EVIL said:another boat? I feel sorry for mengy's ship he spent so much work on. why not move mengy's ship to the dock in arkyoto.
The only problem, is that the Ark only needs a smaller extension, and I love my theme consistency ... :lol
EVIL said:another boat? I feel sorry for mengy's ship he spent so much work on. why not move mengy's ship to the dock in arkyoto.
EVIL said:another boat? I feel sorry for mengy's ship he spent so much work on. why not move mengy's ship to the dock in arkyoto.
I should imagine that villages will be automatically populated. Notch's new code allow him to keep track of biomes and spawned villages, dungeons etc much better, and I imagine that the base code for them is already in, its just how they will interact/act etc that needs to be worked outDrazgul said:So there will be villages, but no villagers? What will happen when 1.9 hits? Will already discovered villages be populated, or do we need to start another world once again?
Toppot said:I should imagine that villages will be automatically populated. Notch's new code allow him to keep track of biomes and spawned villages, dungeons etc much better, and I imagine that the base code for them is already in, its just how they will interact/act etc that needs to be worked out
Ranger X said:I really hope it would but it's a bit unlickely unless he changes how his code works. Do you have a source where's he talking about that or something? Because since forever, with any update, once a chunk is generated, nothing ever updates again in it. And this is probably because of the basis of how the code is thought out. Not the type of stuff that suddendly changes.
Ranger X said:I really hope it would but it's a bit unlickely unless he changes how his code works. Do you have a source where's he talking about that or something? Because since forever, with any update, once a chunk is generated, nothing ever updates again in it. And this is probably because of the basis of how the code is thought out. Not the type of stuff that suddendly changes.
Ok thanks.bengraven said:No rare loot yet, so I would say "no" for you.
Yea I'm with you on that. I don't care about restarting. I just want more than a building sim.Pie and Beans said:Havent touched Minecraft for a long time due to the "having to restart" effect and wanting that restart to be when all the good stuff is in. NPC towns with no NPC's and EXP orbs that don't do anything doesn't seem to be that update for me quite yet.
Mengy said:Then loaded Starcraft II for the first time in like months, had to wait quite awhile for it to patch up, lol. Starcraft II is still a blast to play, and I still suck at it. Beat on the AI for a bit just to get the rust out, tonight I'll play some ladder games to get myself re-ranked into Bronze where I firmly belong. Only Notch can now save me from the unending beat down on Battlenet I am about to endure...
Ranger X said:I really hope it would but it's a bit unlickely unless he changes how his code works. Do you have a source where's he talking about that or something? Because since forever, with any update, once a chunk is generated, nothing ever updates again in it. And this is probably because of the basis of how the code is thought out. Not the type of stuff that suddendly changes.
notch Twitter said:Notch
UPDATE: It only replaced like 150 lines! I feel foolish now! Carry on, twitter.
3 Sep
Of course, I just distributed those lines of code out into a bunch of classes and methods. But terrain gen is much nicer to work with now.
3 Sep
I just collapsed a huge function into something waaay better. "biome.decorate(level, random, x, z);" replaces some 1000 lines.
Toppot said:http://twitter.com/#!/notch
If you see his tumbler
He mentions the changes he has made to animals, so they basically act like the wolves, they can be kept and don't 'despawn'. This shows a much better use of NPC's so spawning NPC people and keeping them where they should be is basically in the code already as classes.
The point is that it's not necessary to generate new terrain to get new mobs, therefore NPCs may not require newly generated terrain to spawn, either.Ranger X said:Well, not that I am here to piss on anyone's party but this doesn't hint in the slighliest that a chunk would suddendly update.
Toki1776 said:The point is that it's not necessary to generate new terrain to get new mobs, therefore NPCs may not require newly generated terrain to spawn, either.
Rabbit Lord said:yar.
Enco said:Ok thanks.
Yea I'm with you on that. I don't care about restarting. I just want more than a building sim.
I don't get how people find it so fun. There's literally nothing to do save from exploring nothing, building and surviving.
And I agree that calling this the Adventure update is a bit stupid.
Give me ruins with rare loot and booby traps. That will get me back into the game. It's not that hard.
bengraven said:God damn bro, that's what I find fun about it. When I first started, I knew there wasn't going to be a Diablo-esque loot system in place. I've been playing for a year now and I haven't stopped. The only game I've put this much time into is WoW.
I had to explain this to a friend of mine the other day.
The big draw, for me, is the fact that the entire world is manipulatable. I can build and destroy the world as much as I want.
Exploring is fun, to find a little cave in the middle of nowhere - yeah, there might not be any treasure inside, but when you're a kid and exploring your neighborhood you're not going to be heartbroken that the little nook in a tree you found doesn't have a diamond ring in it. It's that child-like sense of exploration and building with Legos. It's the same feeling Myamoto had that made him want to make Zelda.
And doing it with you guys has been awesome. I love all the little dorks I'm playing with. It really feels like a community...more so than any game I've ever played.
Yeah, I can raid a dungeon with 20 other guildmates, but I can't build a tower.
The loot will come eventually but for now this already felt like a complete game months ago.
Not trying to change your mind, just stating my reason that I'm still playing this since you don't understand why anyone would be. ha
I can understand where you're coming from.bengraven said:God damn bro, that's what I find fun about it. When I first started, I knew there wasn't going to be a Diablo-esque loot system in place. I've been playing for a year now and I haven't stopped. The only game I've put this much time into is WoW.
I had to explain this to a friend of mine the other day.
The big draw, for me, is the fact that the entire world is manipulatable. I can build and destroy the world as much as I want.
