I still wish the game could have seasons instead. Winter and Summer with Fall and Spring in between. Can't be that hard to do. Snow in winter with rain being replaced with snow. Spring having more common rain with varying intensities. Spring would also color trees more spring-like. Maybe pink leaves. And fall would give all grass and trees more brownish color. Snow would only cover the ground when the first snowfall happens and every time after. Then would melt (Only game placed snow. Player placed stuff would stay so you could still build an igloo or ice castle if you want.) in the spring.
Would be soooo cool, and not that hard. Make a year in the game be like 100 days with 25 days per season. And fast-forwarding in creative mode would change the day increment.
Then have seasonal enemies and have mobs (That aren't player owned) be less frequent during the hibernation months.
Obviously the season would only have to switch over when that night happens. It's not like it would be something that's calculated every second. When the season changes, have the colors of the grass and leaves fade. Seeing as they can now do smooth transitions between day and night in a similar (texture-changing) fashion, it would probably be easy. All four seasonal colors would be in the same image, it would just offset the color selection coordinates the same way it does the darkness level for the new lighting.
You can do it, Notch! Sure, still add snowy biomes if you must, but I'd prefer seasons. Especially as an option. Originally they said something silly like it'd be too hard. But it really wouldn't. Once they figure out how to change the textures, and that's really all you need to do, and they already do it in 1.8, to different texture coordinates for each season, the rest would be easy as incrementing a season variable. They could even have options for locking a season in place. Perpetual fall or winter or summer or spring.
I'd settle for a Mod when Mod support comes out myself. But I'd prefer it be part of the game. Would make it much more realistic and immersive. Especially if you log onto a server after a few days away and suddenly it's winter. If days still take about 20 minutes of real-time each, a year would take 33 1/3 hours without fast-forwarding and straight play. (8.3 hours per season)