Ark said:
Actually hadn't thought of this. But this works too.
Another idea we had, was to implement iConomy and create a 'server shop' at the new spawn city. A marketplace where you could sell your unwanted cobble etc and use the money to buy other items. (I think this was actually posted above somewhere, but I'm not sure

I would like this. It not only adds functionality but also gives the game a little more charm and heart to have a store.
Here's something that will likely get shot down but I'll try anyway: how about we add stores to each of our theme cities and have those stores sell only the traditional theme items: so in Moria the store sells cobble, buckets, lava buckets, glass, etc and Arkyoto store sells wood, wool, gravel, etc. Then the main spawn city would sell almost everything.
Also, floating city awesome and you get 5 thumbs up from me, but would it be hard to expand?
Fireblend said:
Is there some sort of "howto" to building castles, towers, walls and other structures? everything I attempt looks hideous in comparison with stuff I see online. Am I just a shitty designer and everyone else instantly knows how to make good looking towers or is there some guide/howto I'm missing?
I'm really bad too. I find that my imagination is huge, but my skills are limited. (same problem I have with drawing).
I usually just copy elements from other people and then try my best to make it look unique.
I've had my house in Arkyoto for 2 days and still can't figure out how I want it to look before I move on to the other parts of it. In half that time, jeffstewart built a very nice little house that's twice the size of my first attempt on the water next to my house, with a path leading up to the mountain and some nice "sculpted trees".