Exploring is fun, to find a little cave in the middle of nowhere - yeah, there might not be any treasure inside, but when you're a kid and exploring your neighborhood you're not going to be heartbroken that the little nook in a tree you found doesn't have a diamond ring in it. It's that child-like sense of exploration and building with Legos. It's the same feeling Myamoto had that made him want to make Zelda.
And doing it with you guys has been awesome. I love all the little dorks I'm playing with. It really feels like a community...more so than any game I've ever played.
Yeah, I can raid a dungeon with 20 other guildmates, but I can't build a tower.
The loot will come eventually but for now this already felt like a complete game months ago.
Not trying to change your mind, just stating my reason that I'm still playing this since you don't understand why anyone would be. ha
Mister_Bubbles said:The Neocraft Public Library is finished![]()
I've just put on a roof and interior-decorated celebi23's fine work, as he's sitting out until 1.8 hits now.
celebi23 - it was great watching you build it from the ground up as I pootled away on my little beach bar, and an honour to lay down the finishing touches. Hope you approve![]()
For some reason, that just made my dayArk said:Quick update:
Before I wipe the server, I'll make the final backup of the Old Land and then I'll invite everyone on to the server to burn and blow up EVERYTHING.
I'll give TNT rights to everyone, etc etc.
Mister_Bubbles said:The Neocraft Public Library is finished![]()
I've just put on a roof and interior-decorated celebi23's fine work, as he's sitting out until 1.8 hits now.
celebi23 - it was great watching you build it from the ground up as I pootled away on my little beach bar, and an honour to lay down the finishing touches. Hope you approve![]()
Will the map be available for download before we blow up everything?Ark said:Quick update:
Before I wipe the server, I'll make the final backup of the Old Land and then I'll invite everyone on to the server to burn and blow up EVERYTHING.
I'll give TNT rights to everyone, etc etc.
Ark said:Quick update:
Before I wipe the server, I'll make the final backup of the Old Land and then I'll invite everyone on to the server to burn and blow up EVERYTHING.
I'll give TNT rights to everyone, etc etc.
Ark said:Quick update:
Before I wipe the server, I'll make the final backup of the Old Land and then I'll invite everyone on to the server to burn and blow up EVERYTHING.
I'll give TNT rights to everyone, etc etc.
Ark said:Quick update:
Before I wipe the server, I'll make the final backup of the Old Land and then I'll invite everyone on to the server to burn and blow up EVERYTHING.
I'll give TNT rights to everyone, etc etc.
Mengy said:LOL! I see us crashing the server.Let's all take lots of screenshots when we blow Neocraft to hell. I know what Badu's first target will be...
Jhriad said:How much warning will we have before everything gets 'locked in' as it were?
mcrae said:Any way to temporarily increase server cap when 1.8 hits? Just for a month?
Like Ark said it wouldn't be cost effective. It would more than double the cost of the server to go from 20 to 40 players for a month (based on there website costs, Ark may have extra costs for server upgrades like CPU or RAM)mcrae said:Any way to temporarily increase server cap when 1.8 hits? Just for a month?
Enco said:I can understand where you're coming from.
I'll give it another shot when 1.8 releases. The survival wouldn't be so bad if there was a bit more challenge involved.
Mengy said:I'm 100% with you. Minecraft is BY FAR the best gaming dollar I have ever spent. Hand's down. Over a year later since I bought the game and I still look forward to playing it every chance I get. And the game is still in Beta, lol. I have so many games that I have neglected due to Minecraft. It's as addicting to me as Lego was as a kid, only more so in many ways.
I am frothing at the mouth for 1.8, and to be honest, it's not for the new stuff being added. It's for the new server map with all of the new places to explore and build on and build into and all of the new things that Neocraft players are going to build. This may be the greatest game I've ever played, and I could easily see me playing the shit out of this for years to come.
Jhriad said:The server still hosted by Multiplay or are you using a different company nowadays?
BaDJuJu said:I am gettin a kick out of watching people raid the living shit out of the community chests. All of a sudden you will see someone with two chests on the ark with their names on it. After watching them run to the community area back and forth, then going to their storage unit, they have more chests. Shit guys just put signs on the community ones you like. ROFL
celebi23 said:Ark, will we be able to download the map before we blow it to hell?
bengraven said:Are you serious? I feel kind of let down by that. I filled like two double chests with stuff yesterday including some of the rarer stuff. I suppose some of the new people wanted to jump into the world with a ton of stuff, too, to feel like a part of it...instead of actually mining like we did.
celebi23 said:DUDE! That's AWESOME!! Thanks for finishing it up for me. Oh & that Twilight thing? AWESOME!
bengraven said:Are you serious? I feel kind of let down by that. I filled like two double chests with stuff yesterday including some of the rarer stuff. I suppose some of the new people wanted to jump into the world with a ton of stuff, too, to feel like a part of it...instead of actually mining like we did.
BaDJuJu said:Yeah, I put a bunch of my extra shit in the chests that I didn't have room for and it all vanished in minutes. I am not going to call anyone out, but it was pretty amusing. It was literally like leaving a Mercedes in Compton. Everything vanished but the seat belts.
BaDJuJu said:Yeah, I put a bunch of my extra shit in the chests that I didn't have room for and it all vanished in minutes. I am not going to call anyone out, but it was pretty amusing. It was literally like leaving a Mercedes in Compton. Everything vanished but the seat belts.
BaDJuJu said:Yeah, I put a bunch of my extra shit in the chests that I didn't have room for and it all vanished in minutes. I am not going to call anyone out, but it was pretty amusing. It was literally like leaving a Mercedes in Compton. Everything vanished but the seat belts.
Mengy said:Wow, I put a bunch of stuff back there too, but I assumed it would stay there until we go to the New World at least. Guess not...