Basically, I have no idea what's going on. I'm restarting, and it says the server is working, but I was only able to connect this morning. I'm trying to get this sorted. I'm going to get some time off work next week, so I need it up so I can actually play a little!
I'm thinking the issue must be something with McMyAdmin, so if an update gets pushed, I will get that going as soon as possible.
Just now I tried to restart, and the wrapper just lingered on a "waiting to restart" message. Something is seriously wrong.
Anyway, no fears for you guys. If the server goes down, it will be because I'm not paying for it, or has stopped providing services. I don't think either will happen anytime soon, and if they do, I would do my best to transition to a new server for everybody.
It's a huge server now, and it has been around through many updates including some before GAF was invited. I hope the map size isn't an issue...
As for the map render, I have a couple, and they're fucking huge. They got too big for tumblr a couple months ago, and now they're too big for mediafire. I will get an alt up soon. As always, my excuse is that I'm working way past full-time, so I'm either out when it's late, or at home sleeping and taking care of my dog. Hence my lack of appearances on the server!
Hopefully I'll get this sorted and I'll see some of you on there tomorrow morning. Right now I'm having a post-work beer before heading out.