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Minecraft |OT2| Punch Your Way to Your Own World


celebi23 said:
Notch posted this picture on Twitter

Anyone know what game it is?

guy looks like he has to take a crap


Quicksilver4648 said:
Yeah, I just saw this. This seems like a big deal. I guess it is just too early and nobody is awake yet.
It'll be all over the net tomorrow. G4 will post about it and so will gameinformer, pc gamer, etc.


Maxrpg said:
Notch just tweeted they won against Bethesda and they can keep using the name. New threads for new news?

nice! lost a lot of respect for Bethesda over this one.. glad to see they were put in their place


N-Bomb said:
Man, I cleared like half of that new community mine and only found 4 diamonds :(
I don't know since when, but Diamonds used to spawn between layers 10-18, now tye actually spawn near bedrock.. I was mining my usual pattern and couldn't mind anything in about 5 chunks, then just dug deeper and voila! Diamonds!


Maxrpg said:
Notch just tweeted they won against Bethesda and they can keep using the name. New threads for new news?

The case isn't over. They just won the right to keep calling their game Scrolls while the actual case moves forward.
MrMister said:
That was pretty bad. Like "hurr durr guys IT'S MINECRAFT! Get it? It's funny, cuz we're in Minecraft." Interesting though that's it's now managed to break into "mainstream" pop culture.

Also hell yes at Notch's win in the scrolls suit. Bananas shit like that shouldn't fly, even if it is Bethesda. Well an injunction is better than nothing. The case is still ridiculous.


Notch did say he was nerfing Endermen block removing, right? Did he say which update? Is it in any of the "leaked" betas yet?

I have a huge ass pyramid and every single day, I log on to patch holes and remove out of place blocks. This is getting real old.

Ranger X

I think the Enderman nerfing is really badly thought out.

Every block is having a flag "place by the player" or whatever it's called. Just make the Endermen capable of picking up ANY block that isn't placed by the player and VOILA! problem solved. The Endermen would affect the world as it should but wouldn't be an annoyance to players. Because right now they are an annoyance if they pick up your blocks and if they are nerfed as in the pre-release, their block picking abitily doesn't have much impact and therefore it loses of its appeal.
I think a good compromise for Endermen would be to make them afraid of light when neutral. Not like other mobs that simply spawn in the dark and then wander wherever... but make them literally avoid lit areas unless in attack mode. So even if Endermen teleport randomly onto your Pyramid or whatever during a rainstorm as soon as they see that torch light they teleport away. This kind of goes with their whole darkness theme.


CreativeSK said:
The jokes were terrible. Especially "Oh, I forgot I die in the sun!" *Falls over dead*

Both times they did it.

And what Minecraft player in their right mind puts down one track at a time and rides the cart a single meter each time? Apparently the writers at MAD do. And they're doing it wrong. Fuuuuuuuuuu-----

Houston3000 said:
I think a good compromise for Endermen would be to make them afraid of light when neutral. Not like other mobs that simply spawn in the dark and then wander wherever... but make them literally avoid lit areas unless in attack mode. So even if Endermen teleport randomly onto your Pyramid or whatever during a rainstorm as soon as they see that torch light they teleport away. This kind of goes with their whole darkness theme.

Then you could go into the end, light the place up and watch them jump off the edge. :D

Jasoco said:
That could have been so much better, but it wasn't.

That's MAD for you...


Maybe you guys can help me here. Im trying to get some working piston doors that operate from both sides with switches but am running into issues. Ill try to explain this the best I can.

Here is my setup:

Switch A - Piston - Switch B

Like this, both switches can operate the piston.

I leave Switch A in the "on" position so the piston is open, keeping the door closed. Once I enter the house, I close it with Switch B.
However, if I exit the house through one of the back ways and go back around to the main entrance, Switch A no longer opens the piston door because Switch Bs signal to keep it open is overriding it. It works the other way around too...if Switch A is keeping it open then Switch B does nothing.

What can I do to have one piston be operated by 2 switches at all times?

