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Minecraft |OT2| Punch Your Way to Your Own World


Sofo said:
GirlCraft looks great if it wasn't for the Stacy Malibu vibe in it. How do you guys plan your buildings and such? Is there any program that allows you to build with endless materials just to see how it will look? I tried Classic but it was a pain in the ass. I assume there's no such thing, and I'm tired of using notebooks with squares in them. ._. Thanks in advance!
Invedit lets you edit your inventory in single player

Or, you could set up a multiplayer server on your home LAN and you can then gift your player with whatever you want


We've collected about 600 of the 1,000 gunpowder needed for the next planned Asscraft TNT explosion, we have decided to up the count from 90 to 200 TNT this time and we're planning a different layout hopefully we'll have enough by Monday for the demolition.

Also Animl any idea when you might be able to configure the Craftbook mod? Some of the guys have ideas on what they want to do with it, such as setting the creepers to not damage the world and customized Minecart boosters.


Eccocid said:
Attention fo ASSCRAFT players!

Our lovely Tree Town is gone :( It's burnt to ashes :(
Dunno how it started but PorrRich says multiple fires started :(


parasight said:
Vail's rebuilding it, less wood this time. Someone also stole my Iron (about 100) from my chest :(

Why would someone steal things from anyone on a collaborative server? Just idiotic.


Eccocid said:
Attention fo ASSCRAFT players!

Our lovely Tree Town is gone :( It's burnt to ashes :(
Dunno how it started but PorrRich says multiple fires started :(

Yeah I think we've got a discrete griefer on our hands, someone burned down a large chunk of the Lighthouse, we need to be on alert from now on.
I don't really get the griefing shit, but its probably the same people that like to play MMO's and corpse-camp lowbies for hours on end.

I prefer practical jokes however, like giving someones giant statues a penis, or blocking all the entrances to their house with obsidian or something.

I admit, I was tempted to give Bradlums giant cactus-man a sombrero when he wasn't around. Actually, that might look very cool.


DurielBlack said:
I don't really get the griefing shit, but its probably the same people that like to play MMO's and corpse-camp lowbies for hours on end.

I prefer practical jokes however, like giving someones giant statues a penis, or blocking all the entrances to their house with obsidian or something.

I admit, I was tempted to give Bradlums giant cactus-man a sombrero when he wasn't around. Actually, that might look very cool.
There's something about Minecraft that attracts penises. Even in my time on the free servers in creative mode, it seems that the #3 thing people think to build after "block house" and "pyramid" is "giant penis". XD

Are there any rules about not building on other people's areas/buildings/statues unless they have permission, or is the server pretty much a free for all?


animlboogy said:
Changes on ASSCRAFT due to griefing. I see griefing as part of the game, in a way, though the complete lack of creativity that is just burning shit down is kind of worthless; the community did great work, though, and I feel it's my responsibility to put measures in place to prevent issues like this from happening again.

New players may not be able to build. They will now have to be approved by one of the people below. These are trusted regulars who will let me know if you should be put from the Everyone group to the Regulars group, which will always allow for building.

I hope this isn't a permanent measure. The moderator list, however, is permanent, as these are the guys who have done the bulk of the work on the server over the last couple months.

If you're a regular and you want to be on this list, PM me. You'll be able to ban, teleport, and spawn blocks (with discretion).

If you're a new player and you want to be able to build, you're going to have to get to know people and take a look at everything they've done.

Anybody caught griefing in a manner that is flagrantly idiotic like just running around burning shit down will be permanently banned. If you want to build a big cock on the side of a building, I probably won't give a shit. As long as it's a very nicely built big cock on the side of a building.











Ya, we have it so new users can't build/break on our server as well.

Maybe we should get a post with all the griefers and just ban them on all 3 servers?


Roche178 said:
We've collected about 600 of the 1,000 gunpowder needed for the next planned Asscraft TNT explosion, we have decided to up the count from 90 to 200 TNT this time and we're planning a different layout hopefully we'll have enough by Monday for the demolition.

Also Animl any idea when you might be able to configure the Craftbook mod? Some of the guys have ideas on what they want to do with it, such as setting the creepers to not damage the world and customized Minecart boosters.

NOO! dont touch Creepers! lol I love them being annoying! thats like salt of the game and adds some challenge and fun!


Quite sad to hear about tree town. Though i only saw it once, I think it was a really cool place. I really don't get why people get a kick out of griefing beautiful structures, maybe it's just jealousy...


Roche178 said:
AssCraft's Ocean town is coming along nicley, I just finished the bridge connecting it to the starting town and new people are building houses, I'm so proud :)

Here's a picture for those curious


While it's an old post, what texture pack is this?

Sorry if it has been answered.
animlboogy said:
I still have backups of tree town as it was last week. It's not gone forever, but certainly gone from the current build.

