•Mobs can now spawn on top slabs and upside down stairs
Uh oh. There's some work to be done.
Wow, string is almost invisible.
•Mobs can now spawn on top slabs and upside down stairs
k,i'll store materials for the potion house then i'll get charlie to take it off.
sound good?
You guys know that the update is August first right?
Now for the server, with the current map becoming huge and difficult to work with for mapping purposes and surely other things, and the massive changes in terrain generation and in the game in general, is there any consideration of starting a new map in the near-ish future ? just asking.
Stack up to 16 now
Crafting now gives 3 signs instead of 1
Are not broken by lilypads anymore, instead they run straight through the lilypad now, breaking and sometimes dropping it
Are less glitchy and more responsive now
Increased maximum speed
When exiting, players will be moved from the boat
When broken, they drop a boat now
Yes. Yes! YES! As soon as this update hits I'm back on the wagonAdded large biomes world type, increasing biome sizes immensely
Yes. Yes! YES! As soon as this update hits I'm back on the wagon
Now for the server, with the current map becoming huge and difficult to work with for mapping purposes and surely other things, and the massive changes in terrain generation and in the game in general, is there any consideration of starting a new map in the near-ish future ? just asking.
Unreal... How long did it take to build the city?
And they are immense too. I actually like the current (normal) size of biomes, gives good variety and I like a regular change of scenery.
I am kinda torn on the issue of having a server reset. The last server reset I was all for it but now thinking back I think we lost way too much. Even today the world we have now isn't close to how fantastic the old world was. I get the feeling another world reset so soon will do more harm than good
How can you tell if optfine is working? I have a dual core netbook so I downlaoded the a7 multicore..but want to know how to see if it works or not?
I read the op and I didn't see any specific rules or anything (beyond ones that are common sense and don't need to be stated like no griefing and such) and I'd think it would be weird for me to just barge into the server where no one knows me and start poking around and looking at everyone's buildings, so is there anything I should know if I wanted to join up with you guys?
Now for the server, with the current map becoming huge and difficult to work with for mapping purposes and surely other things, and the massive changes in terrain generation and in the game in general, is there any consideration of starting a new map in the near-ish future ? just asking.
As for starting over.
Fuck no.
Changed a few things to fight bugs, which now causes them to appear to update slightly slower - some contraptions may require changes to signal timing
It's good old Minecraft... but 1.7.3
Are you talking to me? So I should not buy more points and use my current 300 on FC??
Ranger X was talking about the new update to the Xbox version which is going to hit in about a weeks time. This update will be free for all existing owners of the Xbox version. So if you want to go ahead and buy Minecraft now you can do and you will still get the update.
As for what it is like, I can't really say since I don't own an Xbox. However from what I have read it is a good implementation of Minecraft on the xbox. There are several limitations such as a smaller world and the xbox version currently has way less features than the PC version (hopefully that will change with each new update that are going to be free). On the plus side the performance of the Xbox version is a lot better than the PC version.
I know that feel bro. My laptop can't play Minecraft at a decent framerate without Optifine, and it's impossible to play on servers. I have to wait until next year to build a PC.Sigh... i cannot play Minecraft on this laptop for it crashes this every single time i try to play it. Since Beta 1...8? Something like that anyway, and still does. Might be related to overheating but considering i run the game on powersaver mode (so FPS capped to 40 or so) and have limited maximum processor usage and that many other games don't crash my laptop even if they make it run hot is odd.
For some reason, i don't have any hopes of 1.3 fixing this.
I know that feel bro. My laptop can't play Minecraft at a decent framerate without Optifine, and it's impossible to play on servers. I have to wait until next year to build a PC.![]()
I only ask cause MC runs like poop on both my systems.
I know that feel bro. My laptop can't play Minecraft at a decent framerate without Optifine, and it's impossible to play on servers. I have to wait until next year to build a PC.![]()
I used Magic Launcher. I stopped playing when Minecraft updated, but Magic Launcher didn't, and I was like "Nope, not dealing with this."How do you correctly install optfine and such? I did it and I log in and the sound sounds like a evil or something (pretty much a fast stuttering) and the FPS I get is no different...unless I am downloading the wrong version..a7 multicore...?
I know that feel bro. My laptop can't play Minecraft at a decent framerate without Optifine, and it's impossible to play on servers. I have to wait until next year to build a PC.![]()
Anyone?So, once I've got Optifine (multi-core version) up and running, which of the billion settings to I need to tweak to make things start running better? Or is it already preset to a good level?
That is the real dealbreaker for me. I would never EVER pay for the Xbox version, due to the limited world alone. That one aspect entirely kills one of the most beautiful and attractive aspects of the game to me: LIMITLESS EXPLORATION.
For me, the PC version is FAR superior, and quite a different game altogether. I wouldn't play the Xbox version for free, LOL.
can i blow it up?
Tbh i wouldn't fool with optifine me and artist tried it and it didn't work out for both of us.
in fact it was so bad for him it took him 10 minutes to fully load a screen for his harvester.
The obsidian skeleton would remain intact. I'd just have to smelt another desert or two.
Sigh... i cannot play Minecraft on this laptop for it crashes this every single time i try to play it. Since Beta 1...8? Something like that anyway, and still does. Might be related to overheating but considering i run the game on powersaver mode (so FPS capped to 40 or so) and have limited maximum processor usage and that many other games don't crash my laptop even if they make it run hot is odd.
For some reason, i don't have any hopes of 1.3 fixing this.
Does it crash immediately after loading the world, or only after a few minutes? And does it crash when you try making a new world? And is it the program itself crashing, or the whole dang computer?
Also, I'll suggest the old tech standbys of cleaning out your heatsink and making sure none of your fans stopped working.
LOL, looks amazing. What's the 0.01%? Swap to peaceful in a pinch?