blamite said:![]()
I made this avatar just now, but I don't think I'm gonna use it. whoever wants it can grab it, although you should probably rehost it yourself.
Rehosted and used, thanks much!
blamite said:![]()
I made this avatar just now, but I don't think I'm gonna use it. whoever wants it can grab it, although you should probably rehost it yourself.
Branduil said:DEM BRIDGES
Branduil said:I finally finished my floating garden in Ocean Town on animalboogy's server.
Exano said:Are you guys experiencing any type of preformance hits from it? thats really whats stopping me from attempting it, im afraid of lag and such.
Also, I tried to use the texture pack recommended a few pages back and heavily used. I installed the HD one prior. However, I can't find my minecraft.jar. If it's the default file that is downloaded, when I open it, none of the folders it is says to install stuff into (like the texture one) are there.
Pandaman said:'okay... dont mine directly under you, good good'
'alright, everythings going fine'
'alright no lava here, good, still mining one block ahead'
*mouse mismicro*
'oh sho-'
*diamond pick rapes through iron ore in a second*
*fall to lava death*
i hate this game.
Timan said:We now have a live map & a pretty map(this one is updated daily). (click live map at the top), you can see everyone play and build.
mrklaw said:mine two blocks ahead? you have a decent range?
BTW, anyone else hoard the better picks/swords? when I finally scrape enough iron for a pick, I still use the stone ones for mining, saving the iron one for coal/iron/redstone.
Does the diamond one still run out?
bengraven said:Ha, I was mining up in a straight line, something I never do, but I had to get to the surface and get home. I'm always worried I'm going to hit lava.
Suddenly I can't get through a block. I throw down a torch so I can see what kind of block I'm hitting...I'm directly below a block of obsidian. I count my blessings and gtfo.
kennah said:I find it's worth it to use the Iron one for general mining since it goes that much faster. You end up covering a lot more ground and refilling your iron pretty quickly. Worth the 'expense'
mrklaw said:why? What does that mean?
mrklaw said:why? What does that mean?
its more efficient to mine for caves than it is to strip mine, so i often find myself mining ore in the floor. if the ore is two blocks deep, it can be awkward to mine from the cave floor.mrklaw said:mine two blocks ahead? you have a decent range?
Pandaman said:its more efficient to mine for caves than it is to strip mine, so i often find myself mining ore in the floor. if the ore is two blocks deep, it can be awkward to mine from the cave floor.
i typically mine straight down until im 15-25 blocks above bedrock and then mine in a straight 2x1 tunnel in all four directions until i hit cave.mrklaw said:ah. tips for finding mines, or just wander N/S/E/W for a distance and leave markers?
mrklaw said:And how do you dispose of tons of rock/dirt - do you dump it or just build lots of chests?
mrklaw said:ah. tips for finding mines, or just wander N/S/E/W for a distance and leave markers?
I think it's supposed to be the plug-in that prevents certain chunks from being edited? Has nothing to do with doors though.Flim Flam said:anyone on exano's server know what WorldGuard is?
It keeps spamming this message on my screen every time I interact with a door
mrklaw said:cool, thanks. Any logic to mining, or just do a lot of it and keep your fingers crossed?
And how do you dispose of tons of rock/dirt - do you dump it or just build lots of chests?
Either host your own, which is easy, or if your friends are GAFfers you can play on Exano's server mentioned in the OP. Some people have been allowed to let their non-GAF friends onto Exano's too but you'd need to ask him first.Blackface said:Anyone know any good servers myself and a couple friends can play on. We want to just do it vanilla. Start with nothing, and work our way up from there. A server where you can set your spawn point would help.
Mister_Bubbles said:![]()
If I may ask - how do you build those narrow 'poles' that the lamps hang on?
mrklaw said:why? What does that mean?
bengraven said:Yeah, I went around and realized I was mining up into a massive lava pool. A waterfall was coming down into it and there was about a 5x5 area of obsidian. Basically, 4 or 5 blocks in a certain direction and I would have a very, very bad day.
Calm Killer said:Oh that is nice. How would I go about doing this for my server?
bathala said:my brother and some other players made a body guard for hire and they all wear hooded avatars in a multi server.
Minecraft multi is turning to mmo
SatelliteOfLove said:I like that texture pack; is that dirt for the house?
DangerousDave said:Come on, that damn spiders don't wanna get drowned.
At least I found a way to kill the spiders and only the spiders with lava and I even got some strings, so the loot is not always destroyed.