My personal take on the whole thing is less shock at the concept of griefing, more annoyance that NeoGAF members have such little regard for this community. Even buy/sell/trade threads have theives, so I shouldn't be surprised... I guess I thought this community was a little better than it is. NeoFAQs indeed.
Damn, you went there.

So there's really no way of knowing who's griefing, right? If there is I hope they're punished hardily.


animlboogy said:
I still have backups of tree town as it was last week. It's not gone forever, but certainly gone from the current build.

My personal take on the whole thing is less shock at the concept of griefing, more annoyance that NeoGAF members have such little regard for this community. Even buy/sell/trade threads have theives, so I shouldn't be surprised... I guess I thought this community was a little better than it is. NeoFAQs indeed.

It is surprising, but in some cases it seems like people made GAF accounts just to do stuff like grief. For instance, in the very first week or two of Exano's server this one guy destroyed a bunch of stuff in my house, stole all of my items, and put three signs on the wall that said, "VALIDATE THIS GAF". I don't really know what that was supposed to mean, but I think that some of the griefer type people are the ones who don't post and just use the account as a way to cause trouble.


DurielBlack said:
I don't really get the griefing shit, but its probably the same people that like to play MMO's and corpse-camp lowbies for hours on end.

I prefer practical jokes however, like giving someones giant statues a penis, or blocking all the entrances to their house with obsidian or something.

I admit, I was tempted to give Bradlums giant cactus-man a sombrero when he wasn't around. Actually, that might look very cool.
Lol that would've been priceless.
rdelaney said:
It is surprising, but in some cases it seems like people made GAF accounts just to do stuff like grief. For instance, in the very first week or two of Exano's server this one guy destroyed a bunch of stuff in my house, stole all of my items, and put three signs on the wall that said, "VALIDATE THIS GAF". I don't really know what that was supposed to mean, but I think that some of the griefer type people are the ones who don't post and just use the account as a way to cause trouble.
If you think about it...Never mind.

EDIT: I guess there really isn't any substance to this post right now so I'll maybe post a joke?

A group of friars lived in a monastery. As with many monasteries, the friars found it necessary to run a small business to support themselves. They ran a floral shop. One day one of the friars brought in an exquisite find: a Venus fly trap. It was such a cute thing, they couldn't bear to sell it, so they just kept it on display. But after a while, it grew so big that flies were no longer enough to satisfy it. It ate cockroaches, but it kept growing. It ate mice, but it still kept growing. It ate chipmunks, squirrels, cats, then raccoons and dogs and ponies. Finally the villagers got wise to this and attempted to put a stop to it. But try as they might, no one could. One way or another, the friars outsmarted the townsfolk and raided their farms of large animals. Finally the villagers pooled their money and hired a professional named Hugh to come in and capture the friars. Hugh stormed the monastery, destroyed the fly trap, captured the friars, and turned them over to the police. The moral of this story is: Only Hugh can prevent florist friars.

Also I wish that unlimited breath underwater was still allowed for survival. Then I could use the water elevators...


I wonder when will we get the next Minecraft update. Can't wait for the pets, the achievements and saving my spawn point using a bed.
So I built a giant mine cart track loop, going between my mainland and a nearby island. I set up two boosters, and now I can get into a cart and it'll keep me going around the entire loop without stopping.

How would I go about having empty carts do the same? I'd like to fix up a way to just wait on a cart to go by, click on it as it does, and ride, then get off where I want. As it stands now, the empty carts don't keep going.

Do I simply need more boosters to keep the empties circling around?

Ranger X

What would be awesome is to have some new transportation. I mean, officially in the game, not by mods. Like a VTT for faster ground movement or again an airship.
Building carts, tracks and whatnot appear long and tedious to me for what it gives in matter of freedom of movement.
Ranger X said:
What would be awesome is to have some new transportation. I mean, officially in the game, not by mods. Like a VTT for faster ground movement or again an airship.
Building carts, tracks and whatnot appear long and tedious to me for what it gives in matter of freedom of movement.
An airship would simply be epic.

Imagine if Notch gave it cannons....But they coulld only damage other airships


Diseased Yak said:
So I built a giant mine cart track loop, going between my mainland and a nearby island. I set up two boosters, and now I can get into a cart and it'll keep me going around the entire loop without stopping.

How would I go about having empty carts do the same? I'd like to fix up a way to just wait on a cart to go by, click on it as it does, and ride, then get off where I want. As it stands now, the empty carts don't keep going.

Do I simply need more boosters to keep the empties circling around?
I think the biggest problem people run into with this one is that a minecart that's more than X distance away from you (I'm not sure how far X is) will de-activate because the game only actively calculates changes in the world for areas near the player. I don't know if the behavior is the same in SMP and single player.


