Lyphen said:That's a pretty funny defensive remark, but no.
AMD Ahtlon II X3 435mcrae said:im curious as to what your computer specs are now
callmedave said:Also, wearing a pumpkin will protect you from their gaze.
Ark said:Is your computer from the 90's? You'd have to have a seriously poor computer not to be able to run Minecraft at a decent rate.
Lyphen said:Finally gave it a shot with the Humble deal. Game doesn't perform very well. All I really got out of this is a very strong hope that the Xbox version will be worth it, done by good coders and artists (some of the mods have very nice style - default is ehhh), and ones wise enough not to use Java!
I'll have to give it a shot, it certainly should be running better!Barberetti said:Try running it fullscreen instead of windowed if you aren't already. I played Minecraft for ages, and mine ran like shit in windowed mode but fine in fullscreen.
Lyphen said:I'll have to give it a shot, it certainly should be running better!
vas_a_morir said:Okay guys.
Arkyo is finally growing and I'm really happy with the progress. However, we have one little problem:
PAGODAS! We have 3 of them... and quite frankly, 8 story buildings do not fit the theme nor the rules for the city.
After talking about it with everyone on the server, I decided to make a suggestion: Can you reduce the size of these buildings to two-stories? I don't want to be a dictator, and I won't go ahead and tear down the building and steal the materials like *some* suggested. lol
But, Central Arkyoto city is a bunch of small, intricate, and tasteful buildings. having a giant Hollow Christmas tree in the middle... is kind of the exact opposite of what the city is supposed to represent. When I look at the city, all I see are 3 big Pagodas that obstruct the view of the city and dominate the skyline. It looks like Kathmandu.
So, I'd like to talk to Jakershaker and Luffyzero about maybe reducing the size of their buildings to two stories. If I don't hear back in a week... Well, I can't guarantee those building's safety.
From now on, there is a two story limit on buildings unless discussed on the thread.
Lyphen said:I'll have to give it a shot, it certainly should be running better!
Ranger X said:
Fixed. Notch's spelling has been rusty lately.ARXIN said:
Orlandu84 said:I went to Neocraft for the first time yesterday, and I all that I have to say is, "Wow!" You all are an inspiration. Literally. Your designs have already changed the way that I build in minecraft. Currently, I am working on a castle that will sit on an island just outside of Arkyoto. Also, my Minecraft handle is Agam_Bellum. See you all in the server later today.
Orlandu84 said:I went to Neocraft for the first time yesterday, and I all that I have to say is, "Wow!" You all are an inspiration. Literally. Your designs have already changed the way that I build in minecraft. Currently, I am working on a castle that will sit on an island just outside of Arkyoto. Also, my Minecraft handle is Agam_Bellum. See you all in the server later today.
Ark said:Those are all perfectly legitimate and awesome ideas imo.
bengraven said:I was playing Legos with my kid and thinking of how I would improve MC. haha
in my opinion, adding the majority of these would make Survival mode complete in my opinion.
Jasoco said:I want to be able to create worlds with the Biomes scaled up quite a bit. Right now they're way too close together. You end up with small deserts next to wintery areas and forests with small little lakes that can't barely be called "oceans". Scale the biome algorithm up. If I want a desert, I want it to go on for miles. And make biomes more logically placed next to each other.
And a mode where I can check a box and turn off certain biomes or adjust their frequency. So I can have a huge rolling hilly grassland.
I want to spawn in the desert on my first day and have to walk for a while to even find grass. Though I guess that would cause a problem when you can't build a workbench because of no wood. Though, deserts do have trees. Dead ones. So make some dead trees that look like normal giant trees without leaves. Problem solved. Your first night would consist of building a desert shelter to shield yourself from the heat and enemies.
The desert should have more desert specific animals. Both hostile and not. Snakes and other desert creatures during the day. Something that gives food of course.
Basically I just want biomes to be big enough to be useful. And oceans to be wide enough to be called oceans. And once biomes are stretched out enough, put mountains away from the oceans enough then create springs at the top with actual carved rivers that lead to the ocean.
I wish I could run a Minecraft Terraforming application that was as easy to use as Sim City 4's city landscape creator is. With tools to carve out the rough shape, and draw where I want mountains, rivers, oceans, deserts, snow, then let the game generate the world for me. Adding all the caves and random pools of stuff later. And when I reach the edge of my created world, just smooth it out and return to random procedurally generated parts.
And with higher ceilings, I want the worlds to generate more realistically. Instead of everything based at sea level with the occasional hill or mountain, have the land gradually rise up as it got further from water. So it creates actual valleys and hills.
More realistic looking world environments is really what I'm asking for. Or at least scaled up Biome generation. That would be much easier really. Probably the addition of a "* scale" to the generation al-gore-ithm. The rest however would require a totally new world generator. I'd settle for just a third party app with an easy to use interface that worked like Sim City 4.
Ark said:All I really want are more mobs, more blocks, more treasures & hot air balloons!
Barberetti said:Anyone know what the best way is to go about contacting Mojang regarding a technical problem? I've emailed them at twice over the last few weeks, and all I've had back are automated replies telling me that my request has been received, and is being reviewed by their support staff. The support section on their website is of no help to me.
For anyone curious, the problem is simply that I moved house a few weeks ago and consequently have a new IP address. Because my IP address has changed, I now get this message pop up after a few minutes of play:
Minecraft Beta 1.7.3 Unlicenced Copy :C
(Or logged in from another location)
Purchase at
Obviously I'm logged in from another location. I know there are certain ways of removing this message, but I'd rather get this resolved all legal like if at all possible.
Jasoco said:I think we should build a wall around the old map like a castle wall to differentiate the old from the new though.
Or not. But it'd be cool. Make it a community project. Bring all the Cobblestone you have and start building!!! Make it 4 blocks wide with castle style battlements around the edges.The Great Wall of NeoCraft! So big you can see it from space! Or at least the Sky Realm. (Which I hope when it comes out is another dimension you can access from the normal world like the Nether)
New features in the terrain generator; things which will only appear in new worlds/chunks
NPC Villages with farms and "town borders".
Possibility of players to "claim" land in villages.
Underground Ravines including canyons on the surface and ledges to walk on.
Strongholds, consisting of 4 new blocks: Stone Brick, Mossy Stone Brick, Cracked Stone Brick, and Iron Bars. (names unconfirmed)
New Mushroom biomewhich will include Huge Mushrooms, both brown and red.
Larger Biomes
bengraven said:Another fear I have is if we create a new spawn in a new chunk, we'll abandon our old world and ignore it.
Ranger X said:Of course most people will ignore it. But why lose the old world? It could be there when someone actually want to visit it. It's no use to not have it.
Wall 1 was a ring that would surround the world.Ark said:I also don't think a wall would work, since you could just generate a new chunk and walk around it :lol
You can't start until the update actually comes out so we know where the edge is.Mik2121 said:Yup, I'd be up for it, but if so we will need to start ALREADY or else we won't have time to finish it for the 1.8 update. We could also use said walls as a "limit" so that anything outside the walls would get deleted and new chunks would appear there.
We will need to start making the outline for the whole area, though. It's going to be huge...
I know! We'll build a big dome over the old world and turn it into a preserved museum.Ranger X said:Of course most people will ignore it. But why lose the old world? It could be there when someone actually want to visit it. It's no use to not have it.
@notch I really don't want to cancel my Skyrim preorder.
notch Markus Persson
@BenGraven Don't! I won't!
Jasoco said:I know! We'll build a big dome over the old world and turn it into a preserved museum.
bengraven said:True. We'll just need like 4 pages of warps.