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Minecraft |OT2| Punch Your Way to Your Own World

Ranger X

EVIL said:
Lets build a large community rocket, where you can store everything you want to keep, and once 1.8 hits, ark will move it to the new area or new map. So you will get a fresh spawn, with a large rocket that you can use for startup recources. Just like the old sea faring folk who found islands and wanted to settle there, they used their ships for a source of lumber to build their homes.

Ok now this is my kind of shit. THE ARK OF NEOCRAFT. lol
This idea is so incredibly awesome that it would convince me to have a new map.

Even if it takes cheats and a HUUUUGE rocket, it would be so immersive to think we would have packed our things and flew to a new world. Then in that new world, having a rocket spawn point is the most awesomest thing.

Basically, to recap:

- We build a fucking jesus christ huge rocket in the current server that is basically a fucking enormous storage room.
- We put all of our sealed chests in it.
- Ark moves the rocket into the new world.
- That rocket becomes the new spawnpoint. (chests stays in the rocket and are destroyed at the rythm of people emptying them)



Ranger X said:
Ok now this is my kind of shit. THE ARK OF NEOCRAFT. lol
This idea is so incredibly awesome that it would convince me to have a new map.

Even if it takes cheats and a HUUUUGE rocket, it would be so immersive to think we would have packed our things and flew to a new world. Then in that new world, having a rocket spawn point is the most awesomest thing.

Basically, to recap:

- We build a fucking jesus christ huge rocket in the current server that is basically a fucking enormous storage room.
- We put all of our sealed chests in it.
- Ark moves the rocket into the new world.
- That rocket becomes the new spawnpoint. (chests stays in the rocket and are destroyed at the rythm of people emptying them)

Personally I think an Ark works best, but I'm happy either way.

It would be so big we can have rooms for each person if we really wanted! :p


I have Bastion & LoL to play and you want me to build an Ark?! Madness! :p

If an Ark is to be built, it has to be in open water. I can only copy/paste in cubes.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Ark said:
I have Bastion & LoL to play and you want me to build an Ark?! Madness! :p

If an Ark is to be built, it has to be in open water. I can only copy/paste in cubes.

Are you saying you would copy the whole chunk over, or just the Ark itself? I guess it wouldn't matter in open water, ocean is still ocean. The land beneath the water would be old 1.7 generation, but eh, who really cares? LOL

I vote for a huge wooden Ark of Neocraft. We build it and expand it and fill it with chests full of any inventory people want carried over to the New World. Then come 1.8 Ark (the person) creates the new 1.8 map and plants the Ark of Neocraft just barely off the coast of a new continent while moving the spawn point to the new shore. We can then build a new themed spawn city right on the shore next to the Ark, something like a new Booty Bay, or better yet our own version of Theramore from WoW, or even freakin something in the vein of Stormwind City itself. Yeah, like a medieval walled in coastal city.

I like the way that sounds. We get a new 1.8 map but keep our supplies from the current one. The server map file size resets, the chunk errors go away, no more messed up biomes. The whole theme of it seems cool to me. Plus it would make for a great spawn area idea, I like it.

How does that sound to everyone?

Ranger X

I don't mind what the ship is.
As long as it immerse me as in "I traveled fucking far and I am in a new land".

I still prefer a spaceship or rocket though. It feels like we fucking changed planets. Could be a spaceship on water. (putting the ideas together, you know)



wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Ranger X said:
I don't mind what the ship is.
As long as it immerse me as in "I traveled fucking far and I am in a new land".

I still prefer a spaceship or rocket though. It feels like we fucking changed planets. Could be a spaceship on water. (putting the ideas together, you know)


Hah, like a giant blooming Exodar from WoW? We crashed our spaceship on a new planet, oops!

I was thinking a giant wooden Ark for two reasons:

1. I like the theme of the Ark, more old fashioned

2. we could easily expand the ships length as needed to fit more peoples stuff in as required

But, if we made it a rocket or a spaceship, and just made it freaking enormous from the start, then I guess we wouldn't have to worry about running out of space. Hell, for that matter, if Ark is just going to copy the chunk over, then the rocket could even expand down into the underground if we needed more chest space.

