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Minecraft |OT2| Punch Your Way to Your Own World


@Ranger X

So, if you create a new world now there are no mega caves to be found? :(

In my post, I was talking about my SSP world. It was created in September of 2010 and I've been cave tripping the Alpha/Beta chunks of it.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
I didn't do much spelunking into 1.1 but I was a spelunking freak before. That's actually my favorite aspect in the game.

I really think that right now they need to tone down the number of mineshaft that are generated. Mineshaft are very linear and without surprises after a while. They are quite boring to explore and now they are litterally EVERYWHERE.

Ever found a cave now that lasts more than 10 mins without falling into some Mineshaft? Ever explored a canyon or series of canyons without falling into a Mineshaft?

I also went through the ground as a ghost with some soft modders are doing in order to get an idea how often you can fall into a Mineshaft, you know, just to verify that it wasn't me being very lucky and always falling into them. Well, I saw that they simply are everywhere almost like 1 per chunk of map. It's way way too much and actually makes spelunking less interesting than before.

In previous version I could explore mega-caves taking me like 15 hours to explore (like a whole week-end of free time for me) and those 15 hours were never seeing a single cave section that was the same. THAT was awesome spelunking.

I have to disagree with you on this one Ranger, I love the addition of mineshafts. They add a new aspect to spelunking that I like alot. In 1.0 they seemed to be everywhere but since 1.1 they seem much more toned down to me. I get excited every time I break into a new mineshaft because I know that I:

1. There are cave spiders around, time to be on my toes
2. I'm getting free tracks, I now have no problem using iron for tools anymore
3. Free planks and fences
4. There are going to be a few chests with loot around, time to search for them

And the actual caves themselves seem just as long, huge, and robust as they used to be. The additions of mineshafts and underground ravines makes spelunking much more fun for me since 1.1. I wouldn't want to ever go back to how it used to be before them.


I have to disagree with you on this one Ranger, I love the addition of mineshafts. They add a new aspect to spelunking that I like alot. In 1.0 they seemed to be everywhere but since 1.1 they seem much more toned down to me. I get excited every time I break into a new mineshaft because I know that I:

1. There are cave spiders around, time to be on my toes
2. I'm getting free tracks, I now have no problem using iron for tools anymore
3. Free planks and fences
4. There are going to be a few chests with loot around, time to search for them

And the actual caves themselves seem just as long, huge, and robust as they used to be. The additions of mineshafts and underground ravines makes spelunking much more fun for me since 1.1. I wouldn't want to ever go back to how it used to be before them.


Oh and lots of web!
WARNING : Long Dome City post so you might want to skip this if you aren't interested.


Scene from Dome City voyeur erm security camera network

Margo empties another bottle of whisky into a pint glass and downs it in one go.

Margo : Ginny get your arse moving your whore of a father will be here in a minute to exercise his visitation rights.
Little Ginny : mummmm don't call daddy that, I like having two daddies.
Margo : damn kid, Dome City needs a children's workhouse.

Scene : Knock at the door, Margo opens the door and in comes Gerald.

Margo : Jesus Christ, Gerald are you wearing Estee lauder ?
Gerald : Now Margo don't start, Sebastian likes me smelling nice.
Margo : Don't you DARE mention that man whore's name in this house.
Gerald : He isn't a man whore and at least he makes me a damn sandwich.

Little Ginny comes running down the stairs.

Little Ginny : Hi daddyyyyyyyyyyyy.
Margo : my god girl I am not sure who is the biggest princess ? you or your father.
Little Ginny : MOM
Gerald : Come on Ginny we are leaving
Little Ginny : But dad where are we going ?
Gerald : Ginny we are going to ...................


Yes people Dome City farm has finally been completed and is ready for all Saturday dads to drag their kids too. A huge new purpose built dome specifically designed to allow people to "commune" with nature (i.e. get shit all over your shoes). Dome City farm is the NUMBER ONE attraction in Dome City (OK it is the only attraction but that isn't the point).

But wait there is more, not only does Dome City Farm provide you with the opportunity to bore your kids rigid it is also a vital part of the Mayors attempt to stave off the "Toe found in the Solyent green sandwich" controversy.

At Dome City Farm you can :-


Inspect and try out the mega harvester. This harvester is so big it is an affront to god himself. It has been said that if all three switches were activated at once then the great god ARK would descend upon us and go "Oi what the bloody hell is going on, cpu usage just shot up to 100%, are one of you no lifers running a mega harvester ?".