The definition of front-butt.
CoffeeJanitor said:
An airship would simply be epic.

Imagine if Notch gave it cannons....But they coulld only damage other airships
What the game really needs is a special block that's not stuck to the world. Then you could attach regular blocks to it to build whatever contraption you want. Anything attached to this block would be effected by gravity and basic air dynamics. If you want to build an airship, build a balloon shape out of cloth connected to the special block, then set a fire underneath it to make it rise. Build a boat out of wood, build a big vertical slab of cloth and you have a sail to propel it on open water. You could even make simple things like a gate or draw bridge.

Once they get something like this implemented Minecraft will become fucking amazing unstoppable. Has Notch said anything on this type of thing? Or has a modder created it yet?


ok finally bought the game, never played, got killed the first night. This place is scary. Trying to figure out how to build some fire.

Ranger X

acksman said:
ok finally bought the game, never played, got killed the first night. This place is scary. Trying to figure out how to build some fire.

Start by building yourself some safe place for the night and a bed to skip it.
Tell me if you want to know how --- it's more fun to discover...


Ranger X said:
Start by building yourself some safe place for the night and a bed to skip it.
Tell me if you want to know how --- it's more fun to discover...

Yup, trying not to read to much and just try to figure it out myself. It was a bit of a surprise to hear this growl then I turned around and about jumped out of my seat from the zombie hitting me.

I will ask, currently playing in the browser, is it better to download it. Would like a bigger screen to play.


You can fullscreen the downloadable client version. Never played it in a browser so I'm not aware of what sort of differences there might be.


I never even got to see Tree Town :(

I went and visited the ruins yesterday after I saw people talking about it. I didn't even realize it was as bad as it was. I thought someone burnt a building down or something.

That's really fucking stupid. It was so cool that there was a server where you could just jump in, and it played just like the single player that we know and love. I never heard anyone bitching about people griefing or stealing (although I'm very new to MP).

It seemed like everyone played nice. I even put a sign in front of my safe, knowing that anyone could go steal my diamonds but I didn't care because it didn't seem like that would happen. And now some idiot(s) had to go and ruin it for everyone. I guess that's how it always goes...

I just feel bad for the people who built it.


Neo Member
The GAFland maps will now have the following rotation and URLs

The most recent map will always be located at (to avoid the OP from having to change every time):

The second to most recent map will always be located at:

The third to most recent map will always be located at (we do not have one in this slot yet as the mapping process is only 2 weeks old):

This will allow people to watch as areas develop and progress while not being too taxing on my hosting location.

Please drop in and visit us, we'd love to see something you build on the next map.
Just wanted to show the various themed areas that are in progress on Exano's server so that people that might not be aware of them know about them and can add to them if they feel like it :D



Location: East Point

Guidelines: Only build Roman or Greek themed structures.

------Modern City------


Location: Due East of spawn, halfway between spawn and East Point.

Guidelines: Only structures that you would find in a modern city.

------Amusement Park------


Location: NE of spawn, eventually North East point.

Guidelines: Only structures that you would find within an amusement park.



Location: South Point

Guidelines: Only medieval structures.



Location: West Point.

Guidelines: Only structures that would be found in Venice.

If I've missed any areas or gotten anything wrong about the ones I listed please PM me with the info!


Grinchy said:
I never even got to see Tree Town :(

I went and visited the ruins yesterday after I saw people talking about it. I didn't even realize it was as bad as it was. I thought someone burnt a building down or something.

That's really fucking stupid. It was so cool that there was a server where you could just jump in, and it played just like the single player that we know and love. I never heard anyone bitching about people griefing or stealing (although I'm very new to MP).

It seemed like everyone played nice. I even put a sign in front of my safe, knowing that anyone could go steal my diamonds but I didn't care because it didn't seem like that would happen. And now some idiot(s) had to go and ruin it for everyone. I guess that's how it always goes...

I just feel bad for the people who built it.

Unfortunately, this is why Anti-Grief measures had to be put into place on Exano's GAFLand server. Exano and I have jointly run a private minecraft server well before Exano took on hosting GAFLand, and we learned the hard way that anti-grief measures, even the most minimal, are necessary. It's a shame that multiplayer gaming in a game inherently about creativity and cooperation would be subject to the same trolling and griefing as every other multiplayer game out there, but I suppose such is life.

(P.S. - this was in no way meant to be a burn against the population or hosts of Assland - we really appreciate the fact that other Minecraft enthusiasts are branching out and hosting servers with alternative forms of gameplay than what's offered on GAFLand. I really hope you folks running the show in Assland consider putting in at least a bare minimum of anti-grief tools!)


Digging along the bedrock on the survival server, I hear this crazy clacking sound. I decide to inspect, and this is what I find:

Seems they are immune to the lava!
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