Maybe instead of a rocket, just make it a gigantic tower out in the ocean, a tower that goes from the clouds to the bedrock, with nothing but storage inside of it. Except for a huge lavish spawn area in the lobby of the tower at sea level, which would become the new spawn point in the new map. The Tower of Neocraft. Then, come 1.8 Ark plants the tower just off the coast of a new continent and we build a bridge from it to the land and start anew.

Doesn't matter to me if it's a wooden Ark or huge tower or a cobble spaceship, but I do like the idea of us transporting our goods to a new frontier and starting anew. But then, I'm for anything we do. Whether we keep the current map and just make a distant spawn, or wipe the map clean and all start from scratch, I'm good to go any way we decide. :)


I should mention that I wont copy the entire chunk, just the Ark/Spaceship ;)

Believe me, copying an entire chunk in-game isn't easy.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Ark said:
I should mention that I wont copy the entire chunk, just the Ark/Spaceship ;)

Believe me, copying an entire chunk in-game isn't easy.

Okay, that clarifies that. So whatever we build, it sits out in the water and goes above sea level but not below it.

Sounds like a big boat makes sense to me. Or a rocket that floats on the water, like a giant Apollo capsule of sorts. In the end, it's only really a way to get our stuff to the New World.

So, does anyone have really strong feelings against this? It's a good compromise between a new spawn on the old map and a total reset of the server. With the Ark of Neocraft, we reset the server but get to keep our supplies and inventories, so it's not a total reset. It's a good middle ground. I like it alot.

Because a server map size of over 500mb just worries me, that will be 1 gig before we know it once 1.8 hits. And with all of the chunk errors and biome problems already on the server, I just think it's in our best interests to start with a brand new map. I think we will all be happier with a server that performs better than a frustrating problematic server that retains our old creations.


I love the idea, really.

There's no problem with it going underwater either, I can just drain the water around it before/afterwards.


I love the idea behind it.

I said it earlier but I think small rooms per person would be a good way to organise peoples stuff. It would also add to the experience of us moving to new land! :p

I don't think it would take too long to build the ark, as long as we get a bunch of people together to build it.


EVIL said:
But here is an idea to give the feel of starting a new colony

Lets build a large community rocket, where you can store everything you want to keep, and once 1.8 hits, ark will move it to the new area or new map. So you will get a fresh spawn, with a large rocket that you can use for startup recources. Just like the old sea faring folk who found islands and wanted to settle there, they used their ships for a source of lumber to build their homes.

That's a great idea EVIL. Well played man!

Ranger X

What do you guys have against floating spaceships?
Our spaceship is able to land on both land and water, didn't you know? :p

Between, we need Henri to build the ship. LOL



That's brilliant!

Why don't we make the spaceship big and impressive so we can use that as spawn? Like someone above said, something like the Exodar from WoW.


Segnit said:
Possible Solution
One solution could be to move the spawn far away at first. Then for a week or two allow for migration of items to take place, followed by deleting the old realm from the map and putting it up for download for anyone feeling nostalgic about it.

What this solution does:
+ Helps everyone keep their items.
+ Cuts down 500MB from the file size of the new post 1.7 world.

Politics of Neocraft
Let me also add that having warp points for different cities puts a limiter on the sense of adventure. The rules of the land should encourage the building of rail systems, roads, ports, bridges and safety havens. The problem is that when there are warp points for cities there is simply no incentive to do that that entire communal infrastructure thing.

Building far away cities should be a logistical challenge as much it is a creative one. It goes without saying that the farther your city is out from the spawn the more you need to consider food, transport and occupied intermediary settlements for emergency supplies should you need any.

Booty Bay, Arkyoto and Al Medina are pretty places that you only visit once. There is no mystery about them and - in my eyes at least - no real sense of weight or wonder. Knowing that someone struggled to work out the logistics makes all the difference in the world.

