Eccocid said:Nah..we used it on some empty flat area..We just wanted to make a big man made crater! lol
lol yeah I figured. Despise finding it funny in some way, I didn't think you guys would blow all that amazing stuff up.
Eccocid said:Nah..we used it on some empty flat area..We just wanted to make a big man made crater! lol
Mikor said:
Ranger X said:So I went on Youtube and tried to see what could be the cause for my monster grinder to not work fine. I wonder if some of you could confirm this knowledge (as truth or legend)
1 - Supposedly the monsters are spawning over a 16x16 area. It can obviously be smaller but this size is supposed to be the size where you get a full spawn bunch.
2 - Monsters are spawning 24 blocks away from where you are or from spawn.
2.5 - Some other guy says 32...
3 - More mobs in number are spawing at the Easy difficulty.
If this is all truth, this would actually explain the lack of efficiency of my mob grinder. What would be odd thought is that "good mobs" really don't seem to follow this logic and I really wonder why Notch would make the 2 different spawnming method for his mobs unless losing time for the love of coding.
Eccocid said:There is something weird with their spawning
When u need them they dont spawn!
The big ass mob grinder in AssCraft (which is like 50x50 room with canals) gets so empty sometimes.
I spent few hours today for loot and mobs spawned so randomly. Sometimes items were pouring down non stop for 30 mins and then they just stop spawning for an hour maybe.
Also i read that a map has a 200-250 mob limit.
Ranger X said:I am testing solutions right now. I will try larger areas without canals (righ now I have five3x15 areas with 2 block wide canals in between) like some 8x15 and see if it improves.
I'm also changing my cactus killing setup for lava killing because it seems that cactus can break loot (so is lava but you probably know what's the set up for this one to not interfere the pick ups )
Aw looks like its dead now. I wanted to see.Mikor said:
Ether_Snake said:Where is the server you guys play on?
edit: got it
edit2: bah I get a java crash when I execute minecraft.exe![]()
Rabbit Lord said:I'm user Ninefingers81 on Exano's server, I need lots and lots of black wool, willing to trade stuff. Just hit me up if you see me on.
Jasoco said:On Peaceful you miss out on a bunch of useful items. I switched to Easy when beds were implemented.
Also, Minepedia is your friend.
I'd like an alternative where you can turn surface mobs off, but keep them underground.
animlboogy said:They're useless? I guess if you don't like to grow trees quickly.
We know. Top of page 10. (If you have the correct setting of 100 posts per page set.)Man said:![]()
Minecraft is getting wolves! You can even tame them and they will aid you in combat.
You can also throw them bones.
Jasoco said:We know. Top of page 10. (If you have the correct setting of 100 posts per page set.)
I want dragons. I want dragons now!Ranger X said:Well, that's cool he posted that because it also links to a place where Notch is cited telling stuff about Achievements... and DRAGONS...
Eccocid said:I want birds like in that mod ! they looked so cool and natural! lol
think of it u load your save and all those sky castles fell to ground! lol
nope.Ranger X said:Hey, is there a way to take black glass blocks without breaking them?
The KremlinArtistDude88 said:I need to think of something awesome to build....
bengraven said:Exano map is down?
bengraven said:Exano map is down?
parasight said:Seems like is down. Can't get into AssCraft either.
Suikoguy said:My work on Southpoint is progressing nicely, the pier is done, and the walls are halfway done.
Will a wall 3 blocks tall with an overhang keep spiders out?
Krovan said:The map of Exano's GAF SMP is once again hosted, had to change domain as the last one was under a DDoS attack the instant it was registered.
DangerousDave said:Spiders climb walls, no matter the size. You have to add a block in the outside part of the wall, on top. Then, when spiders climb, they'll find a "ceiling" and they will fall again.
DangerousDave said:Spiders climb walls, no matter the size. You have to add a block in the outside part of the wall, on top. Then, when spiders climb, they'll find a "ceiling" and they will fall again.
Map link updated in the OP.Krovan said:The map of Exano's GAF SMP is once again hosted, had to change domain as the last one was under a DDoS attack the instant it was registered.
I like where this is headed. Anyone else for making south point medieval themed, complete with castles, barracks, and shanty towns for peasants??Suikoguy said:I'm thinking of building a little medieval area inside the newly walled south point to add some flavor to the arena.