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Minecraft |OT2| Punch Your Way to Your Own World


Grinchy said:
I just started building a humble little abode on the Asscraft server :)

I can see the draw of playing online now. The spot I chose has been tough to make creeper-proof, though. They keep dropping down and taking me out when I walk out my door but I will fix that soon enough. In the mean time I am just trying to get the materials to fix the road that the creepers keep destroying. This game is so addictive!

I'd like some tips on mob-proofing - basic stuff that doesn't require advanced materials. I've tried to dig a ditch around my place and put bridges/doorways for access, put lips around walls to keep spiders out, and light up/cut back areas above to avoid them dropping down on me. But I still get messed up now and then - creepers are the worst because of the damage they do.


Zomba13 said:
So after playing loads these past few days these are the things I want to see added:

Lanterns - Can light underwater

Combine a torch with a pumpkin. The jack-o-lantern works underwater.


IrishNinja said:
aw, fucking damn it - tonight, someone jacked all 4 paintings off my walls, which is really shitty cause im trying to collect them for the gallery i'm building.

hope exano can track & nail down some of these guys.

whoah, scratch that; i'm an idiot. server had some glitch and they reappeared later! sorry for jumping the gun, i just lost a few seeds yesterday and jumped on the bandwagon, my bad.


I've poked around on Exano a couple times, but can't even find the train station to get to the points that people are building on...

Anyone care to post a quick primer with directions, or a little map or something?


Darias said:
I've poked around on Exano a couple times, but can't even find the train station to get to the points that people are building on...

Anyone care to post a quick primer with directions, or a little map or something?
There is lots of signs. Follow the grey road from spawn.


bengraven said:
BTW, people:

" Currently, gold tools have a higher speed than diamond but break twice as fast as wood tools."

So basically worthless. They've always been just as good as iron, so there was never a reason to use them when they're so rare and iron is more available. Now they're even worse.

Gold weapons/items do just as much damage as wood now and actually have the WORST durability as other things.

http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Axe - for example

This is why boosters are gold - to prevent people from taking the items. WORTHLESS. Just donate your gold to the subway makers anyway.


There should be something, optional, in the game that says:

I mean really, right now there's two options:
either you have a frustrating terrible time dying over and over
or you look it up online anyway so it might as well be in the client.

Edit: Sorry didn't mean to double post. Forgot I posted that other thing.


animlboogy said:
Today's render of the ASSCRAFT server.

It's only been a handful of days since the last one, and a lot of work got done!

Lots of bridge/minecart stuff added, a GIANT Minecraft man that looks amazing on the render, volcanoes... and just in general, everything's more developed and spread out than in the last one.

Great work, everybody! And if you aren't playing, join up! We're the second server in the third post in this thread.

any recommendations on a good app to actually view that properly? paintshop pro complains I don't have enough memory available (4GB RAM), and picasa/windows viewer don't let me zoom in very far before saying the image is not correct.
mrklaw said:
I'd like some tips on mob-proofing - basic stuff that doesn't require advanced materials. I've tried to dig a ditch around my place and put bridges/doorways for access, put lips around walls to keep spiders out, and light up/cut back areas above to avoid them dropping down on me. But I still get messed up now and then - creepers are the worst because of the damage they do.

Make cobblestone walls of 3 or 4 blocks height. Add a block in the outside part of the wall, in top, to prevent spiders climbing.

Make the floor 1 block lower than the exterior. Make holes (1 block size) that will be in 1block height if you look is from outside, but 2block height if you look it from inside (because the floor is 1 block lower). That will allow you to attack the outside mobs without them attacking you.

Add stairs to be able to climb that wall and shoot arrows to the typical creeper in your door (or exit jumping the wall, to attract the creeper out of the walls).

Optional, adding a lava pit (only 1 block deep) surrounding the walls, at 1 block of distance. Then, add a pound near, to be able to stop the fire if you accidentally fell in the lava pit.

Make your house inside and fill it with torches.


mrklaw said:
any recommendations on a good app to actually view that properly? paintshop pro complains I don't have enough memory available (4GB RAM), and picasa/windows viewer don't let me zoom in very far before saying the image is not correct.

I use the windows viewer without issue, weird.


I had the worst night ever on GAFland last night. I finally finished my Rome temple, didn't want to bother with my hideaway beneath it (since it's basically just a place to wait for the sun to rise) and decided to explore my first cave on the server, long abandoned. When I saw Exano was building our new modern city literally a few in-game feet from my mine I thought I better explore it and get all the goodies before people start dropping shafts that connect to it.

So I find that my mine goes directly downward and there is a massive oval cavity below my feet...and just a small hole in the top. So to get to the ground without falling, I would need to go up and then go over about 20-30 blocks and then dig downward, hoping I either don't miss the cavity or that I am not far enough and end up just falling down into the cavity. I find this out in the pitch dark when I fall and nearly die twice. And both times I land and get killed by the zombie spawner in the center of the cavity.

