Rabbit Lord
bengraven said:Fuuuck, I had a few minutes to spare and noticed .net was down. Oh well, tonight I suppose.
Also, "Ninefingers", I don't have much black wool, but what I do have is your's. I only have maybe 8-12 though. Not sure the exact number, especially since I can't log in right now. Are you doing the max dyed wool trick? Right click with ink and turn the sheep to black, then hit the sheep. You get up to 3 black wool instead of 1:1.
Speaking of names, there's a mod being worked on now for Bukkit that allows nicknames on multiplayer servers. For the most part, those mods aren't too hard, since I've been on servers where people were even given titles like "Sir Bengraven" or "Bengraven the Pig Puncher".
The hard part is that when you want to do commands for another player, like "/give" you have to use their real login name. This mod will get around that, hopefully.
I say this because I'm still kicking myself for using "RAILTS" as my name (which is my last name) instead of Bengraven like I am on every forum on the planet. I guess I never assumed I'd be playing this game on multiplayer, since I usually HATE multi.
Sweet, whenever we're on at the same time just hola at me.
Yea I use the dye on sheep.