Why not check out Roche178's crazy whacky Mushroom pen with Mushroom cows that are so ugly they make Satan himself look cute. That is all assuming the Mayor hasn't killed them all because the damn things keep escaping and wandering around.


Just across from the abomination that is the mushroom field is this scary hidden house. Who lives there ? Everybody knows but it is more fun to pretend we don't. Some say it is a weird scientist developing a new form of water transport and late at night you can hear him banging away ........ and working on this water transport technology as well.


Then it is a short trip to the pig pen where you can go awwww, yum yum or phwooarrr depending on how you feel about pigs and how much of a deviant you are.


Whilst there why not visit the Mayor's new mansion (he's not rubbing it in honestly). Yes marvel at the multi-story decadent affront to all your suffering. You will ask yourself "how can the Mayor and Deputy Mayor live with themselves ?". Marvel at the monument to the creepers affectionately called "the Weeper". Yes a custom designed fountain by our Deputy Mayor, Professor CrazyLegzlu who seems to have got over his thing for animals but has developed an unhealthy fetish for creepers.


Lust after the individual solid gold thrones with diamond head rests and come to the realisation that "this is how the Mayor and Deputy Mayor can live with themselves".


Why not visit the immense library in the Mayor's mansion ? You will find an extensive collection of "Big Juicy Honking Domes Monthly" for your reading pleasure and not all of the pages are stuck together.


See the Kennels where the Mayors bitches live better than you and they probably deserve too as well.


Coming soon the People's Pussy Palace .... well that is what the Deputy Mayor wants to call it but we aren't all perv's like him so it is going to be called "Ocelot Oasis" the Cat Sanctuary.


Finally round off the day with a visit to the Mob/XP grinder. There you will find plenty of mobs to stab, disembowel, sweet talk or even throw your kids too because lets face it by the end of a day at Dome City Farm those kids are going to be driving you insane with "I'm bored" and "this is crap" and "I miss playing with my Wii".


Even Commander Jane Shepard took time out from battling the Reapers and shagging everything that moves to visit Dome City Farm.

Later that day :-

Little Ginny : well that was crap
Gerald : Yeah just a bit and I am sorry about what Sebastian got up to with that sheep it was really uncalled for.
Little Ginny : Yeah what was that all about ? was he trying to jump over the sheep from behind ?
Gerald : Erm Erm lets not talk about it.

Yep Dome City Farm is the place to be so come visit today but don't you dare get up to anything iffy with our sheep, the Deputy Mayor is the jealous type.


Dome City Amusement Park, this is honest to god the last dome ........ well all right maybe one more after this with a jungle setting. But then that is it, honest it is really.

Ranger X

@Ranger X

So, if you create a new world now there are no mega caves to be found? :(

In my post, I was talking about my SSP world. It was created in September of 2010 and I've been cave tripping the Alpha/Beta chunks of it.

Of course there are caves in new worlds. They are even better in fact. It's just that I think there's too many mineshafts now.

I have to disagree with you on this one Ranger, I love the addition of mineshafts. They add a new aspect to spelunking that I like alot. In 1.0 they seemed to be everywhere but since 1.1 they seem much more toned down to me. I get excited every time I break into a new mineshaft because I know that I:

1. There are cave spiders around, time to be on my toes
2. I'm getting free tracks, I now have no problem using iron for tools anymore
3. Free planks and fences
4. There are going to be a few chests with loot around, time to search for them

And the actual caves themselves seem just as long, huge, and robust as they used to be. The additions of mineshafts and underground ravines makes spelunking much more fun for me since 1.1. I wouldn't want to ever go back to how it used to be before them.

I LOVE mineshafts. What I don't like is that there is too many of them. It dimishes the reward feeling + creates more repetitive layouts. So all in all, this makes me prefer the spelunking of older versions. They also totally remove the usefulness of trees! You get so much wood in there it's unbelievable. If they'd cut the number of Mineshaft like by 3 or so, it would fuck awesome. I should actually try to mod that myself if ever they never fix this.

Ranger X

Caves are remarkably repetitive in and of themselves, so I find that to be a very strange position to hold.

Depends how we define "same". I've never ever seen a cave the same as another. The corridors and rooms are always different. But if you take it as corridors and rooms only, of course they are the "same".


Caves are remarkably repetitive in and of themselves, so I find that to be a very strange position to hold.
Depends how we define "same". I've never ever seen a cave the same as another. The corridors and rooms are always different. But if you take it as corridors and rooms only, of course they are the "same".

Yeah, I don't feel that they are too repetitive, unless something changed.