Removing warp points would have desired knock on effects too. For instance, as a result of there being only limited safe land, property value surrounding the spawn point would skyrocket. This would then necessitate the introduction of taxes. Pay taxes in spawn city and you keep your land and your building. Avoid paying or even playing minecraft for prolonged periods then somebody could take your place to build on top of your land or even completely reconstruct on your plot.

Taxes could take on many forms, one may offer his time to be a builder minion of the city council in return for tax write-offs. Another may opt to pay taxes in gold or diamonds. Ultimately the city council should decide how much and in what forms must taxes be paid. The whole idea is to eliminate the extremely static cities we have at the moment. Static = boring.

What's more, the city council could use the a) material taken from taxes and b) the labour force received from the write-offs to commission massive projects.

I think the architects of NeoCraft have done a fine job building the existing world but it's the politicians of the land who've failed the commoners in the land.
I, like several others, have a problem with the idea of property taxes in Minecraft. I am an Eve veteran (had a carrier at the time I stopped playing), so I have no problem with the concept of fees etc being in a game. I just don't like the idea of property taxes - or of a universal property tax system. The concept of collective responsibility and cooperation is a good one though.

My suggestion would be that we consider the creation of polities or states within the NeoCraft server. Now, you do not have to belong to one of these states - think the ability to do whatever you want is a great part of the game. But, if players want to come together to settle a larger area and set up rules for that area (like taxes) I see no reason why we should not be able to do that. Such NeoCraft principalities might rejuvenate and invigorate cities so that they are not static.

Just my $.02.


vas_a_morir said:
I'd normally agree, but this is a totally new gaming experience with 1.8. I think that merits consideration. I spent weeks working on planning Arkyo, and we can always download the old server to walk around and check it out.

This argument pops up every time there's a big patch. It's not a totally new gaming experience. It's Minecraft with a new additions. If you have a finished project already it's not really as big a deal because, exactly like you said, you can download the old server map if you want. If however you were stockpiling materials for 1.8 or simply have a large unused inventory it's stupid to just 'start over.' It's not like those materials won't work in 1.8. Why would anyone want to mine up yet another inventory when they've already got one mined up?

To put it in perspective I've lost more than 2 full large chests of diamond stacks to server map restarts at this point (all of which were mined). That's AFTER making all my diamond tools, which are the only tools I use. When you've invested that much time into something only to have it disappear half a dozen times it's no longer fun and exciting to start again. It makes you want to punch someone in the face. Repeatedly.

Mengy said:
So, does anyone have really strong feelings against this?

I'm cool with it. Just so long as I get to keep my inventory of mats for the next map.

EDIT: If we're going to cull all of this map down is it okay if I explore some to find some clay in the meantime Ark? I've been trying to stay in one area so I don't expand the already massive file size.


Why don't we just use Arkyo Damashii as an Ark? There's plenty of room for chests on board and it'd be a cool reminder of the old world.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Here is a quick sketch of what I am envisioning for an Ark:


(I tried to think of a spaceship design too, but well I've never built something like that in minecraft, I'm coming up blank, lol)

Wood construction, 3 decks, hallways down the middle dividing up the chest rooms. Ladders between decks. The first and third floors would have size 3x8 rooms with 12 chests in each, while the second floor would have size 3x11 rooms with 16 chests each. We could leave the length undecided for now and just keep adding onto it for some time until we feel we have enough space for everyone. Basically, you could either post a sign outside of each room you want to claim, or simply sign lock chests with lockette that you want. Some people might not need a full room, some might need more than one room. Also, fences along the top decks for safety, lol. And on the very top deck we could maybe decorate it with benches, tables, pools, whatever.

It's just a quick rough idea, but kind of what I had in mind for an Ark. Would need a hell of a lot of wood...


I predict in the end, in desperation to get everything on the ark, we'll be just throwing chests in the most random places to get everything before the "flood". haha, much like a real ark.

