Flim Flam said:
Exano or Mikor, can you check on the status of the Civil Wars server please? I got booted out about 2 hours ago and haven't been able to log back in!
We're up and running, folks, server got caught in a timeout loop, sorry.
To the posters complaining about 1.5 updates, I'm sorry you're having to experience the typical "Mojang content update experience" (a.k.a. a few features in, about twice as many bugs). As tempting as I know it is to try out all the new toys, their initial introduction to MC is typically bugged and is normally at best broken and at worst corrupts world saves and player files in SMP. This is nothing new to MC's dev cycle, and it's something long time players (especially SMP players) just have to grow accustomed to - that's how Notch operates. We ARE still his testers, after all.
That being said, I hope everyone who's playing 1.5 single player is enjoying themselves - hopefully he'll increase the chances for weather effects a fair bit so people can actually SEE them every so often lol