Agnostic said:
After seeing some of Gaf's screenshots of their creations I won't be posting mine anytime soon. I've only been playing for 2 weeks so I'm just still figuring out all those little bits of knowledge.
Post them any way, I've been playing even less time than you, haven't touched anything to do with rails or pistons or any fancy stuff yet, but just started branch mining so hopefully I can have some fun with that kind of stuff soon.
My main building project after I started a house-cave was a sandstone pyramid and tower, it's all barebones inside for now, but I like the clean look of the sandstone:
Pyramid & Tower
View from bottom outside, the waterfall drops from the very top of the tower, a 3 storey apartment, with a glass ceiling/observatory
View from top of tower, with a water feature that goes down through the 3 floors at the top
View all the way down the center, I've fallen all the way down the ladder more than once!
Inside the 2nd floor, nothing really there at the moment
Inside the pyramid, again totally bare except for stairs to 2nd floor and two water pools at each far end
I had a blast making it, I've literally not played another game since I bought minecraft, totally hooked!