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Minecraft |OT2| Punch Your Way to Your Own World

Ranger X

Guys, this should be expected from you already. (Minecraft noobs not concerned)

Everytime there will be a new change in terrain generation or biomes, you will need to generate new chunks to get them. Minecraft cannot update its already generated chunks of maps so its not like this will change anytime soon either. The game is coded like that. You want jungle? it's to be expected to generate new chunks or start a new world.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Guys, this should be expected from you already. (Minecraft noobs not concerned)

Everytime there will be a new change in terrain generation or biomes, you will need to generate new chunks to get them. Minecraft cannot update its already generated chunks of maps so its not like this will change anytime soon either. The game is coded like that. You want jungle? it's to be expected to generate new chunks or start a new world.

Ranger, this time it's different. The new jungle biome will not generate in a pre 1.2 world at all, not even in new chunks. You will need to start a brand new 1.2 world in order to see them.

As for the other biome changes, like the hills and beaches and such, I'm assuming those will generate just fine in new chunks within old worlds.



If no one needs me I will be over in the corner on the floor rocking backwards and forwards mumbling about "domes no no domes don't no the domes the domes".

on another note Jeb did post this on Reddit :-

Jeb said:

If you really want the jungles in your 1.1 worlds, you can trick the game to use the new generator by editing the level.dat file with a NBT editor.

The game looks for the tag called "generatorName", and if it's "default" it will also check "generatorVersion" (if it's available). If the version is 0, it will replace the generator with "default_1_1" instead of "default" to switch to the old generator.

To keep the new generator, change "generatorName" to "default" again and set "generatorVersion" to 1. Please note that this will mess up the whole biome randomizer, so it may start snowing in your desert if you're unlucky.

// jeb_

EDIT: I'm sorry, I didn't intend to hi-jack this thread. Show him some upvotes!

Source :- http://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/onlrz/if_you_really_want_12_terrain_in_11_worlds_for/

I don't know if it could be done on Neocraft though.

Ranger X

Ranger, this time it's different. The new jungle biome will not generate in a pre 1.2 world at all, not even in new chunks. You will need to start a brand new 1.2 world in order to see them.

As for the other biome changes, like the hills and beaches and such, I'm assuming those will generate just fine in new chunks within old worlds.

Hmm, that's wierd. They said that with their new biome code they could add/change biomes easily and now they seem to need to go deep in the code... (since we need a new world it could indicate the change is pretty deep). Oh well..
Could we cut and paste the map we have so far into a new one, like we did on a smaller scale with the Arks? I'm guessing that's a world of trouble, seeing as no-one's mentioned it...


oh niiiiiiiiiice!

Not only I'd want more biomes like that but I happy to see that the game's devellopment isn't getting any slower. :)

It's not exactly fast either, is it? I mean considering the financial growth of the company.. it hurts seeing them trail along with a single developer (that isn't notch) for so long.

From the changelog on the current builds, it seems that they don't really have a development plan (also according to the recent EDGE interviews) and you can sortof tell by the minor balance changes, subtle additions to existing features, and adding/retracting ideas from one build to another (such as ladders regaining the invisible blocks).

It just seems like in the grand scheme of things, Minecraft won't really change that much going forward.. I guess we can hope for Minecraft 2, which they seem hesitant to do at this point.

It hurts because this game has so much potential. I don't expect too many drastic changes, but it seems as if Notch just burnt out on the project and lost interest.

I think they are betting on the MOD API to allow people to experience some truly exciting gameplay ideas and changes, which would allow official support to take a back seat.. but personally I don't like anything but the 'vanilla' experience that Mojang intended for us.

PS. Jungle Biome is fantastic, I bet that's where we'll see some new mobs (hinted as forthcoming in EDGE article)


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
It's not exactly fast either, is it? I mean considering the financial growth of the company.. it hurts seeing them trail along with a single developer (that isn't notch) for so long.

From the changelog on the current builds, it seems that they don't really have a development plan (also according to the recent EDGE interviews) and you can sortof tell by the minor balance changes, subtle additions to existing features, and adding/retracting ideas from one build to another (such as ladders regaining the invisible blocks).

It just seems like in the grand scheme of things, Minecraft won't really change that much going forward.. I guess we can hope for Minecraft 2, which they seem hesitant to do at this point.

It hurts because this game has so much potential. I don't expect too many drastic changes, but it seems as if Notch just burnt out on the project and lost interest.

I think they are betting on the MOD API to allow people to experience some truly exciting gameplay ideas and changes, which would allow official support to take a back seat.. but personally I don't like anything but the 'vanilla' experience that Mojang intended for us.

PS. Jungle Biome is fantastic, I bet that's where we'll see some new mobs (hinted as forthcoming in EDGE article)

I'm just the opposite. I think progress is coming along nicely for a small developer indie game. Minecraft just had it's official release and we are already getting nice changes added into the game. Progress hasn't stopped at all from my point of view. But then, I am more forgiving on game developers than most gamers are. I tend to just play the games and enjoy them rather than obsess over things outside of the playing experience in front of me.