I need to familiarize myself with redstone better. Is that Redstone simulator program any good?


Salaadin said:
Maybe you guys can help me here. Im trying to get some working piston doors that operate from both sides with switches but am running into issues. Ill try to explain this the best I can.

Here is my setup:

Switch A - Piston - Switch B

Like this, both switches can operate the piston.

I leave Switch A in the "on" position so the piston is open, keeping the door closed. Once I enter the house, I close it with Switch B.
However, if I exit the house through one of the back ways and go back around to the main entrance, Switch A no longer opens the piston door because Switch Bs signal to keep it open is overriding it. It works the other way around too...if Switch A is keeping it open then Switch B does nothing.

What can I do to have one piston be operated by 2 switches at all times?

I need to familiarize myself with redstone better. Is that Redstone simulator program any good?

Yeah, there's two options you've got for a setup like that. If you want to have your thing exactly as-is, you can wire both levers to the inputs on an XOR Gate An XOR gate has two inputs, and will output ON if only one of the inputs is active, and off if both inputs are on or both are off. I use this all the time for constructs where I need different levers to toggle the thing off and on.

Similarly, you can use an RS NOR Latch that has the S input rigged to a button on either side of the door and the R input wired to pressure plates on either side.

I know those diagrams are a little tricky to read, so I'll throw together a quick example of each and post the pictures here in a few minutes.


Ok, for Salaadin, here's a quickie look at how you could use buttons or levers to wire up a piston door:

First, the method with an RS NOR Latch:

RS Nor latches are pretty simple to understand. Basically, you've got two redstone torches connected to each other in a loop. Let's call them torch A (bottom one) and torch B (top). In the picture above, torch A is currently on, which is keeping torch B off. Since torch B is also connected to the piston, the piston remains off as well. As soon as I step on the pressure plate on the right, though, torch A turns off, turning torch B on. This not only powers the piston, but also prevents torch A from coming back on, even when I step off the pressure plate. Pressing the button connected to the brick block will turn torch B off, which turns the piston off and turns torch A back on.

This method does introduce some design problems to consider, though. If you want to use pressure plates to close your door, you'll have to keep in mind where you put them. If you put the pressure plates right against the door, then anybody trying to open it will have the door shut in their face when they try to go through it. On the other hand, this method works great for one-way doors. Put the button on the outside, then the pressure plates inside the door, so that it shuts after someone goes through, with no way to reopen it once they're inside.

Now, the XOR method:

That is an XOR gate. Now, unlike the RS NOR latch, I have no clue how this one functions, I just know that it does. When I flip either of the levers on the left, it will toggle the piston.


Vlad said:
Ok, for Salaadin, here's a quickie look at how you could use buttons or levers to wire up a piston door:

Wow, you didn have to go thru all that. Thanks so much. Good explanations too. I think Im starting to understand how this stuff works.

Ill try it out tonight. Thanks again.


I think this related video to the one above is cooler because it makes that infamous "invisible door" easy to make with no Redstone needing to be visible. (Thanks to some RS tweaks Mojang made.)


You'd be able to make a fortress inside a mountain and make the door unseen until you place a "key" (A push button) on a specific block and the door opens. And with the RS NOR switch you could make it so you place the button, open the door and remove it, then once inside, press another button to close it.


Houston3000 said:
I think a good compromise for Endermen would be to make them afraid of light when neutral. Not like other mobs that simply spawn in the dark and then wander wherever... but make them literally avoid lit areas unless in attack mode. So even if Endermen teleport randomly onto your Pyramid or whatever during a rainstorm as soon as they see that torch light they teleport away. This kind of goes with their whole darkness theme.

I like this idea. Or you could even make them take damage from any kind of light based on the brightness or whatever.


Alright guys, I'm going to start digging the hole for my castle later on today.

If people are still up for helping the spot can be found below. You'll notice a large dirt tower signifying where the central point is. However I want to make sure this place is good to go first before I properly start.


