Ferrio said:
That looks really good. I've got several I switch through when I want something different, but I'm gonna add it to my collection and try it out, thanks.
Ferrio said:
To join the Civil War server, you have to post in the MC forums thread to apply for gray listing. From then, you can be a nomad or join a faction. You can still check out some stuff before you are gray listed, but you won't be able to destroy/place blocks, etc. That actually works out a bit because it gives some time to check the wiki/forums and ask questions which can be answered by "veteran" players.Ether_Snake said:I'd like to join Civil War, how do I proceed? Been a while since I played MC, back to right before portals were added.
drizzle said:All I want is the glass texture tho. How would I even go about doing that?
I knew back on pre 1.5 days, where I had to open the minecraft .jar and replace textures. Now, with the new stuff, I have no idea how to change ONE thing only.
xelios said:I think you misunderstood. I don't give a damn what texture pack anyone uses or what materials they build out of, I give a damn when they condescend others for what they build because they don't like a certain texture -- when the fix for that is editing the .png yourself to something more attractive, getting a texture pack, or just dealing with it and letting others express their own creativity. There are several ways you don't have to look at an ugly cobblestone texture without telling someone, "I don't like it. Don't use it."
KillerAJD said:To join the Civil War server, you have to post in the MC forums thread to apply for gray listing. From then, you can be a nomad or join a faction. You can still check out some stuff before you are gray listed, but you won't be able to destroy/place blocks, etc. That actually works out a bit because it gives some time to check the wiki/forums and ask questions which can be answered by "veteran" players.
Calm Killer said:Anyone else having problems connecting to Ark's server? I was online and it starting lagging while I was attacking mobs in a cave. They just stood there looking at me. So I disconnected and re-logged, and only part of the world loaded. Now I get connection errors.
Rabbit Lord said:I feel the exact opposite, I switch between 3 packs. Can't stand the vanilla look.
mcrae said:hey man, im not 100% on this, but i think trees require something liek a 3x3x8 block in order to grow
Cindres said:The only texture pack i ever really liked was the 3D Dot Game Heroes one, looks beautiful and fits Minecraft so well.
drizzle said:I need some goddamn new glass. I hate the default glass skin, and my hacked better glass (an old skin) no longer works. I also, obviously, lost the texture pack I made with it.
Current glass just obstructs my view too damn much.
Qwomo said:I must be the only one who thinks those 128x128 or even 64x64 photorealistic packs look really terribly out of place. Minecraft is blocky! It's supposed to be retro! GeruDoku packs or bust!
But yeah the default 16x16 textures are an abomination, I wish Notch would realize that and give it an overhaul.
I did all of that. I even managed to make a "Texture Pack" for it, with the only difference being the glass.Grinchy said:Hey, I'd be happy to make a terrain.png file if you'd like. I could just edit it into this post if you're interested. Just let me know which texture pack you'd like better glass for. For my default pack, I typically just make it clear glass with a very light blue/white single pixel border but I could use another pack's glass if you'd prefer.
Stitch said:Strange, i found a huuuuuuuugeeee cave not far from my house. I'm playing in this world for months now and never seen it before... oh of course i jumped into lava and all my stuff burned and is forever lost...
Then i tried to find the cave again. When i thought that I've found the entrance i realized that it was another friggin huuuuge cave.
Also went into a cave that I've found before and found lot's of coal and other things...
Does the game create new stuff after a while or what is going on?![]()
Ranger X said:I just found out one of the cause of invisible mobs: Teleporting. (well, maybe you guys knew but I didn't see posts about it)
There was alot of mobs at all my doors in Booty Bay. I teleported back to spawn in order to fill my buckets with water and then teleported back home. The mobs were visually gone but were still there. They make no sound until they attack you. I almost got killed there because there was a creeper that exploded and zombies at my other doors were also waiting. I even killed one of them with arrows! So yeah, teleporting causes invisible mobs...
hahaha I guarantee you've hit my mine. I dug down to 13.6 right behind my house (which is right in front of yours). BTW if you want extra cobble I have a TON of it. I was going to make a trip with a full inventory of it to the community chests anyway.DangerousDave said:I need cobblestone, and minerals, so I started a mine from my volcano house to the... west (i think, Z going negative). From time to time i enter in another people mine, but then I go down to Y = 8, and go up again to 11 when i found a lava lake. I plan to do a tunnel of some thousands blocks, and then go up again and create another house in there.
IrishNinja said:...whoah. i know i was gone for a bit (out of town/played some other games) but uh, what happened to exano's server? i went to the new civil war one from the OP (looks amazing), but is all the old stuff gone? =/
IrishNinja said:...sadness. i thought that one was here to stay.
guess ill check out the new one later, hope that one sticks?
Ether_Snake said:
That Laputa is seriously awesome.Ether_Snake said:
Every aspiration I ever had for my Minecraft constructions just melted away into nothingness.Ether_Snake said:
Kyaw said:Its in the OP.
Quote the servers post to see it.
georgc said:dont see neocraft does it have another name?
Kyaw said:Oh right, its called PonyCraft in OP...
Ether_Snake said:
Ether_Snake said:
Ether_Snake said:
IrishNinja said:i hope it's the permanent server. i know this is what i get for not checking in for over a month or so, i just liked some of the stuff i built in GAFland (and others had much more impressive feats). again, dont mean to be bitching cause the time i spent on the civil war server looked even more awesome, but i do hope server-changing isn't super often.
Which texture pack is used in the video?Ether_Snake said:
This is the ultimate Minecraft video. Dat filter.Ether_Snake said: