This game looks so ridiculously crude. The world is made up of stupid low texture blocks, the animals are daft looking, their faces are blurry and have no detail. I straight up laughed when I went into the inventory and saw the frickin THING I was supposed to be. Oh look, a floating piece of shit in the sky, supposedly an island? Give me a break. Look at the 'grass', hahaha.
Just so utterly STUPID. Reminds me of the Spectrum games I thought we'd all left behind us in the 80's. Are you lot seeing the same things I'm seeing? Or have you all lost your minds?
Then I started making a few dorky looking tools, spurred on only because of the buzz this game was creating on the various websites I look at. I made some sort of ramshackle piece of crap 'house' .. and slowly, very slowly, I got drawn in. And what was once fugly to me, became very, very beautiful. I now love it. I don't know how it happened, nor understand why it did. I've always been of the opinion that if you spend part of your daytime activities yearning to get home and play X again, then X is a classic game. Guess what game I was thinking of today.
I'm now looking at a youtube video of some guy in a bad hat playing this goofy looking game, filmed using a mobile phone, the quality of which makes the guy in the bad hat look worse than the avatar I play in this game. That's saying a lot. And I'm getting excited at the prospect of an update that gives new textures to stone blocks. What the hell happened to me?