I had to just give in.

webrunner said:

Yesterday, I was attacked by a zombie that somehow spawned inside my house. I thought my place was pretty well lit up. What could have caused this? Not enough torches? A glitch?



VAIL said:
I use the windows viewer without issue, weird.

oh, it worked now jumping to actual size. Looks so cool, like pixel art.

can't believe I walked all the way along that high bridge to the castle in the SW area. It was at night and there were too many creepers about, and I was too scared that I'd damage someone's creation, so I just stayed up there :)


Soleil rouge said:
Yesterday, I was attacked by a zombie that somehow spawned inside my house. I thought my place was pretty well lit up. What could have caused this? Not enough torches? A glitch?

glitch possibly. I've had it with spiders a few times. Or possibly you have only a diagonal seal to the outside world? So maybe they can 'jump' through the gap?


mrklaw said:
glitch possibly. I've had it with spiders a few times. Or possibly you have only a diagonal seal to the outside world? So maybe they can 'jump' through the gap?

Also check for one block holes in the ceiling near wall corners

Sometimes they an be hard to see.

Or open doors.
mrklaw said:
yeah, all done (except the portholes - can't spiders get in?) but still getting the odd freak

Portholes of 1x1, spiders are 2x1.

Get sure that you have anticlimbing blocks in the outer side of the wall, and get sure that the top of the wall, roof of the house, etc, is lighted. Also, check that you don't have any mountain or tree too near of the walls.


mrklaw said:
I'd like some tips on mob-proofing - basic stuff that doesn't require advanced materials. I've tried to dig a ditch around my place and put bridges/doorways for access, put lips around walls to keep spiders out, and light up/cut back areas above to avoid them dropping down on me. But I still get messed up now and then - creepers are the worst because of the damage they do.

Well I thought I had done what I could, and then I tried to go outside to work on my balcony when I saw this:


I have done so much interior work just because I'm so afraid to go outside lol
I kept having issues where nightfall would hit, I'd get into my bed, but then get woken at the last second by a damned arrow-shooting skeleton. I thought my castle was air-tight. I ended up building a new floor on it, making a completely walled-in room with only a bed and one space to stand near it, and never had that problem again.

I found just yesterday that somehow I had missed a glass block on my ceiling skylight that was nearly impossible to see was missing.


Grinchy said:
Well I thought I had done what I could, and then I tried to go outside to work on my balcony when I saw this:


I have done so much interior work just because I'm so afraid to go outside lol


You need an outer perimeter set up. I have my main building with lips and 3 high walls etc, then after a while I'll go out and dig a trench around an outer perimeter to stop creepers etc. Then light that up well enough to stop anything spawning within it.

Then at least you can stop the nasty surprises when you pop out of your house - and having half your house blown up. Any encounters of the creeper kind will be further away and therefore less damaging.


Ranger X said:
Seeing that picture, I wish the TNT would explode if you drop it. lol

It does, actually. It stays in place until it'c activated, but once you hit it, the block will fall like gravel/sand and detonate a few seconds later.
I was checking out the mod forum over at minecraftforums.net and noticed this mod called "Industrialcraft". It basically adds many things that make you more efficient in mining and crafting in addition to a few other goodies (i.e. jetpacks). Is anyone familiar with this mod, or has visited a server implementing it? It seems extremely neat.

This perusing of the mod forums made me realized that I am missing a lot out of my minecraft experience. After some slight research into Exano's server, it seems that he hosts precisely what I feel I'm missing. As usual, the mod community is incredibly creative and I will need to check out Exano's server.

Ranger X

Vlad said:
It does, actually. It stays in place until it'c activated, but once you hit it, the block will fall like gravel/sand and detonate a few seconds later.

But it doesn't explode on impact right? (didn't test much with TNT yet)


So I'm tempted to try and build a structure out of obsidian. Any suggestions as for what to build? Obviously not anything particularly massive since Obsidian isn't the easiest resource to come by, much less harvest


Ranger X said:
But it doesn't explode on impact right? (didn't test much with TNT yet)

On impact, no, but it still explodes after the same amount of time, regardless of position. Say, for instance, that TNT takes 5 seconds to explode after being struck. If you've got it a little bit off the ground, it might take a second to fall and then blow up four seconds later. Or, if it's way high up, it'll blow up in the air after having fallen for five seconds.

Either way, it would have easily destroyed the creepers in the picture.


mrklaw said:
and half his house..

Actually, a single block of dynamite doesn't have that much of a destructive radius. If it were a dirt house or something, sure, but it will only go through a single stone block before stopping. The creepers wouldn't have blown, either, since they don't explode when killed.


Project GAF Land Resort is nearly underway on Timan's server.

There will be a fair few attractions, including 3 themed roller coasters (water, fire, air), a log ride, a large maze, amongst a few other things.

