sethome works right?
Yeah /sethome and /home work it's just the beds that are buggered to hell and back a bit like Mojangs servers right now grrrrrr. Apparently a guy called Mollstam is working on it whilst getting drunk on Cointreau it seems. God I am sooooooooo bored, I would play Mass Effect 3 but that is shit. I could go on my exercise bike but it is 11pm I can't even browse reddit for cat pictures because they are down too because apparently the whole god damn internet now resides on Amazons shitty servers ....... calm blue ocean, calm blue ocean with big wobbly domes.
Meanwhile if you want a laugh go to and book a hotel room, I am seriously NOT making that up. The Amazon service is so screwed right now that goes to a bloody hotel booking site. Here is a screenshot :-