different structure, but they all function identically.
All stations have boosters located on the wool, and minecart dispensers located on the
sand. All stations additionally have a flashing light indicating whether or not the station is operational. The main stations have these lights outside as well as inside.
I will be posting much more shortly! IF you need any help, /msg me or any of the blue guys in game!