I'm just the opposite. I think progress is coming along nicely for a small developer indie game. Minecraft just had it's official release and we are already getting nice changes added into the game. Progress hasn't stopped at all from my point of view. But then, I am more forgiving on game developers than most gamers are. I tend to just play the games and enjoy them rather than obsess over things outside of the playing experience in front of me.

Mojang hasn't been indie or small for a long time now.. they clear 450k euro's on a weekday.
Not saying that this should translate into Minecraft getting a 'big budget treatment', if that even means something. But I still feel sad that Mojang seems to move away from Minecraft with Scrolls and Cobalt.. no offense to these two projects.. but I doubt anyone would prefer those titles over improved Minecraft support.

Random Minecraft Idea #32321
It would be cool if, using the dungeon tile, players would be able to create their own dungeon.. which would attract NPC hero characters from nearby towns.


But I still feel sad that Mojang seems to move away from Minecraft with Scrolls and Cobalt..

I might be off here, but isn't Cobalt being developed by Oxeye and published by Mojang? Sure, Jeb's on both projects, but it's not like it's being developed by Mojang.

Not only that, but they also hired somebody new recently to overhaul the AI, so they're still chugging away on it.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
So, does anybody else regret the server wipe? Without debating whether it was necessary or not... I kinda do!

Interesting question. While I do miss the old server and all of the fantastic things that users created, I still like the idea of starting anew with our stuff in the Arks. The changes to the map generation were enough to justify a new server map, what with the better biomes, ravines, abandoned mines, and other things. Plus, with the huge file size and messed up biomes and weather of the old server, it just seemed like a good time to do it.

What I do regret, or rather miss, are all of the users who seemed to stop playing when we reset the server. We had some awesome people building great things on the old server. If those people were playing on the new server, building new great things, then I doubt any sentiments at all would be felt for the old map.

I still sometimes load up the old server map in peaceful mode just to walk around and sightsee and exlpore. So many impressive things were built, many of which I never even knew about or got to see while the server was online. The sewers come to mind as an immense expansive underground project that was almost completely hidden to most people. I am still in awe that we built Moria, and would love the chance to build another new underground city like that. Booty Bay and Al-Medina are beautiful. Arkyoto would have been the best, if we had gotten the chance to truly finish it up. But it's the little out of the way places that still amaze me. There are houses, deep holes, huge lodges, temples, expansive mines, constructions scattered all about the entire map that I constantly stumble across while walking around. It's still an adventure to just walk the old map and see what I can find.

That's all due to the multitude of people we had playing on the old server. It's that aspect, the people, not really the map itself, that I miss a bit.

HOWEVER, that being said, Neocraft 1.0 is off to a pretty good start. There are a lot of amazing things on the server already, even with the lower population. I would argue that Dome City is just as impressive (if not more so) than anything on the old map. Pioneer City is a nice spawn point. There are quite a few castles, fortresses, and large bases scattered about that are awesome. Roads connnect a few places, we have mob grinders built and farms constructed. What's missing is the great community projects that we used to have. That's mainly due to alot of the old users not playing anymore.

Ranger X

. It's that aspect, the people, not really the map itself, that I miss a bit.

I think I am also of that opinion. I loved the time where you, me, Grinchy, Mik21, Ark and a couple of other regulars that I forgot their names were there everyday and we were building middle land together and then Booty Bay.


I really regret not building more stuff with you guys. I've built a few large, lame structures far away and smaller, lamer structures in some of the towns (on the last server) but this time I'm really really far away. Though there's a village near me, it's a generated village (Pyramid village) and there's maybe one other person's house within a few "miles".

I don't know. Maybe I'm trying to say I've never really had a chance to "bond" with you guys in a less than gay manner.


I need another project to build. Tried the sky city thing but its kind of a pain in the ass building something like that alone, even in creative. lol. So, any recommendations? :p



The squids started rising up in neocraft just now. I for one welcome our new squid overlords.
NeoCraft's down. :(

Yeah I am having to play with myself .............. erm I mean by myself on single player. I have to confess though I loved that helicopter mod. Here is a pop quiz what was the first thought that entered my head when I saw that helicopter mod ? Was it :-

a) what an interesting way to get around Minecraft
b) doesn't really fit the theme but it would make exploration more fun.
c) OMGZ I could so build another dome with helicopter landing pads and domed refuelling stations.


Yeah I am having to play with myself .............. erm I mean by myself on single player. I have to confess though I loved that helicopter mod. Here is a pop quiz what was the first thought that entered my head when I saw that helicopter mod ? Was it :-

a) what an interesting way to get around Minecraft
b) doesn't really fit the theme but it would make exploration more fun.
c) OMGZ I could so build another dome with helicopter landing pads and domed refuelling stations.