If anything, the introduction of (underground?) ravines and/or rivers and/or minecrafts should make caves have more variety. I remember I used to tunnel through caves trying to mark my way for long periods of time, and wondering if I was ever going to find my way back out.

Sometimes there are high drops down into rooms, and sometimes longer "straight" corridors...or maybe you are suggesting there should be more variety to the blocks that make up caves themselves, like moss growing on things?
Depends how we define "same". I've never ever seen a cave the same as another. The corridors and rooms are always different. But if you take it as corridors and rooms only, of course they are the "same".

It is all corridors and rooms. Sure, they're slightly different shapes, but they're just slightly different shapes. Spelunking used to be my favorite part of the game. I'd appreciate some more mineshaftiness in my Minecraft. Would make exploring caves fun again.

Exploring above-ground is still worth it.

Ranger X

It is all corridors and rooms. Sure, they're slightly different shapes, but they're just slightly different shapes. Spelunking used to be my favorite part of the game. I'd appreciate some more mineshaftiness in my Minecraft. Would make exploring caves fun again.

Exploring above-ground is still worth it.

So, to speak Togglesworlh, the "ever slightly changing shape" of corridors and rooms for me is less repetitive than the "always same shape" corridors and room of a mineshaft in today's minecraft. It's a very delicate balance after all. We need those ravines, mineshafts and other special things in the terrain algorythm but just at the right dose. Right now there's too many mineshafts for my taste.


Anyone have recommendations for the better Minecraft server hosts? Akliz.net looks like it has decent pricing and I found a couple favorable reviews.


So, to speak Togglesworlh, the "ever slightly changing shape" of corridors and rooms for me is less repetitive than the "always same shape" corridors and room of a mineshaft in today's minecraft. It's a very delicate balance after all. We need those ravines, mineshafts and other special things in the terrain algorythm but just at the right dose. Right now there's too many mineshafts for my taste.
This is why I think it would be cool if they added (or brought back?) user terrain tuning options, so you could use sliders to determine if you wanted less/more floating islands, less/more mineshafts, etc.

Side note, is there any way to bring back the ability to hold down the attack button to attack? I thought it used to work that way long ago.
So, to speak Togglesworlh, the "ever slightly changing shape" of corridors and rooms for me is less repetitive than the "always same shape" corridors and room of a mineshaft in today's minecraft. It's a very delicate balance after all. We need those ravines, mineshafts and other special things in the terrain algorythm but just at the right dose. Right now there's too many mineshafts for my taste.

Like I said, I have yet to see any. I've probably done a total of about five hours of cave exploration since that stuff was introduced, though. Maybe you only see them at five hours and one minute.


Did they reduce sapling rates? I made a new world and spawned in a bunch of those tall trees. They seem to give VERY few saplings when I break all the leaves.

Like I said, I have yet to see any. I've probably done a total of about five hours of cave exploration since that stuff was introduced, though. Maybe you only see them at five hours and one minute.
Is this all the same world or did you try creating more than one?


Wow, endermen are creepy AND murderous. I poked the thing and it killed me after a bit of teleporting and fighting.

Is there a way to run by holding a key instead of double tapping? Wiki doesn't seem to think so.


I'm working on a bigger farm, and I'm doing 2 colors per sheep pen. I haven't started coloring them for that yet. Still need to plant the seeds and get some rows of sugar cane going once I clear out some more land. But this is going to produce more supplies than I will hopefully need.


Ranger X

This is why I think it would be cool if they added (or brought back?) user terrain tuning options, so you could use sliders to determine if you wanted less/more floating islands, less/more mineshafts, etc.

YES. That would be a perfect and easy to do. I dunno why devs are fearing options. Options always make your project better.


YES. That would be a perfect and easy to do. I dunno why devs are fearing options. Options always make your project better.
I don't know anything about programming but I'd think it's about the good old "the more moving parts, the more problems/flaws/bugs/glitches".
Thanks guys. Can't seem to get it working on the new snapshot though (on MAC) getting a black screen. Read something saying i might need a modloader, ill try more stuff later, UFC time!.

The latest Rei's minimap is only compatible with 1.1. If you are using a later version (or the newest snapshot) then it won't work because it hasn't been updated yet.


I don't know anything about programming but I'd think it's about the good old "the more moving parts, the more problems/flaws/bugs/glitches".
Perhaps, but in Minecraft's case I am guessing that it is literally something like "5% chance of strongholds per chunk, 40% chance of mineshafts per chunk". If Sir Toggle is only working in one world (which he hasn't confirmed yet), then that might explain why he hasn't seen any, since maybe the seed didn't hit the right random numbers for him.

