onken said:OK so I went out, punched a sheep, dug out a cave, made a workbench, made a furnace, made some charcoal(!?) made a door to keep the monsters out. Got to sunrise, went wandering about and got blown up by a cactus. Is that it, did I lose all my stuff? What do I do at night while I'm waiting for sunrise? Wool isn't very good at carving out caves. How do I make fire? Why is this game so hard?
Mik2121 suggestion is mighty excellent but you can also craft yourself a bed (3 wools on top of 3 wooden plank) and skip the night if need be. Make sure to have your bed in a well lit place and if the bed touches the corner of your wall, make sure the corner itself is at least one block deep. (or else monsters will wake you up at night)
About the difficulty, Minecraft is not a hard game but it is extreme. When you know you way around it's easy but one mistake can cost you greatly. It creates a tension while you play and this becomes part of why people are getting addicted imo.