It sucks, but I play with myself every patch that comes out. I just can't wait for everyone to play with me, so I play with myself. As in masturbate.


se7 Disk Issue
Jan 21 2012 12:20:59 by Curt

We are aware of a disk issue with machine se7. The issue will cause your server to become unresponsive and appear offline. We are currently working to resolve this issue as fast as possible.

Keep an eye on Clanforge News for updates

Hopefully should be up later today.
Yeah I am having to play with myself .............. erm I mean by myself on single player. I have to confess though I loved that helicopter mod. Here is a pop quiz what was the first thought that entered my head when I saw that helicopter mod ? Was it :-

a) what an interesting way to get around Minecraft
b) doesn't really fit the theme but it would make exploration more fun.
c) OMGZ I could so build another dome with helicopter landing pads and domed refuelling stations.

Luckily I'm going to be out of town today so it doesn't make me too sad, but it sucks for

anyone wanting to get on. :( And I'm going to go with...C?


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
se7 Disk Issue
Jan 21 2012 12:20:59 by Curt
We are aware of a disk issue with machine se7. The issue will cause your server to become unresponsive and appear offline. We are currently working to resolve this issue as fast as possible.

Keep an eye on Clanforge News for updates

Dang, and I wanted to play most of today. It's snowing here and I'm hibernating indoors. Guess I'll play some Skyrim or Starcraft II and check back later instead. Hope the server comes up soon...


Yeah I am having to play with myself .............. erm I mean by myself on single player. I have to confess though I loved that helicopter mod. Here is a pop quiz what was the first thought that entered my head when I saw that helicopter mod ? Was it :-

a) what an interesting way to get around Minecraft
b) doesn't really fit the theme but it would make exploration more fun.
c) OMGZ I could so build another dome with helicopter landing pads and domed refuelling stations.

I was TOTALLY thinking the same thing with the floating islands! Ark, can we have the helicopter mod? LOL


Jungles are going to be great - I would love to see a jungle ravine.

Actually, I think he needs to make the ceiling higher now and give us true mountains with snow at the top.

Was also saying on the server the other day that I'd like to see (hear) ambient noises added.

- dripping sounds underground, especially where water is actually seeping through the ceiling.
- snow biomes - blowing snow - I would kill for some "whiiiiish"-like noises of a snow storm
- desert - wind - pebbles clacking together softly in the wind as it
- forests - bird sounds
- swamps - bugs, maybe strange calls (this would make my swamp manor much cooler)
- water/lakes/ocean - wave noises, very subtle since we obviously don't get true waves and that would break immersion
- jungles - monkey sounds, bird calls


Hmmmm, I really want to play Minecraft, but seeing the Jungle Biomes makes me want to roll a new world. But perhaps next week more biome tweaks and additions will be made! What to do...

bengraven, wouldn't it be odd to hear monkey sounds if there weren't actually any monkeys? Perhaps bird sounds would still work, but it hurts having seen that spectacular bird modification.. I want it in the full experience!


Jungles are going to be great - I would love to see a jungle ravine.

Actually, I think he needs to make the ceiling higher now and give us true mountains with snow at the top.

Was also saying on the server the other day that I'd like to see (hear) ambient noises added.

- dripping sounds underground, especially where water is actually seeping through the ceiling.
- snow biomes - blowing snow - I would kill for some "whiiiiish"-like noises of a snow storm
- desert - wind - pebbles clacking together softly in the wind as it
- forests - bird sounds
- swamps - bugs, maybe strange calls (this would make my swamp manor much cooler)
- water/lakes/ocean - wave noises, very subtle since we obviously don't get true waves and that would break immersion
- jungles - monkey sounds, bird calls

If you watch the video posted, there is a ravine! And it's just hot as hell.


Nice job. I really want to smooth out the bottom of the islands so its a nice cone shape but its incredibly tedious without being able to fly. It will be a scaffolding nightmare. If I have sometime next week I might give it a go...



I think it would be a better idea to do the flat tops of the islands first then fill in the bottom areas with natural looking bumps when it's all done. That way you don't have to do so much remoulding if you decide to add some blocks to the edges or something.


I think it would be a better idea to do the flat tops of the islands first then fill in the bottom areas with natural looking bumps when it's all done. That way you don't have to do so much remoulding if you decide to add some blocks to the edges or something.
Yeah that's what we're doing on this newer island.

Ranger X

Jungles are going to be great - I would love to see a jungle ravine.

Actually, I think he needs to make the ceiling higher now and give us true mountains with snow at the top.

More sounds is awesome but you know what really annoys me? There's mineshaft litterally everywhere. It's like impossible to explore a cave and not fall into a mineshaft, not possible to explore a canyon and not fall into one either. Most of the time, there's also a mineshaft fucked in strongholds. Well, I think it makes the underground more repetitive and boring than before. Corridors, corridors and corridors while every cave was different before that update. It would be nice that Mineshafts would be rare. Like 10 per worlds or so.
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