I'll first get rid of a few trees in the area to give me space, then begin to plot out the area.
Xun said:
Alright guys, I'm going to start digging the hole for my castle later on today.

If people are still up for helping the spot can be found below. You'll notice a large dirt tower signifying where the central point is. However I want to make sure this place is good to go first before I properly start.


I'll first get rid of a few trees in the area to give me space, then begin to plot out the area.

I believe that makes us neighbours ;-) just a bit further east I am in the process of building a domed city. I am looking forward to seeing your castle and would be glad to help. I just mention that I am pretty close to you in case you want to change your plans and look for a better view. If your castle is going to be big and extend to the east a bit then there is a chance you will be able to see my domed city from it and that might spoil your view.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
A domed city? We need a new online map! I also need to go on a sightseeing trek over in that direction to see what all is being built there.

I think tonight I'm going to take a break from working on my fortress and build a few roads that lead to it. One road will head south to Arktown. Another will head north towards the desert town and link up with Pioneer Town. I'll need a road going west to my "environmentally safe" sandstone quarry. If we have roads leading to everyone's stuff then it will be easier to go visiting and sightseeing. Plus I've got a crapton of gravel and the only good use I have for it, other than digging out lava pools, is making roads.

I've got too much stuff I want to build in this game. My to do list is growing, not shrinking, lol.
Mengy said:
A domed city? We need a new online map! I also need to go on a sightseeing trek over in that direction to see what all is being built there.

Well you certainly won't have trouble finding the domed city :-


Coordinates are x -102 z -389

It is still very much a work in progress, but by the time I am finished there will be several domes.

At the moment only the "mall dome" and "chicken farm" dome are in any finished state. I will later add a huge "living dome" (with plots for people that want to build a pad in it) and a wheat/melon dome.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
CharmingCharlie said:
Well you certainly won't have trouble finding the domed city :-

Coordinates are x -102 z -389

It is still very much a work in progress, but by the time I am finished there will be several domes.

At the moment only the "mall dome" and "chicken farm" dome are in any finished state. I will later add a huge "living dome" (with plots for people that want to build a pad in it) and a wheat/melon dome.

Okay, that's damn cool. When you get the living dome up I want a lot in it! I have an idea you may need more than one living dome. Maybe put different colored rings at the dome bases, like Red Dome, Yellow Dome, etc. That's going to look slick once you have multiple domes all linked up.

That just gave me an idea though. Once Minecraft hits release and we start up with the community projects again we should make one of our towns in the theme of Thunder Bluff / Thousand Needles from Wow. Build the town on top of a series of linked tall columns over a large canyon or ravine with a large river flowing through it, with wood bridges linking them up. Each "lot" would be it's own column, with community farms and such on separate columns too. We could call it the town of Neo Bluff or Neo Needles. It sure would take a lot of dirt though, might have to level a mountain or two to do it...


that doomed city looks really cool..

also.. as an fyi/request.. so I'm building this giant baseball stadium over near desert town and I noticed that someone's setting up shop right next to the field.. if at all possible, can you guys give me some room to build next to the field? my intent is to build an actual stadium here, not just a field, so the surrounding real-estate is sort of important to the future of the project :)

also, whoever stole my steps last night: you suck :)
So, I wanna get back into Minecraft, but I have a pretty crappy laptop that can only run the game with the lowest settings.

Anyway, every time I try to change the Video Settings, the game goes to a black screen and freezes indefinitely. I then have to open the Task Manager and force close Minecraft. Has anyone else had this problem? If so, how can I fix it?

Complex Shadow

Cudi Lame™
CharmingCharlie said:
Well you certainly won't have trouble finding the domed city :-


Coordinates are x -102 z -389

It is still very much a work in progress, but by the time I am finished there will be several domes.

At the moment only the "mall dome" and "chicken farm" dome are in any finished state. I will later add a huge "living dome" (with plots for people that want to build a pad in it) and a wheat/melon dome.
2 things.
1) shouldn't you make a domes a bit higer up?
2) shouldn't the dome be floating?
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