Falt said:Could someone post the Civil War server address? Sounds like fun!
Also, is there any where I can read up on the game type? Rules and what not.
It's been a while since I've played. I jumped onto Exano's server recently and so much had changed but it was mighty lonely.
webrunner said:Some people are saying that there's some interesting quirks about the power tracks that might help:
1- They seem to go a lot faster if you're already going faster (someone said alternating booster-detector-booster, someone else said boost after a hill)
2- They go a lot faster if you are in the cart than if it is full.
If you have an unpowered booster rail on a hill, and then drop a cart down said hill, the brake would stop it, correct?
Now, what happens if you then power the rail? Would it get going because gravity itself would move the cart and the brake is no longer in play? Or would the nature of the booster keep it from moving?
Maybe booster-regular track-booster-regular-track-booster will get it up to a decent speed?Vlad said:I just tested #2 and it's... well, half-right. The cart doesn't really go faster, but it keeps its momentum for MUCH longer. I was able to go at least 30 blocks on flat track off a single booster, and I only stopped because I ran out of track. It definitely felt a whole lot slower than using the old-style boosters. So, I wonder if the powered rails will work better for moving carts around over small distances (like inside stations), but it'll be better to use the old-style boosters for getting the speed up for long trips, which would be a workable solution.
As far as number one goes, booster-detector seems to be a bit wasteful. I've already seen a lot of people on the MC forums that think that's the best way to have a booster always on. It's MUCH easier to just stick a redstone torch directly adjacent to the booster track.
Vlad said:Yeah, you guessed right. The brake on the incline holds the cart in place, and powering the rail lets the cart roll downhill. It doesn't gain any speed boost beyond what would be given to it on a normal incline, but it does look to be a good way to have some control over the cart direction using these.
Vlad said:Oh, it gets better. Minepedia has the patch notes up, too, and as always, there's more than what Notch mentioned. What I think makes this the official Best Update Ever:
Also, I noticed that when a chicken laid an egg, there was a distinct popping sound. Kind of like when you pick up an item, but deeper and more pronounced. Has that always happened?
Pinko Marx said:Also my game auto updated to 1.5, how am I spose to get on the server? ;-;
To compensate, you now get two (instead of one) when you craft them.ConvenientBox said:Hmm seems you can't staggar ladders now, I have to make twice as many now! GRR
ConvenientBox said:Hmm seems you can't staggar ladders now, I have to make twice as many now! GRR
CaptainAhab said:No word on making the bed a movable spawn?
webrunner said:Occasionally along the track I have a few booster-track-booster-track-booster setups to keep it going. It seems to go at about the same speed as my previous system so I would say the doomsaying about the new tracks is unfounded: they just need a bit of creativity (far less then you need to make a working glitch booster system..)
Ranger X said:I don't see the update notes on Minepedia. In the update&events section the lastest is 1.4.1
About the bolded, yes it was always like this.
evilgreg said:Good timing for 1.5 to come out, I was just starting to think about settling into a long-term single player map because I can't take the instability of multiplayer servers anymore (see: Asscraft - still no commands, and GAFland - RIP).
I kind of want one giant island in the middle of an ocean that I can build hatches and structures on while running from evil smoke monsters.
Anyone have a good seed I should start off with?
Thanks, I'll try it out.rdelaney said:I just started a single player world on seed: -9028489474908844496
There is no giant island as far as I can tell, but it is an awesome spawn and there is a good size ocean nearby!
Mikor said:Current list of known identified bugs for 1.5 SMP:
3. grass side fix doesnt work- the color is stuck the same - Xun, maybe that's what you're seeing?
10. for some people weather never shows up
17. weather effects are extremely rare in general
mrklaw said:For someone that hasn't heavily invested in mine carts, is the new system simpler/better than the old boosters and/or something like craft book? How about resource requirements? Seems to need a lot of gold. And this might seem a silly question, but how do you actually get in - do you have to push it and jump - no way to get in while stationary and then push a button to go?
Love that shift-click thing though, will speed up inventory management a lot.
yes, this sucks. i have to fix all my ladders nowConvenientBox said:Hmm seems you can't staggar ladders now, I have to make twice as many now! GRR
Interesting. I can already see how this might work for a station. For example:Vlad said:Oh, and a note on the powered rails! It looks like they CAN be used as launchers after all. You just have to have the powered rail be up against a block (so it has to be the last track in a line) and it'll get the cart moving on its own.
Mikor said:Could be correct about that, Vlad. Regardless, the chunk render errors related to advanced OpenGL and the broken snow is enough to be considered gamebreaking, from a server-admin standpoint. Imagine if it started snowing on a Faction's territory? You'd be prevented from building on your own land. Not good.
Suikoguy said:Notch says he is not paying attention to any bugs until after he finished Portal 2... I think you are supposed to keep those things to yourself...
Would be different if he was not charging for the game.
Suikoguy said:Notch says he is not paying attention to any bugs until after he finished Portal 2... I think you are supposed to keep those things to yourself...
Would be different if he was not charging for the game.
webrunner said:i think it only snows on snow biomes anyway so it's not that big of a deal.
bengraven said:He'll be done by tonight.
Shit, he's probably done now.
Suikoguy said:... it's that short?
webrunner said:It's about 8 hours for SP, and a similar in length coop campaign.
Mikor said:Could be correct about that, Vlad. Regardless, the chunk render errors related to advanced OpenGL and the broken snow is enough to be considered gamebreaking, from a server-admin standpoint. Imagine if it started snowing on a Faction's territory? You'd be prevented from building on your own land. Not good.
Suikoguy said:... it's that short?
Vlad said:Or you could just, you know, clear the snow off the block and then build on the cleared land.
For all we know, it's intentional behavior. It doesn't take THAT long to clear the snow layer off stuff (even less when you've got a shovel).
Willy105 said:None of the servers of the OP work. I am not pleased.
Mikor said:Can anyone confirm this? Still doesn't fix the potential x-ray exploit that the chunk rendering error produces, but at least that's one more bug that can be considered "non-game-breaking" for a server concept like ours...
Vlad said:Or you could just, you know, clear the snow off the block and then build on the cleared land.
For all we know, it's intentional behavior. It doesn't take THAT long to clear the snow layer off stuff (even less when you've got a shovel).
Eccocid said:yeah servers are not working and singleplayer is so boringi feel like alone in a mmorpg :/
ZZMitch said:Can any one lead me to a map viewer (like cartographer) that works for 1.5?
Suikoguy said:That's not that bad, would take me a few days then... can't sit and play a game anymore for 8 hours. hehe
I forget he has a team working on things now.