At any rate, if there were such a percentage it would be simple to adjust it via sliders, but I don't know the details of the Minecraft code.

Ranger X

Yeah I supposed that, just like the height max for the world, the number of strongholds and whatnot that are generated is simply a matter of changing a variable. It's super easy to make options of such things.


Uh, because it's not that simple.
How do you know? Apparently it's possible to simply disable mineshafts, and how do you know there's not just a variable that determines how common they are? Like, I don't mean to be rude, but it seems possible to me that it -is- that simple, so I wondered if you had some background knowledge I didn't or something. :p

The mod in question is here:


Uh, because it's not that simple.
I think it would be as easy as setting up a menu screen with a few sliders that simply set constants that are already chosen at map creation anyway. I mean, the floating islands thing isn't going to be easy without post-processing which is pretty much impossible in real-time, but the mineshafts are probably chosen based on some set percentage number. (Remember they were much more common and they turned it down later.)
I think it would be as easy as setting up a menu screen with a few sliders that simply set constants that are already chosen at map creation anyway. I mean, the floating islands thing isn't going to be easy without post-processing which is pretty much impossible in real-time, but the mineshafts are probably chosen based on some set percentage number. (Remember they were much more common and they turned it down later.)

Sure, the front-end of it is entirely simple and easy to do. It's the stuff in the back that may or may not be extremely difficult. Maybe you can easily turn of mineshafts altogether, and maybe reducing the frequency on their end isn't so difficult, but also maybe reducing the frequency at a user's whim could screw with the world generation as a whole. Maybe not. It entirely depends on how well they set everything up to handle changes in world generation settings.

Ideally, things would run along smoothly. Not everything is ideal.


Sure, the front-end of it is entirely simple and easy to do. It's the stuff in the back that may or may not be extremely difficult. Maybe you can easily turn of mineshafts altogether, and maybe reducing the frequency on their end isn't so difficult, but also maybe reducing the frequency at a user's whim could screw with the world generation as a whole. Maybe not. It entirely depends on how well they set everything up to handle changes in world generation settings.

Ideally, things would run along smoothly. Not everything is ideal.
This is fair enough. Maybe Mojang is trying to prevent people from creating broken worlds with extreme slider values.

Ranger X

Sure, the front-end of it is entirely simple and easy to do. It's the stuff in the back that may or may not be extremely difficult. Maybe you can easily turn of mineshafts altogether, and maybe reducing the frequency on their end isn't so difficult, but also maybe reducing the frequency at a user's whim could screw with the world generation as a whole. Maybe not. It entirely depends on how well they set everything up to handle changes in world generation settings.

Ideally, things would run along smoothly. Not everything is ideal.

It's like you say there. I never meant it's not possible that it's complicated. Just chances are that it's easy if their programming is well done / well thought out. We already have a hint at their structure since they have an option for "no structures" at world creation. At least it means there's a class like "structures" or something that, like a boolean, can be turned on and off. Normally, pretty much everything in the terrain generation should be accessible by some simple variable, I mean, controllable. It's probably more a question of Mojang not seeing the real incentive to give people such options. Maybe those options are also planned out but they wait for the mod support update maybe. I hope so at least.
It's like you say there. I never meant it's not possible that it's complicated. Just chances are that it's easy if their programming is well done / well thought out. We already have a hint at their structure since they have an option for "no structures" at world creation. At least it means there's a class like "structures" or something that, like a boolean, can be turned on and off. Normally, pretty much everything in the terrain generation should be accessible by some simple variable, I mean, controllable. It's probably more a question of Mojang not seeing the real incentive to give people such options. Maybe those options are also planned out but they wait for the mod support update maybe. I hope so at least.

Could be any or all of those things, could be none. I would assume that it wouldn't be too hard, but a lot of what modders have to say about the code they've modified themselves isn't always good.


Sure, the front-end of it is entirely simple and easy to do. It's the stuff in the back that may or may not be extremely difficult. Maybe you can easily turn of mineshafts altogether, and maybe reducing the frequency on their end isn't so difficult, but also maybe reducing the frequency at a user's whim could screw with the world generation as a whole. Maybe not. It entirely depends on how well they set everything up to handle changes in world generation settings.

Ideally, things would run along smoothly. Not everything is ideal.
It would only be adjustable at the beginning when you create a world. Not during the game.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
I dont worry about the details of what's in the world. I just explore the shit out of it and be surprised at what I find.

Yeah this is me. Minecraft is a game that I just load up and enjoy, rather than contemplate what could be different or better. I have fun with it.
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