It's a simple design, but effective. It would serve as the border between the old world and the new. Each wall section and each tower would be the same. The wall sections would need to be an odd length to make sure the battlements line up right. The towers would be 2 blocks wider than the path (In this case, 8) and an odd number at least 7 deep. The path itself could be either 4 or 5 blocks wide with the two blocks on the sides. The path is all smooth stone halfblocks. The battlements are whole stone and half cobblestone blocks alternated so they match.
Cobblestone is just one material. Hopefully 1.8 will give us a better block type like those bricks that actually look like my screenshot. This shot shows the Painterly pack. Remember the actual wall on default would be all cobblestone. I'd prefer it look more like castle bricks though so I HOPE they make them craftable and not just something I have to hunt down. Because otherwise I'd just use cobblestone.
There is nothing inside the wall. But I would leave it open to letting people build inside, but I'd rather there be no windows to the outside because I want it to look like it was built to keep people out. Not as a home.
Entrances to the wall would be contained in each tower. Not along the wall. And I plan on making the actual gateway where the path between each spawn lies, a bigger two tower design with something inside on the second floor up where the wall path is. I dunno what yet. I will decide when and if I get the contract and start building.
Problem is I will need a LOT of whatever material I use. And once I lay out a foundation, other people could join in and help build to match the already existing parts. I'd have to build a sample wall and tower to look at and the entrance.
My wall is about 7 blocks to the top of the wall on average. It'll vary as the wall expands. Some points it'll have to go up hills and we'd have to improvise. And who knows what it'd look like if we had to do angled walls or 90 degree turns. I'd make each "turn" of the wall happen at a tower point if possible. But not as required.
It would be good for keeping Mongolians out.