At the centre of it all will be a GAF "Visual Magnet", most likely a large GAF sphere.

On the outskirts will be a hotel and entertainment area.

Anyone want to help? :p


Still one of the few it seems that has not played this game/experience.

Is the crafting very intensive to make your materials? That is the one thing that has me holding back. Well that and I am not very artistic.


Junior Member
Sequincer said:
I'm sure most of you already know of this, but for those of you that don't, you should really check out the let's play series by Yogcast. They have three seasons with a main storyline and custom maps/mods showcase videos. Following is the link to all three seasons on Youtube:

+1 for Honeydew and Xephos.

If you like Minecraft at all, their videos are awesome. Really neat and nifty, good fun, they're funny dudes and it's nice seeing other people experience the game in a way that isn't boring or repetitive.


acksman said:
Still one of the few it seems that has not played this game/experience.

Is the crafting very intensive to make your materials? That is the one thing that has me holding back. Well that and I am not very artistic.

You have a 3x3 grid where you place materials. Its pretty simple.

And even then, theres always wikis and the like to help you out. I still pop over to minepedia all the time.

Ranger X

acksman said:
Still one of the few it seems that has not played this game/experience.

Is the crafting very intensive to make your materials? That is the one thing that has me holding back. Well that and I am not very artistic.

Not really. Only certain material are more complicated to do. Brick needs clay, glass needs sand. The only that are a bit pain in the ass are dyed wool. You need to create the dye first. There's 4 different "natural" wool colors through. That might just be enough for most people.


I can't wait to see how wolves work. Will they be rare? Will you need to train them first? Do they start out hostile? Or are they domesticated from the start? It's gonna be awesome. I wonder if you'll be able to keep only one (Or more) as a pet and have the rest just despawn and wander off like other mobs. And maybe in the future we can have other pets like cats. I'm still waiting for birds. Or something that actually flies in the sky. It would be awesome to look up at the sun and see a flock of birds fly overhead.

Want more info, Jeb! :D


Imagine this game with a weather system.

Would be amazing. That and birds as was said before :p

The resort sounds pretty cool. I'll try help out when I'm on.


The day they add mobs which can dig i will quit this game!
That would be so hilarious and scary my heart cant take it lol


Soleil rouge said:
Yesterday, I was attacked by a zombie that somehow spawned inside my house. I thought my place was pretty well lit up. What could have caused this? Not enough torches? A glitch?

Are you on GAFland? Same happened to me: I went into my well lit house and there were TWO zombies in a very small space all things considered. I think it was mebu who said he saw a spider in there one other time when I wasn't logged on.

I have no clue why it's happening.

I do have one theory: I was having issues with AO back in the day. It's almost too good, it makes the dark areas look lighter at times and darker at other times. It sometimes is hard to tell whether you will need a torch. I suspect a lot of us are over/under compensating.

Enco said:
Imagine this game with a weather system.

Would be amazing. That and birds as was said before :p

The resort sounds pretty cool. I'll try help out when I'm on.

This game with a weather system or birds or more ambiance period would end my life.

Ranger X

There are bugs with the beds indeed.

I however think that if you have 2 blocks tick walls around your bed room you will never get awaken by a mob. Each time it happened to me it was because I had no "corner blocks" or no 2 blocks tick walls.

I didn't mention the room needing to be lit because we all know this.


Junior Member
Starchasing said:
im so ready to buy this!!!


i dont have a mouse.. does it play well with the a trackpad??
Nothing plays well with a trackpad.

Although in all seriousness, I definitely would not recommend playing Minecraft in such a way. I play it on my laptop, and when I don't have my mouse around it's an exercise in frustration. Maybe it's just the way I play, but sometimes I need to be extremely dextrous while playing Minecraft; trackpad makes everything imprecise and awkward.

Just buy a cheap little mouse.


fhtagn said:
+1 for Honeydew and Xephos.

If you like Minecraft at all, their videos are awesome. Really neat and nifty, good fun, they're funny dudes and it's nice seeing other people experience the game in a way that isn't boring or repetitive.

I love their Minecraft videos. I wish I had a bunch of people to build stuff and play as NPCs for me to adventure in lol.
fhtagn said:
Nothing plays well with a trackpad.

Although in all seriousness, I definitely would not recommend playing Minecraft in such a way. I play it on my laptop, and when I don't have my mouse around it's an exercise in frustration. Maybe it's just the way I play, but sometimes I need to be extremely dextrous while playing Minecraft; trackpad makes everything imprecise and awkward.

Just buy a cheap little mouse.

thanks man!! i tried playing portal with the trackpad and it was a nightmare.. i was wishing this was not the case :(
I've played this since day 1 with a trackpad and have no problems - it's not the type of game where you need to accurately point in any direction at a moments notice, you just need to be pointing in the general direction of enemies to hit them and as for building, you just need to be a bit more careful than you would using a mouse or controller.
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