Roche178 said:
Why don't we just use Arkyo Damashii as an Ark? There's plenty of room for chests on board and it'd be a cool reminder of the old world.

That's fucking brilliant.


Mengy said:
I just feel that, as far as times for resetting the server goes, 1.8 is an ideal time to do it. With all of the additions and generation and biome changes, and also with all of the biome and chunk errors our current server has, and with 1.8 being the last major update to Minecraft for the foreseeable future, this just seems like a great time to restart the server. The biome weather errors on Neocraft bother me, I hate seeing it snow on my desert sand tower. I hate having it rain on only half of my ranch house. I hate snow on the ground of Booty Bay. I hate it raining in snowy areas and the snow never regenerating. This just seems like a good time, IMHO.

I went through the same headaches with our old SMP server when Lapiz was introduced to the game. We lost a number of players, but ultimately in the end resetting worlds was a positive step. Most players ended up ultimately have no interest in the "old stuff", though, and going through all the effort of importing even just a few structures ended up being a massive waste of time.

We're facing that issue now with setting up for our relaunch, but we ended up concluding we would simply leave the current world we're preparing now as our Alfheim, and hold off on introducing anymore realms until 1.8, whose world will be the basis of our Midgaard.


So I don't know if this has been discussed yet but: Will bukkit be ready for the 1.8 release or is that going to take a few weeks after release to get stabilized?


Acullis said:
So I don't know if this has been discussed yet but: Will bukkit be ready for the 1.8 release or is that going to take a few weeks after release to get stabilized?

The Bukkit team usually works pretty fast, and should have a RB for 1.8 released within a couple of days, if not hours. The trouble you run into is your Bukkit plugins - these are often developed by hobbyists who support their code in their spare time, and could take weeks (if not given up completely) after a major update.


Roche178 said:
Why don't we just use Arkyo Damashii as an Ark? There's plenty of room for chests on board and it'd be a cool reminder of the old world.
That's a brilliant idea! I just went to check it out again & there's definitely enough room for everyone's stuff.
Okay. Let's load up the Arkyo Damashii. I think a chest per citizen would be enough. We don't need to load up everybody's cobble or anything, after all. I'd take my precious metals and wool and not much more.

I think we should use the lot method at spawn. The giant train station sounds great as a hub.
Is there any way to grab the seed from an already generated world? I have this awesome world I want to share, but I didn't put a seed in when I made it.

Edit: Nevermind, found this site. If anyone wants to try it the seed is

It has a pretty large open area just beyond the spawn point and a visible skeleton spawner at ground level just beyond that. In the opposite direction it has an enormous cave system, and a good bit away I found a small lava lake on the surface.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
vas_a_morir said:
Okay. Let's load up the Arkyo Damashii. I think a chest per citizen would be enough. We don't need to load up everybody's cobble or anything, after all. I'd take my precious metals and wool and not much more.

One chest per citizen? I think you underestimate how much some of us play this game. Some people have been hoarding tons of wools and sandstone and materials for a long time now, especially in lieu of 1.8. If its only one chest per person, well I guess I'll be playing Starcraft until 1.8 hits then, lol.

And forgive my ignorance, but what is the Arkyo Damashii? Is it the ship near Ark's castle?


Mengy said:
One chest per citizen? I think you underestimate how much some of us play this game. Some people have been hoarding tons of wools and sandstone and materials for a long time now, especially in lieu of 1.8. If its only one chest per person, well I guess I'll be playing Starcraft until 1.8 hits then, lol.

And forgive my ignorance, but what is the Arkyo Damashii? Is it the ship near Ark's castle?

It's the ship in the bay near Arkyoto and I'd say two double chests per person would be good enough for everyone that way we can just have double chests on top of one another.

We may need to guy some of the ship to make room but I'd say there is enough space.


AbortedWalrusFetus said:
Once you guys get the 1.8 server up I will probably join. I was hesitant to join an already established world, but I wouldn't mind getting in at the ground floor.
It can be a bit daunting but don't be afraid =], you can just come on the server say hi, look around, then become a citizen find a little place out of the way and start building a little shack.
I'm glad we're roleplaying mc now.

On a more serious note if this is the road we're gonna take why limit the number of chests? It's not like we can't find ways to fit them.
Toppot said:
It can be a bit daunting but don't be afraid =], you can just come on the server say hi, look around, then become a citizen find a little place out of the way and start building a little shack.

Eh, I've been playing single player since like 1.3 or something like that so the game doesn't really intimidate me much any more. It was more hesitation about abiding by the rules of the server and knowing where and where not to build and how to get from place to place. That's what makes a new server a little more appealing.

Ranger X

vas_a_morir said:
Okay. Let's load up the Arkyo Damashii. I think a chest per citizen would be enough. We don't need to load up everybody's cobble or anything, after all. I'd take my precious metals and wool and not much more.

I think we should use the lot method at spawn. The giant train station sounds great as a hub.

No, if we do this, I want to bring all my useful stuff. I need like at least 3 double chests. Seriously. No way I give up any items outside cobble/dirt/sand/gravel. Even then, I love gravel to make arrows.

Anyhow, 3-5 double chests per person imo. At least.


Jesus Christ at some people.

'We're starting from scratch, so only bring what you need.


Might as well spawn diamond blocks for everyone.


Neo Member
Ark said:
Jesus Christ at some people.

'We're starting from scratch, so only bring what you need.


Might as well spawn diamond blocks for everyone.



Ark said:
Jesus Christ at some people.

'We're starting from scratch, so only bring what you need.


Might as well spawn diamond blocks for everyone.

It occurred to me that maybe a solution is for mods to take note of what people have before reboot and admin spawn the items back on 1.8. Daunting task, tho.


AbortedWalrusFetus said:
Eh, I've been playing single player since like 1.3 or something like that so the game doesn't really intimidate me much any more. It was more hesitation about abiding by the rules of the server and knowing where and where not to build and how to get from place to place. That's what makes a new server a little more appealing.
The rules are pretty simple for NeoCraft
No griefing
No floating tree's or 1x1 towers
No Hacking
Be nice and sensible
Follow city guildlines if you build a place in a city

You can build where ever as long as its not right next to another building/someones land

You can use /warp to get to different places, or you can use a flying mod to get around to.

But i do see that a new server fresh is appealing, just saying there's no harm having a look around now saying hi etc =] Lots of cities and buildings to look at in awe, most commonly people go Whoa! =P


Neo Member
Ark said:
Nice little stealth edit there ju ;)

My god...

Yeah, I was like no, thats a little harsh. You do a good job for being a brit that is and I sure as shit wouldn't want to be in your shoes. You know me, I will be fine with what ever, I just may shed a few tears for the hours and hours I spent sitting in mob spawners, mining and molesting sheep. Those are really the only things I really want. My diamonds, TnT and wool.


Neo Member
Toppot said:
The rules are pretty simple for NeoCraft
No griefing
No floating tree's or 1x1 towers
No Hacking
Be nice and sensible
Follow city guildlines if you build a place in a city

You can build where ever as long as its not right next to another building/someones land


The DEATH STAR must DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


spirity said:
Yeah, that Ui is part of the High Elven texture pack too. Most texture packs from what i've seen will have their own customised UI.
Thanks a lot for answering. Sorry for the late reply.
Toppot said:
The rules are pretty simple for NeoCraft
No griefing
No floating tree's or 1x1 towers
No Hacking
Be nice and sensible
Follow city guildlines if you build a place in a city

You can build where ever as long as its not right next to another building/someones land

You can use /warp to get to different places, or you can use a flying mod to get around to.

But i do see that a new server fresh is appealing, just saying there's no harm having a look around now saying hi etc =] Lots of cities and buildings to look at in awe, most commonly people go Whoa! =P

I seem to remember a rule being discussed where you couldn't build in Arkyoto unless you had built in Booty Bay. Stuff like that is... eh, if true. Not enough to keep me from the server, but enough to keep me scratching my head. Either way I'll probably hop on some time in the near future. After seeing the new terrain generation stuff I'm pretty much going to abandon my current SSP map because I want those new goodies.


Neo Member
I never built in booty bay and I have built pretty much everywhere. I haven't built in Arkyoto because I was building my massive aquarium and was playing with building a large subway system somewhat quickly.


Before 1.8 hits I want to show what I've made on the server, so people can have a look before their gone. I joined the server quite late and haven't contributed to any community projects and I feel bad for that.

My first building (bar a small shack) Located south east of Al-Medina

View from the bottom

The view from top

The basement

The foundations of my new building

Few layers done

After first day building

The view from ground level

The view from inside (bonus dungeon you can see i found after 3 days of working right next to it xD)

The 'island' the dome is on


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Toppot said:
Before 1.8 hits I want to show what I've made on the server, so people can have a look before their gone. I joined the server quite late and haven't contributed to any community projects and I feel bad for that.

...many awesome pictures...

Wow, great job man! I like the tower of stairs, but that dome is fantastic! I'm gonna have to take a trip down there and have a look at that.

Ranger X

Ark said:
Jesus Christ at some people.

'We're starting from scratch, so only bring what you need.


Might as well spawn diamond blocks for everyone.

I dunno if I am part of "some people" but bringing our items over should be a given. I would want to bring all my minerals and already crafted stuff. We might have a new map, it doesn't automatically mean we'd like to start 100% from scratch. The point of starting a new map was to not take too much space on the server. Now it transformed somehow into some "omg we have to start from scratch or die". the hell?

Anyhow, I never wanted a new map, your original idea of moving the spawn was perfect. I want to CONTINUE this game, not start over. And I am planning of making other donations since I would continue to play. A condition I would spare accept to go into a completely new world would be to bring over my items. It's a nice compromise for me.


Ranger X said:
No, if we do this, I want to bring all my useful stuff. I need like at least 3 double chests. Seriously. No way I give up any items outside cobble/dirt/sand/gravel. Even then, I love gravel to make arrows.

Anyhow, 3-5 double chests per person imo. At least.
This. I have 9 large chests in my storeroom. After inspecting them I would need 5, minimum, to not feel seriously cheated. The rest are food and stone/dirt and other common, minor things. But I don't see why we're suddenly limiting ourselves to a space-limited solution at all. We can still have a cool ark - I love the idea of the Arkyo Damashii - but maybe in combination with a short grace period, as discussed earlier?

I understand the clean-slate philosophy, but I can't agree more with Ranger X in pointing out that all this isn't just normal brainstorming, it's a reversal of things I thought were long settled. With the complete understanding that it's Ark's right to do whatever he wants and nobody owes me anything, it still has to be said an inventory reset would represent something of a breach of trust. I've been playing on NeoCraft for some time now thinking we'd get to keep everything. The prevailing sentiment for months now has been "wait for 1.8, we'll all move," so I've acted accordingly. Now it's all starting to get pulled out from under me to improve someone else's sense of ~ADVENTURE~.

I asked Evil this in-game, twice, but he never answered (maybe he thought they were rhetorical questions), so maybe someone else will: If you want a clean slate so badly, why not just delete/not take YOUR OWN things, and let those who want them keep theirs?


IMO, if we get to transfer items: only what we have in our inventories. Choose carefully. To me that'd be easy. Some tools, some 20 iron bars, 2 diamonds, some gold, some saplings, some dyed wool, a forge and a crafting bench. To some, not so easy but seriously, how can anyone need 9 double chests of stuff? I understand if one has gathered that many diamonds or other rare stuff but anything else is easy to come by.
And i wouldn't actually mind having completly clean slate, despite what i said earlier. EDIT, actually, i'd even prefer it. Bomb us back to stone age.

Cool dome. Wait, just how large is it? What's its radius/diameter in blocks?
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