NeoCraft (or Arks server) is a NeoGAF Minecraft server where all can come and enjoy building with a great community!
The server is hosted in the UK, London and holds a maximum of 15-players, we also have a Ventrilo server which only holds 10-players. In an attempt to reduce griefng to an absolute minimum, we also have a ranking system which goes as follows:
1) Peasant - The default rank you will be assigned to upon joining the server for the first time. Peasants cannot lock chests or doors.
2) Citizen - Could otherwise be called a full member rank. You can do everything a Peasant can do and more! Oh, and you get a green coloured name.
3) Donator - Can do everything a Citizen and Peasant can do, but has an orange coloured name instead, and bragging rights that youve donated.
4) Moderator - Speaks for itself really.
5) Admin - Almighty and powerful.
Now we all know that vanilla Minecraft is the best Minecraft, so what weve done is add in just a few addons to make your survival multiplayer experience the best it could possibly be.
1) Bukkit - The heart of the server, controls just about everything.
2) WorldGuard - Anti-griefing addon
3) WorldEdit - Lets us undo any griefing attempts, fix broken water, the possibilities with this addon are endless.
4) Lockette - Want to lock your chests to stop people from stealing stuff? Go ahead and do it by placing a sign either next, or in front of your chest and write [Private] on the first line.
5) iChat - Coloured names and groups!
6) ScheduledAnnouncer - You have no excuse for being an idiot when we have this addon running, and this post.
7) Weathergod - Control the weather? Control the weather.
Server IPs (Quote to view):
Just before you jump in and start building tonnes of stuff, take a note of these few rules and pointers:
You can access the rules in-game by typing /rules. But essentially, dont be an idiot and never, ever leave floating trees around. Its been told in ancient legends the the Sun God covers the dwelling of any floating tree leaver in a thick layer of bedrock.
When you spawn, turn around and you will see the NeoCraft train station (although there are no trains running through it at the moment), underneath that station are the community chests. Where anyone and everyone can dump their unwanted materials for others to benefit.
The cartograph map of NeoCraft should go here, but it would be pointless. The server changes so much with each passing day its difficult to keep up with it.
The server doesnt run itself. Weve already received a number of donations from the community. Any and all donations go directly to the server fees, no where else. Any donation amount is accepted and we greatly appreciate them. Also, please remember to include your Minecraft name with your donation so that you can be moved to the Donator group.
With all said and done, I command you to go and play right this second.